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Sir DavidSpy

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Hello, I'm Sir DavidSpy, also known around Stronghold as DavidSpy, RazingHel, and DeKay. I started playing Stronghold back in 2009 when I got the complete collection on PC-DVD. Currently I play and moderate Stronghold Kingdoms, Stronghold Crusader 2 as well as operate a small YouTube channel. I also have a goofy little Stronghold Kingdoms site with a few tips. ;)


You can keep up with my activities on pretty much all social media platforms.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/razinghel/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/razinghel

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/292274564206052/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/razinghel/

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/razinghel/

Discord: https://discord.gg/hEDTMCs

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Welcome to SHN, Sir DavidSpy! :)


It is a pleasure to have you on our site. I hope you enjoy being a member here.


I am known around the stronghold communities under several names as well. If you are visiting from fireflyworlds or Stronghold 2 Heaven, you may know me as "Duke Chris" or "Duke_Chris".


The best part of the games (in my opinion) is modifying them - especially stronghold 2. If anyone needs any SH2 modification help, you know who to come to ;)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Hey there. I'm Strife, which is the name I've gone by in Stronghold Heaven since 2008, and Firefly Worlds since 2009. I got the original Stronghold game back in 2001, and have enjoyed it very much. I've been making maps for the original game and Crusader for some time now, but none of them are very good. What I enjoyed, however, was writing the stories that go along with them, particularly the multi-part series.


Lately, I've been starting another multi-chapter story and some maps for them for the original game, but it's not obligatory for me. I haven't been active lately in Heavengames or Firefly Worlds primarily because of offline priorities.

I've enjoyed a lot of older RTS and city-builder games, mostly Age of Empires I and II, Anno 1503, Fate of the Dragon, and Pharaoh. In Stronghold's case, I enjoy making maps more than playing them.

Another gaming series I like is Bandai Namco Games' "Tales of" RPG series, primarily Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Xillia 2, which I post YouTube videos on occasionally. I've had two videos for Stronghold, which were "How to Make a Ship" and the very low frame-rate capture of a ship battle.

After that, I'm not very into playing different and new games.


I've also been currently working on a new invasion map for SH1, and an SHC skirmish-invasion, both currently in the landscape design process. Here are the minimap shots of them.


The dried sea for the SHC map was inspired by the Strait of Gibraltar and how it had, at one time, a blocking in its path to the Mediterranean Sea, causing a tremendous lowering in sea level.

Again, I'm not in any hurry to finish them, but when I have free time, those are what I'm putting it to.

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Welcome to the site! I hope you have a good time here.


I've been making maps for the original game and Crusader for some time now, but none of them are very good.
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I'm sure they're better than you think, you should upload some. I'm sure some of our members would review them for you if you'd like, they look really good so far ;)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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I've enjoyed a lot of older RTS and city-builder games ... Fate of the Dragon ...
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Fate of the Dragon is a great game that I haven't played much of, and nobody else that I know of that is interested in RTS games or the Three Kingdoms history era has heard of it before. We must speak of this game more later.


Your Stronghold maps, from the minimap, look fine. I've messed around in the map editor from time to time, and it is really quite hard to make terrain as well as some of the top-tier eyecandy map makers out there. I would consider myself an impressionist in the map making art; getting the general idea across for a map without looking too cube-ish is good enough, but also to make the maps fun to play on is perhaps more important in my eyes.


If you want any suggestions or playtesters, I may be able to help a little there. Best of luck on the creative end! :)


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Thanks for the compliments. Sorry for the delayed response. I've always found adding details to the maps very monotonous, but at the same time, the details are primary components of what I look for when I see maps in the download central.


As for as Fate of the Dragon goes, I haven't played much it recently. I've never played a multiplayer game for it, so I have no strategy other than a general idea of build, defend, then counter during skirmishes. I would recall my younger self typing that invincibility cheat and the godblessgreed one because the AI kept attacking me at successive intervals, disallowing me to rebuild my troops beforehand.

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Hi Strife, welcome to the site, glad to have you here!


Those 2 maps look like we should have them posted here, when your ready, let us know, if you need some help to get them completed, you can always ask.


I make a lot of maps but my stories are never very good, maybe we can help each other out some time.


Lord Vetka

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Hi, guys, I saw I introduced myself in a wrong tread. :)


I am EaglePrince - I have the same name at HeavenGames, GameRanger... everywhere. :)


Games I like to play are Stronghold Crusader, Stronghold 1, and also Stronghold 2. These three games are the ones I play the most, but among them, Stronghold Crusader is my favorite one.

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Not at all, you post where you want. The worst that will happen is that it gets moved to another forum, and that's not that bad is it? :)


Lord Vetka only meant that he would split the topic so you could have your own if you'd rather than having to go through his to get to yours.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen,


and thank you for having this open and comfortable inn to rest and reside.

