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Mathew Steel

Site Idea

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The idea is simple and you may already have it but I haven't looked very well.


Make a new forum, called Campaigns, then a sub forum for each Stronghold game.


All members may contribute by sending ideas to moderators of the forum. Then the moderators can choose the best walkthrough and create a new topic. For example:


Campaigns - Stronghold 2 - Mission 6 (Olaf Grimtooth Your Time Has Come)


Then in that topic the moderator can paste the walkthrough or multiple walthroughs. For example:


Walkthrough 1: Defence


Walkthrough 2: Attack


Walkthrough 3: Estates


Hope you like the idea, I know it isn't needed as there is a forum to post anything about separate games, but I feel it would be of use when categorising certain topics.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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It's a good idea, but we have a walkthrough section for that in the main site, there is one for each game: http://www.stronghold-nation.com


(site navigation -> articles -> game -> walkthroughs)

Edited by Lord_Chris


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Thought you guys would have thought of that. It was just me being lazy, okay no problem :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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One thing we do have is a place for your saved games in the downloads.


Here you either post a save of your start or later in the map to help other people who are new to the game, and also for people who are new to the game can post a save from a map they are having trouble with, and maybe some one can advise the player how to proceed.

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I'd also like to add - if someone want some help, and he feels need to share his save file with us, he can do that by sharing it with us as an attachment with his message.


I think that save files should be submitted there only if the uploader believes that it could be interesting or useful to someone.

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I think that save files should be submitted there only if the uploader believes that it could be interesting or useful to someone.
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Yes, I agree with that - for missions and game camapigns.etc that would work.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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