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Mathew Steel

Yr Ymladd Cymru (FINISHED)

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The map "Yr Ymladd Cymru" is finished and has now been submitted (awaiting approval) for download. Everything you need to know will be on the download page once it is uploaded I will leave a link here.


Here are some screenshots of the map for you guys :)













Hope you guys like it so far. Hopefully the whole map will be even better :D


Download link: http://www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/file/161-yr-ymladd-cymru/

Edited by Mathew Steel

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Congratulations Mathew, your map has been uploaded and ready for downloading!


I see you did make some of the changes I suggested, it should work a little better now, a good map worth downloading for a few hours of fun!


Lord Vetka

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Thank you Vetka. I wouldn't say it's perfect as it isn't as difficult as I hoped. But my next one (probably for Crusader II) will be made to perfection before release :D

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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The map is great - I can see you put some time into this, and I like scenario. I haven't finished it yet, but I will soon - now I have finished the mission to rescue William.


After I finish the scenario, I will finish the other Welsh crest you asked for, and I would write a review for the scenario. You really did a great job!

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Great to hear such positive feedback. I did spend a lot of time working on terrain and texture detail, scripting was a pain but Vetka managed to help a bit with that.


I'm glad to hear you like it :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I like it very much - right now I am about to kill Hammer, I took over his northern village.


Also, I wasn't expecting that huge attack after killing the Bull - I did lose two villages during those fights, but after everything I got them back. It's not that I was in danger, but that did slow down the economy for one moment, and my eastern village had to recover - it lost a lot of population.


You did great job with both - map making the map itself, and with the scripting as well!



I've already said it few times, like Stronghold Crusader skirmish the most, but after coming to Stronghold Nation, I saw how one can create great scenarios in Stronghold 2, and those are way more interesting in Stronghold Crusader. If we speak of that aspect of the game, Stronghold 2 is way better than Crusader, and your scenario is another one that shows that fact. :)



I will also post picture of my castle from the game. :)

Edited by EaglePrince

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If we speak of that aspect of the game, Stronghold 2 is way better than Crusader, and your scenario is another one that shows that fact
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That's just one reason why I love stronghold 2 so much. The editor is so flexible it's brilliant.


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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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So this was my mighty castle! Well, truth to be told, it is not that mighty, but the army that was controlled from that castle was mighty indeed! Also, from this image you can see only the inner castle, while entire economy was protected by two-layer wall.


I really enjoyed playing this game! Thanks Mathew for this great map. :)



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