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Sir DavidSpy

Introduction thread

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Hi Aleks welcome to the forums. That's a good first impression, I found myself giggling all through that :D hope you enjoy your time at Stronghold Nation. Be sure to check out the gaming events and the downloads section. I'm sure the other members will be along soon to welcome you.


Best regards,


"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Hey, it's great to see you here! Welcome to Stronghold Nation, community much similar to Stronghold Knight by its hospitality. :) I am sure you're going to like this place where we like to spend some of out time. :)


I'm also hoping to see you on some battle field during one of our gaming events here.

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Wellcome Aleks,


good to see you here. Although I have to admit that I dont remember your name, your avatar struck out to me and rang a bell from the Stronghold Knights.


I hope you will like it here. The spirit of the men of Listibaldia (as the SH Knights also called themselves) lives on at this place and we have many good things and activities going on. :D

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Glad to see you on here, Aleks! :D

...which has resulted in my having some of the worst pings outside of Australia (and whatever black hole Charles lives in)...
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Darn, he finally found my secret on how I can pop up anywhere unexpectedly with reinforcements ... or pizza. :P


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Well, I've already posted on this forum before, but a proper introduction won't hurt.


Hi, my username is Isaiah here. On Stronghold Heavens, I am under the name of Ircher (please don't ask why), and have contributed a few maps there.

I am (at the time of posting), 15 years old and I got the Stronghold Complete Collection as a Christmas gift in 2012 (yes, compared to most of you, I'm new to the games).


I have tried Stronghold, Crusader (and Extreme), Stronghold 2, and Stronghold Legends, but I decided I do not like Stronghold 2 and Stronghold Legends for a few reasns. One, (and remember my opinion is my opinion), I [em]hate[/em] the graphical changes they made; especially the inability to flatten the view like in Stronghold 1. Furthermore, the gameplay is more complicated and even more annoying at times (:glares: at Stronghold 2 for its rats and gong). Finally, whereas the map editor in Stronghold and Crusader were simple to use, not very cryptic, and user-friendly, Stronghold 2 (and Legends)'s map editor is an unneccesary amount more complex than I feel it should be.


Despite my rants about Stronghold 2 and Legends, I have to admit some of the new features are interesting (you can't just complain about something without stating atleast one plus, right? ;) ). I like the idea of estates and honour for instance as those add a new degree of play to the game whilst not making the game overly complex. Furthermore, the autobuy and autosell abilities in Legends is a very nice addition as it decreases the amount of micromanaging. Kingmaker mode is lsingle-player/multiplayer is nice, though I prefer Crusader play. Finally, I really wish you could sleep a single building in Stronghold 1 as you can in Legends.


If any of you give me a [em]VERY GOOD[/em] reason to play Stronghold Legends (Stronghold 2 will never get a second chance due to rats and gong) again and give it another chance, I'd be very interested in hearing it (but please, don't waste my time. If it deals with anything I posted above, I don't want to hear it... except the map editor).


With that aside, let me explain my experience in Stronghold/Crusader.


I have, for the most part, finished Stronghold 1's military campaign (on easy). I say for the most part because I skippe Carving a Path and the End of the Pig completely, and used cheats to complete the final mission (Final Vengeance). Whilst most of you would disapprove of such actions, sieging is obviously not my forte and cheats are there for when you want to continue without losing too many times. To be truthful, I have not played too many maps by others, but rather, I create my own. I know a lot of you will probably bash me for this, but when I create missions, landscaping is [em] SO, SO, SO [/em] BORING. Therefore, I spend only as much time as needed for a playable level as far as map design/landscaping goes. In my opinion, the castle building and defence are much more fun, but many people disagree with me on this; that's okay, this is my introduction post, so I can be as subjective as I want. ;)


In Crusader, I have not gotten far in the Skirmish trail because like I said above, I am awful at sieging castles. Like Stronghold, I spend most of my time in the map editor making missions (once again doing as little landscaping as possible), and playtesting them. While I should try other people's maps, I just cannot bring myself to do it. I'm not sure if I'll like the style or not. Nonetheless, if there are any maps (must be invasion) that are extremely great, then feel free to recommend it to me (whether your recommendation is considered or played is another story -- I'll atleast take a look though). On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate my Crusader abilities as a 4.67 -- 7 defending, 4 Economics, and 3 Sieging/Attacking. I have only finished the Call to Arms historical campaign.


I hope this introduction has revealed a lot more about me (mind you, I don't mean personal info), so you know what to expect from me.

Edited by Isaiah

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Welcome! :)


If any of you give me a VERY GOOD reason to play Stronghold Legends (Stronghold 2 will never get a second chance due to rats and gong) again and give it another chance, I'd be very interested in hearing it
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How about the fantasy troops? And the ability to choose between the three different factions. That's definitely my favourite part of Legends. ;)


How long on average does one map take you?


