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Castle Fedron by Lord Vetka

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I opened this topic to share my experiences with Vetkas scenario Castle Fendron. You can download the map from Stronghold Heaven by following this link, but I will copy the story and the minimap here as well.


These are the story and the minimap.



A castle over looking a valley and the sea shore on the other side, I don't really care about the difficulties, I've always wanted to live in a place over looking the sea, when can I leave for this new home of mine? Is the castle built and ready? Will I have any neighbors? Is there any enemy castles I should know about? Tell me all I need to know lord Belfor, you knew my grandfather, you have been to the castle.


Yes young Lord Fedron I did stay with your grandfather, I helped him to regain Edwins favor, but that was about 10 years ago, I have had word since then, as he started to lose his memory the castle started to fall apart, the last letter was the one telling me of his passing, and of the conditions. His squire and a few loyal peasants have stayed on trying to keep things going, but all that is left is the Keep and walls one tower and a few dairy farms. Edwin is still neutral but Sir Grey is getting ready to try and take your land away from you.


You can leave when you are ready, there is still one village loyal to the Fedron family, they will send you all the wood you need, and they have stone quarries near by, and I am sure they will be willing to send you apples and meat, you can send some troops over to protect them when you get set up. When I was there we were troubled by some bandits, you might want to make sure they do not get in and destroy any more of what is left.


In order for you to live there, you will have to gather goods for tribute, there are enough villages, 10 all together, they all have something you will need, before you can gather all of the goods you will have to take control of the one village that mines iron, it is now owned by the neutral Edwin, to take the village from Edwin means you will have to change his stand from neutral to enemy, you are probably asking your self, how will I do that? Easy, Edwin is very jealous, so if you can get 1200 in honor, that would be enough to put him over the edge, but don't forget, Edwin will become an enemy at that time, so be prepared.


The rest of the details you will have to learn on your own, it will be up to you to decide how to rebuild your castle, defenses should be your priority at first then you can move out and start taking villages at your own pace, the tribute can be sent at any time, you will not be pressed by any time limits. But you will have to decide where to put the tribute until it's ready, 3 stockrooms kept clear of goods you don't need would be a start.


Lord Fedron, I could go on and on but I have told you more than enough to get you started, after all it is now your Kingdom to do as you will. The only advice I could give would be to, take a good look at what you have to work with and what you can get from the villages, most of the villages are run down and will need your help to organize them into usable assets, don't be afraid to knock down a few buildings to make room for what you need.

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If anyone wants to have some fun, I would recommend him playing this scenario, it is really interesting. I like the story, although I didn't read it before playing, but I should have though. :) On the other hand, I think the story is more interesting to me now, after getting this map to know. The thing I missed by not reading the story is that Edwin would attack me with massive army I barely managed to stop. As a result of those fights I lost my breweries in the village I was defending. In fact, one brewery did survive, but that one was destroyed during my fights to take back the village. :angel: :) After this, there was no hope for me to collect the beer, so I had to give up, and load an older saved game. Now I will do it in smarter way - I will prepare myself for those battles, and I will not let Edwin surprise me again!


I like how Vetka designed the map - I am in a castle on a hill (the castle near the sea which can be seen on the minimap), I have one village, which is really needed, and I could also say that each village on the map is needed. In some villages I can find some wheat, in some I can find wool, while in another I have weavers workshops, and in one village that is possessed by Edwin I can get iron and bakeries, which I need to win the game.


The landscape is really great - I like how he put those roads there, and everything. Those cliffs are really interesting, and it is really enjoying to fight on that map, and use advantages of the high ground.


I'm really enjoying this game. :)

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So I made it to win this scenario this evening. :)


I believe it is one of scenarios from Heaven Games that is not rated, but it does deserve it. One can easily see Vetka put some time into this map, and he did a great job. I realize I was telling things like this about Vetkas maps before, but this one is really good. :)

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Hey EaglePrince, very good of you to start a thread about my map, Thank You!


This was meant to be a large fun map with no time limits to play at your own pace, the comments I got on this map say that I got it mostly right, it is a fun map to play, I have played it more than a few times.


I wanted to show how you could use the villages in SH2 to make a fun map, acquiring goods and moving them around is something you will find on more than a few of my maps, along with ques changes and a need to change the Ally status to win the map, making the large tribute makes you use the villages, you have to use the whole map., and most of your brain for a few entertaining hours!


I really like the beach area and the castle setup, a few gardens and fancy trees here and there, the river was a labor of love, I have been to rivers like it, western Canada is an amazing place for natural beauty.


Here's a bit of a challenge for anyone interested, there is a natural error on the map it shouldn't do what it does, can you find the problem? I noticed the problem well after posting the map, it's not a big deal just not natural.


I'm glad you enjoyed my creation, if you want more you know where to look, if you want unusual I have 2 maps that are not made as war maps but are made with the editor, one is a maze with sub games to play and the other is a chase game where you run through sets of lanes to the finish with enemy troops chasing you all the way, the maps are called "A Kings Game" and "Run" and they both have a bunch of eye candy.


