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Mathew Steel

Bots Online

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Another quick question. What are online bots? I looked at the bottom of the website and saw these online bots.


Googlebot [bot], PHP [bot], Baiduspider [bot]

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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'Bots' are automated programs that scour websites, some good i.e. Google, some bad - spambots - the google bot being online is what makes our site appear in google because it's checking our site to see what's new, it happens to all websites but some log them as guests instead of bots. The same for the baidu spider, that makes our site appear in the baidu search engine.


The "PHP" bot appearing online is a side effect of the server cron job which changes the quote on the main site every hour.


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