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HTML description for files in downloads section

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Hi, I meant to ask if it is possible to enable us to choose HTML or BB code for description of our files?


It's not that I want to do something with HTML there, it's just that Stronghold Heaven has HTML descriptions, and if I wanted to submit my files I uploaded there before, I could simply copy the code (and do some minor corrections perhaps).

This way, if I have some more images in those descriptions there, I wouldn't have to "translate" those from HTML to BB code... :)

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Hi, I meant to ask if it is possible to enable us to choose HTML or BB code for description of our files?
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You may use all forum bbcode site-wide (members area, downloads, downloads reviews & comments, forum). HTML is not allowed due to the security risk of allowing users to add HTML descriptions (such as the meta refresh tag which could redirect users to a malicious page - and that's just one example. With bbcode we can be sure that users are restricted and is a lot safer for guests and other users visiting the site. You can see more on the site faq here and the bbcode list is here of all the currently supported codes. We are trying to increase these, so if you have any suggestions please let us know :)


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After your reply I googled a little... There are ways to automatically convert html code to bb code, which is nice, and I'm sure I'm gonna use those. :)


I understand that about html code - there are lots of people who just wait to misuse those great options html offers. :/

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It is certainly a downer, and if only people could be trusted it could be used - but in today's age, you have to assume that every user would do no good if proper restrictions aren't in place - and from what I've seen so far, a lot of guests have attempted just that.


But bbcode is easier than HTML for those people who have no knowledge, and because bbcode is more widespread it's easier to remember.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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