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Lord Vetka

Do you use under rated troops in mass?

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I liked the horsearchers in Crusader but they are not as good here, I would say the archers are a large part of my defences, I do tend to use more than 1 type of troop when attacking, mixing range units with melee troops.


To knock down a gate and send in a large army of spearmen can be fun, as long as you keep sending more!

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Horse Archers provide a good way of killing opponents with little damage to your own army - and are particularly useful for taking out Archers on Stone Walls. I always use archers, especially near the start of a game - I place loads of fletcher's workshops and let them mass produce before moving on - in fact, the other day when we were playing multiplayer, I got to the stage where I was having to sell bows as I had far too many! (over 200 at one point)


I build a couple of towers and leave the archers stationed in them - even when I go out and siege I still often leave the archers there, I hardly ever take them out. I can mass produce them but mainly rely on some of the stronger units (i.e. knights)


When attacking I use more crossbowmen and knights than anything else, occasionally I use a squad or two of pikemen to attack alongside the rest, but not often.


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That's something I have to do more of, I place 2-4 fletchers at the start and maybe 1-2 pole turners, when I should be placing a lot more, to lazy from playing against the AI.


I have 2 armies my defensive army and my attacking army, I never leave my castle undefended, except for when I come up short in the beginning:-) I will even use Militia if I have to.


I wonder how long it would take to win with just Militia and Archers.


"When attacking I use more crossbowmen and knights than anything else, occasionally I use a squad or two of pikemen to attack alongside the rest, but not often." And Trebs and Fire and ballista. :-)

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I will even use Militia if I have to.
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That is one thing I never do. If I ever get any armed peasants, it's to go in front of enemies to make sure my troops don't get injured as much - basically sending them to get killed.


Fletchers are my main source of weapons in the early days, I really mass produce them.


With militia it would take a maximum army size to defeat a swordsman I would think - they really are useless, in no matter what number!


Though I never leave my castle undefended, I do greatly decrease the number of troops guarding it when I attack - I'm not sure why I'm telling you this - you'll probably use it against me ;)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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That's what I use militia for to, stop any enemy troops to give my range units an advantage.


If the large army of militia was backed up by archers then it would be a different story, but to take an enemy castle would be next to impossible.


Hmm, get in behind your attacking force and hit your castle, I might have to remember that =)

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