Just trying to have some fun:-)

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This sounds pretty good! I'll have to download it sometime and play it soon.


Here's a bit of a challenge for anyone interested, there is a natural error on the map it shouldn't do what it does, can you find the problem?
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Challenge accepted! :)


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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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And I guess I better get to posting it soon along with the other maps I have to post here, fall is here now and I will have more time now. But now there's Crusader 2...:-)


Glad to see someone with some game, I hope you can find the problem, it is sutle.

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This map does deserve the tread for itself. It is a map submitted five years ago, so it is less likely that others here were thinking about playing it, but one could have a real fun playing it. I think I could play it one more time as well, now when I know the map better. I could use those advantages of the high ground better this time.


Well, that is true - where you live, you can see really great landscapes. Here, where I live, everything is plain, and if I wanted to imagine how it used to look before the 20th century - those were mostly marches. People would say that those planes were not much healthy - surely not as healthy as some mountains, but I do love this land. :)


Hmm, I didn't notice anything unnatural - in fact I was all the time admiring how you created a completely natural looking map. Also the river - it is in western part of the map, and most of stuff would take place on other parts of the map, but for those of us who like watching great landscapes, it is a great part of the map. :) Also, how you put the castle - I believe I said it before, I like it how you put it near the coast, and it also makes the whole story way more exciting.


I will try to find the error, although I think I will remain blinded with those nice landscapes. :)


I would like to try those other maps of yours. I might not have much time these days, but as soon as I make it. Also, I can start the map, play it for an hour, save the game, and continue some other day.

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So I guess no one found the error!


Any ideas, it's a subtle error, but there anyway.


It's a natural error, something does what it should not.


It's even the best part of the map! If that doesn't give it away!

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I completely forgot about this, but I've looked and I think I may have spotted it.


Is it the fact that at one part of the river, water flows against the cliff on the left?


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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You are looking at the right thing, just not big enough, look at the whole map!


My clues are getting to easy!

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Congratulations, we have a winner!


Good eye! The river should flow to the sea, not away!


Now, What could you get for a prize?


I could send you a map that will test you, would you like that in Crusader 1.1 or SH2, not quite there yet for SHC2.

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Yeah! :D Although I have to admit - I wouldn't have noticed it if Chris didn't mention water flow. Also, I have to say that it doesn't have to be an error. There are some example in nature where river changes its direction, and start flowing in opposite direction of the sea. We have Niger river for example. It's source is pretty close to see, but across those mountains, so it flows into the desert, and after a while it comes back into Atlantic ocean. This river was really interesting to me, when I was a kid because of this. Also, Danube in Romania - it flows directly into the Black sea, then it turn left (to the north), and than it turn to the east again, thus reaching the Black sea. These things can be unpredictable indeed. Speaking of our situation - for all we know, it is possible that the see is in the south, the east, and the north as well - just after the edge of the map. :)


If I can choose, I think it would be in the mood for a Stronghold 2 map, but I believe that Chris and I should share the prize, as I wouldn't notice it without him mentioning the water flow. :)

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Well, I forgot all about this, I guess I owe you guys a map. You want it in SH2, I could make one or send over a peace map I made a while ago, would that do?

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I third this too, I had completely forgotten. :)


An SH2 map would be great, and a peace map would be the first too.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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I think I have a solution to this, I have 2 maps on my hard drive, a war scenario for EaglePrince and a peace scenario for Lord Chris, give me a few days to get them ready and you will have your prize!


Thanks for playing!

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I look forward to it. It's been a while since I played Stronghold 2, so it will be a great experience.


These days I have played Stronghold 1 - I installed Steam version of Stronghold 1 which I got with Stronghold 3 when I bought it, and I am fighting to set free the kingdom. :) I have defeated Rat, and now Snake is my next target - I am in front of his final castle, while Pig and Wolf are sending their troops to help him. I'd say resistance is futile! :cool:

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A peace scenario will be a change for me, and it will give me a chance to build up my economy - I want to see what the maximum is that the game allows! :D


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Just doing some detailing on the maps, I made them for my own play, so I need to fix them up a bit before I send them to you guys and post them.


I doubt if you will see to much economy in the peace map Chris, you have a tight spot and a few villages to use and I have enough bandits to stop you from using your Lord to remove the camp. If you want to test your economy, try the map "Sea to Sky" you know the map, you made a link for it to the article on playing a skirmish with no Lord.


EaglePrince, if you prefer I could send you a war scenario for SH1, or 2 or 3 scenarios, I have a 3 series continuing story called "Boris the Thief" along with a few more scenarios, even a place your own keep map, I guess I should post some of them here, I forgot about those maps.

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You may have forgotten them, but I did find them at Stronghold Heaven. I'm not sure if I played it, or I just kept it on my PC to play it later, but I remember that name.


Well, now these days I have some more time, so I hope I will be able to do all of these - finish Stronghold 1 campaign, play your Stronghold 1 and Stronghold 2 maps, and to finish Stronghold 3 campaign as well. :) On one hand I feel sad when I don't have enough time to finish all those when I want to, but on the other one, if I did have that time, there would be less missions and scenarios I could play now. :)

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