Allow me to introduce myself: Nigel Loring at your service.


I came here following a post at the official Stronhold Forum.

An old time patron of the Dancing Bear Inn at the once proud StrongholdKnights, I sadly learned that that site is no longer active. So I am glad that I have found what seems to be a friendly and active community.


I look forward to getting back into the game and having some fun again,


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It's nice to meet you Nigel. Thank you for registering :)


I'm sure you'll enjoy your time in the forums, any questions just let me or any moderators know. If it's a site related question be sure to make a topic here- http://forums.stronghold-nation.com/forum/32-site-questions-and-support/


If you want to be able to play some SH2 or Crusader matches, be sure to download GameRanger and make an account. If you'd like to play, here is the place to look- http://forums.stronghold-nation.com/forum/30-gaming-events/


As I have said, any questions let me know. Don't be worried to ask :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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@Nigel, Welcome to StrongholdNation :)


We look forward to seeing your contributions to the site, and your much valued posts around the forum.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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I'm xiiMaRcLeoN I started playing Stronghold back in 1993 and was my favourite medival game since then.

So you could call me a veteran and my name here is the same as in Steam, GR and the official SHC2 forum.

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Well, I know I welcomed you in your other thread as well, but it won't do any harm to say it again :)


Welcome to the site!


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Welcome to the forums xiiMaRcLeoN my apologies for not welcoming you sooner in the other thread. Already you are part of a gaming even which so far is still taking place on Saturday, good first impression. Hope you enjoy your time here at the forums :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Greetings to one and all....

I am Achilleslastand and found this nice little SH site via the official FF forums. I started played RTS online around 2003 with AOE2 and came across SH in a local gameshop and bought it as well as Crusader. I logged hundreds of hours playing the 2 titles on gamespy and it was wonderful fun, much better then any kind of a community steam can offer. In 2005 I bought SH2 on release day and in my estimate had logged around 1000 hours if not more playing SH2 online. I played Legends a bit and thought it was merely average and interest didn't hold long.

I havnt played 3 at all but have done a fair bit of multiplayer in SHC2 and hope to see you on the battlefield.

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Welcome to Stronghold Nation, Achilleslastand, glad to see another old Stronghold player came here.

By the way, if you have some time during this weekend we could make a gaming event, so you could meed some of us on battlefield. strategie_zone%2057.gif We could play Crusader if you want? Of course, we can fight one against the other, or we can fight side by side against AI lords giving them huge advantage.

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Very glad to have you on the site @Achilleslastand!


In 2005 I bought SH2 on release day and in my estimate had logged around 1000 hours if not more playing SH2 online.
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We've only just recently started playing online, it's great fun. We often hold multiplayer events, if you ever feel like one you can create it in this forum - sounds like we have another power player ;)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Thanks all.......

I have not played SH2 in at least 2 years if not longer so I may not be a "power player" anymore.


Also a quick question about SH2 and Gameranger.....

One of my complaints about SH2 was when a lord dies in multiplayer and the message "waiting on players" appears and the game seems to hang/freeze forever.

Does this still happen or does using Gameranger instead of Gamespy help?

Edited by Achilleslastand

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Also a quick question about SH2 and Gameranger.....

One of my complaints about SH2 was when a lord dies in multiplayer and the message "waiting on players" appears and the game seems to hang/freeze forever.

Does this still happen or does using Gameranger instead of Gamespy help?

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As far as I know, this doesn't happen. I mean, I played only few games recently, and I haven't noticed such behavior. Only I believe that each time I got killed in a multiplayer game, I was the last one, but I heard none speaking about what you described.

I must also say that I am new to Stronghold 2 multiplayer. :)

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One of my complaints about SH2 was when a lord dies in multiplayer and the message "waiting on players" appears and the game seems to hang/freeze forever.
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This depends on how slow other people's internet connections are (and several similar factors such as how far away you all are) - In that time, it's telling the other games in the chain that the game has ended.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Good morning (or afternoon, or evening, or middle of the night even -although if you're up at this time I imagine it's not going that well for you-) gentlemen (and possibly ladies) of Stronghold Nation. Some of you may know me from ye olde Stronghold Knights, where I had a name rather similar to this one.


I have been playing Stronghold Crusader since 2004 (making it the first game I ever played) and Stronghold (along with Tropico, since the two were sold together) since shortly after that. Since then I've acquired Stronghold 2, Legends, and it-that-must-not-be-named (a.k.a. Stronghold 3).


On a personal note I live in western Canada, which has resulted in my having some of the worst pings outside of Australia (and whatever black hole Charles lives in) and a timezone that is almost as inconvenient. Although we do have poutine and maple syrup, we are sadly lacking in the igloo, moose, and polar bear departments.

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Welcome to the site @Aleks S. I!


You've certainly been playing Stronghold a very long time, even longer than myself. And such a variety too! Which one do you generally play the most?


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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