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Mathew Steel


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This is a quick topic mainly aimed at @EaglePrince as he and I were curious to the outcome of pitch in SHC2 with the new 3D graphics. I can say, the pitch is very good and has been made just like in the first Crusader. It is not all blocks but instead curved :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Please post threads that don't have much discussion value over the PM in future. :)


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In fact, I believe this one doesn't have to be in a PM. Mathew only wanted to share how he's satisfied with how pitch is done in Crusader 2, and I believe I am not the only one who is curious about that.


Could you post a screenshot of pitch, and perhaps one more with a small army burning on that pitch? :)


But only if that doesn't take you much time, of course. :)


I must say, this thing was one I was the most curious about before the game was released.

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It wasn't so much the thread content, it was the way it was phrased which made it harder for anyone else to respond or discuss it as it was a single statement.


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if he put screenshots of the pitch and in use burning people in first post it would be easier for people to comment on it. Also no moats :( pitch will have to replace it now but it wont be the same

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I like pitch, I use it 80% more than moats, so it's not much of a disappointment to me - though obviously moat is better than nothing, just for the sake of variety.


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I loved the moats and drawbridges was such a nice effect and it helped defence specially bow in this case as if it like the original crusader melee units can shop down the walls and moats where the only thing stopping them from storming through

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In SH2 I only really used moats for stopping enemy troops from getting too close to my walls, I rarely used them, only if I had enough gold and space.


But they were certainly very good, and something which I hope firefly add in to some update later on down the line.


The walls I have heard somewhere (I can't remember where) can be broken down by troops.

Edited by Lord_Chris


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I will be sure to add some pictures of the pitch later on. I am currently busy doing work at the moment so when I have time I'll do so :)


And again my apologies for making the thread difficult to reply to. But it seems we've managed to start a conversation over it.


Walls can be broken down by troops, but they must first destroy the crenelated layer first (automatically attached to the wall). This takes much longer than the other layers of wall, and if well defended. The troops will just die while trying, also rebuilding the wall isn't too difficult. I don't reccomend using troops to destroy walls unless you are doing a timed mission where it would take a long time for siege equipment to reach the objective

Edited by Mathew Steel

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I don't use moats myself, I find it makes the game to easy, and moats in the desert...but there is plenty of water on the maps!


Now pitch on the other hand is very useful, it saved me many times although I don't use it much, I find pitch and traps a one hit wonder, that you have to maintain a lot, range units on towers works for me most of the time.


Attacking the walls with melee units is great after you clear the towers, I find it to easy so far.


Right now I'm working my way through the AI characters from the easiest to the Wolf I guess, I went against the Rat first then 2 Rats, then the Shah, then the Shah and a Rat, then Sultana, then Sultana and the Shah, now I'm playing against the Caliph, they are very easy, and I'm testing the economy as well, we could use some better skirmish maps though.

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Well, speaking of AI difficulty, AI opponents in each Stronghold game were easy - they are never equal to human. On the other hand, fighting against seven opponents giving them starting advantage is another story. :)


Speaking of moats - yeah, that is a good argument: why do we want moats in desert; but still, in those deserts we do find enough oasis and some water already (lakes and rivers).


Pitch - I don't know how it works in Stronghold 2, but in Crusader 1 it is very useful - I used it a lot during our battles against AI lords. If your opponent is attacking you with heavy armored troops, pitch can help you a lot.

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