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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I didn't read all of your message right now, but I will do it later. For now, I just meant to tell that you may not know that you don't have to play Stronghold 2 with gong and rats, you can play scenarios without them, and you can also create new ones without rats and gong. Sir Vet and Lord Chris might know more about those, but even if you have to deal with those, it is easily to do - you only need to build few gong pits and few falconers, and after that you don't have to worry about those two at all! Same applies to crime as well! So I think it does deserve a second chance. :D


There are also few other details which I didn't come to before, but guys from here explained me how to play better, and now I can enjoy the game like I have never enjoyed it before. For example, I was having problem with my village's stockpile getting full of wood, which can be simply solved by shutting down the villages woodcutters. That was a small piece of advice from Lord Vetka. :)

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@Lord_Chris, yes I've considered that but deemed that not good enough of a reason to play. To be truthful, since I don't focus on landscaping too much, finishing the creation of a map takes about 1-2 days. Perhaps you could help me in making good landscapes somewhat quickly (about 2-4 hours maximum for landscaping if you oblige).


@EaglePrince, Yes, I can make scenarios without it, but the map editor is overly complex especially compared to the originals. Furthermore, free-build maps have it turned on which is quite a damper.


Aside - By the way, if we want to discuss the things I stated in my post in further detail, can we please create a new thread for it, as this thread is for introductions, and extended discussions would be off-topic in this thread.


Edit: I'm fine in the criminals & punishment aspect as I find it somewhat fun and doesn't pose as such a nuisance.

Edited by Isaiah

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I have made the thread.


You can answer to this question there, and the new thread. Do you think that a short tutorial "how to disable gong, rats, and crime in Stronghold 2 map" would help? Also, perhaps there is some way to disable those buildings in free build game? Please, if someone knows answer to this question, reply in the new thread, as we don't want to go off topic, like Isaiah mentioned.

Edited by EaglePrince

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Ahoy all. Guess I'll pop in and say a quick hello. I first played Stronghold back around 2002 in a demo that came with a copy of Tropico and remember thinking what a neat game it was. As someone who loves medieval history it was right up my street. About a week ago I heard they'd come out with a Mac version of the Stronghold HD edition and now I'm spending many happy hours with it. Look forward to talking with you all on these forums and a big thank you to Lord Chris for setting up this community and helping me with my questions about registration.

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Welcome to the site! :)


If you're interested in history, we have the perfect thread for you. @Crusader1307 has an outstandingly good History Thread, which you may be interested in reading.


Some of the facts really are incredible!


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Welcome to community, Narrikis! It is a great thing that more players is now able to play the game. I also hope we could meet at some of our gaming events which we make now and then. If you feel need to play it in multiplayer with us feel free to make here a gaming event on your own too! :) Some of us would be able to join.

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Not wishing to muck up the History Thread with the announcement, I have returned! (bad pun to Gen. Douglas MacArthur!)

I have advised Lord Chris (via PM). Seeing that I have placed Articles up to Sept. 8th, I will be available for questions and comments (should you have any). Look forward to some VERY interesting future articles on History - coming soon!


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Welcome @Martarse!


Thank you, we certainly will! ;)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Hello fellow Lordships! I recently purchased the $20 Stronghold pack on steam. Well worth the money, I am hoping you all are having a good day.

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Welcome to The Nation!? If you have any questions please ask. Someone is always around to answer them! Please look around The Forums and different Threads. I am sure you will find something to interest you! :)

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Welcome to SHN, Konstantinov! :) It is indeed worth the money, all four of those for 20 euro, or even less if it's on sale. You're surely to have a lot of fun with those. If you need any help with the missions, or anything regarding how the game works, feel free to ask, and if you feel need to try multiplayer, we can make a gaming event. :)

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A wellcome from me, too, Lord Konstantinov :)


Hope you will enjoy the games and your stay on this site. Feel free to share your adventures. And don't hesitate to ask for help if you need some.

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Hi everyone, I guess it is time to introduce myself properly !


Some nostalgia made e register on this forum because I saw y little brother (who is 11) playing stronghold and I was like : "oh god, I miss old times"


So, my real name is Arthur, I'm french, 20 years old, I've always been good with all scientific stuff and I'm studying engineering in a really good french school (I'm currently doing a stupid boring internship, but it will be soon finished :D)


My stronghold's nickname is Wynette, because it sounds fun in french (they all think I'm a lady which is very amusing), I first played Stronghold 1 when I was very yound, 8 I think, and I really loved this. Later, I started to play a bit of every strongholds, and I got "trained" by a "pro" player of stronghold legends, so I had my favourite one ! Then I entered a great community of gamers trying to find the best economies/strategies for this game, I joined several clans, and then built up mine called "Wyn" (I had other nicknames before, I'm not that selfish :)).


Then, I started Stronghold Kingdoms on day 30 of World 1 under the name of Polire, and I loved that game ! I was a scottish player of House 19 for those who remember beginnings of the game. I was clan leader of a faction Called KoS for King of Scotland which stayed first faction in the game for like 2 years, and I even got King like one month :D?(maybe less I'm not sure anymore). So again, I'm not sure anyone played it, but I fought all the wars between former H19 players and H17, and it was really really great :)


I'm glad to have registered in this forum, I'm really happy to see there are still some stronghold active fans ! It's great what you guys are doing here ! I love this game !



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