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Mathew Steel

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Curious to know what everyone is thinking of the game as it gets very close to release. Who's gonna buy it and what your thoughts are on it:)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I'm going to buy it at some point, but I'm not going to straight away if I can help it - and I have a lot to be doing at the moment anyway, not just with the site, so it's not at the top of my priorities yet.


I think overall, it sounds very good. However, I don't like the 'steam' element of the game. The fact it's steam exclusive really puts me off it, even though I do want the game.

Edited by Lord_Chris


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I'll just wait a little, until I read some reviews, and until I hear what others think about the game.


After watching those game-play videos, I don't expect much - they've put out lots of stuff, and it what is putting me away, but still - it can turn out to be a good game, although I'm skeptical.


I haven't seen any maps large enough - there is one they said is huge, but it looks small to me. Also no moats, no laddermen, no siege towers, no tunnelers... Also, they don't give up 3D, even though they are not able to make some features look good in it, after what they just gave up those features. :| The units are still overlapping as wel. But who knows.


Besides that, a game that costs 50 euro is an expensive game, and if I give that money, I would expect it to be perfect.


Also, I don't like what they do with those shields... There are limited number of them, and they are offering some more of them only to those who pre-order the game. We know it wouldn't be a problem to make those features - to make those shields like in Stronghold 2, and also visible to others at multiplayer.


If I was selling something 50 euro, it would have to be perfect, so I expect the same from them.


Just to add - that thing with shields - those shields are indeed least important - what matters most is game-play and features.



For what I have seen by now, the old Crusader might remain better than this new one.

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That's a fair enough reply. I agree with you honestly. But from what I've seen it looks good. I'll be writing a review after a few hours of playing it so I'll let you know what it's like when it's released.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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