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Stronghold Crusader Night Mod Review
im working on a mod that adds night enviorment to the game the mod isn't originaly made by me but the original version wasn't already in this forum so i worked a little more on the mod and added some new features and optimizations to it and heres a photo from how it looks like the beta early access version will be available for download very soon -
Stronghold Crusader II, Review!
The long awaited sequel was released today and as promised my review of the game is here. I hope this review will help you decide whether to buy the game or not, or if you'd just like something to read then here we go. After playing the game for 3 hours, playing through the first 2 campaigns and starting the 3rd, also playing 2 matches of skirmish, this is what I have thought of the game so far. First Impressions My first impression of the game automatically made me think of SH3. I thought t -
Stronghold 3 buy info and mini review
if you would like to buy stronghold 3 to see how it is and don't mine using steam I recommend to get it from here This is where I obtain some of my games and has not failed me yet the reason im mentioning this as on steam in ?22 and to be honest I don't think its worth that I like what they done but it all broken in some kind of way mainly multiplayer and the stability so with that gone its replay ability is not much when I last plin Stronghold 3
Stronghold 3 review
Hey, guys. I can see that very little people write about Stronghold 3, although I do believe it does deserve some more attention. Also, many of them have the opinion that Stronghold 3 is simply a bad game, and since I believe it's not true, I decided to write this review. I have also read the review of Mathew Steel. I agree with his review, and I shall comment there about some things he said, to tell what else I think about the Stronghold 3
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