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Issue connecting to GameRanger

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Hello, I have a problem to enter gamerangaer stronghold 2. When I host or join the game, upon entering multiplayer displays a message that the servers are temporarily unavailable. Someone can help me?

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Maybe it is a temporary problem... :/ Maybe you could try it again with someone.

By the way, which game version do you have? I have tested it versions 1.4 and 1.4.1, and I can also see pother people playing wit those two versions. I guess it should work with other versions as well, but either way, all players must have the same version of the game.

Also, after the game is started by GameRanger, minimize the game, and of the firewall is blocking the game.

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Welcome to the forums! :)


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@jsgg25: It's easier to create a new thread on specific problems :)


By the way, which game version do you have?
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Beat me to it...


Maybe it could be just temporary maintenance, have you been able to reliability repeat it or does it only happen occasionally?


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First of all, thank you very much to both.


The version is 1.4.1, the servers are running because a friend can play.


This occurs since gamespy hill before playing with Steam and am now trying to gameranger but without success.


The firwall is off.


This also happens to me SH Legend.


Sorry I do not speak very well English.


I want to play SH! :?(

Edited by Lord_Chris
Changed Spanish to English

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Unfortunately, nothing else is crossing my mind right now... Did you try to reinstall the game?


If that doesn't help, we should wait for Chris to respond - he is more experienced that I am.


But for now, I can tell this... It is possible that firewall or antivirus causes the problem (some antiviruses could cause problems while playing games in multiplayer). Maybe you could try turning off the antivirus before trying to start the game at GameRanger? Also, speaking about firewall, Stronghold 2 should allowed to communicate through firewall - like this:



I wrote this just in case, but for now it seems like it is up to antivirus or firewall...

Edited by EaglePrince

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If it happens during both attempts, then it's likely game ranger related, or possibly (though I've never heard of it) could be an IP ban, or your IP could have accidently been blacklisted. You can find this at http://whatismyip.com, and you could ask game ranger support if they've blacklisted you here.


I would recommend changing your IP before trying to use GameRanger again. To do this, do the following:


Hold WINDOWS (Icon) + R -> Type "C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" -> When it appears, type "ipconfig/release" (press enter) -> "ipconfig/renew" (press enter)


You may temporarily lose your internet connection, but once you have entered the second command it should come straight back (it does for me).


Also, your gameranger should have updated recently (about one or two weeks ago). If it hasn't updated on your machine then you can download the latest version (to reinstall it) from here


It is possible that firewall or antivirus causes the problem
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The antivirus wouldn't flag gameranger, it's a trusted application and there is nothing suspicious about it really - he says his firewall is off in his last post. That firewall you've taken a picture of is only the simplified version, and doesn't always work. You should really use the advanced firewall in the Microsoft management console, as I did in this topic. But if it happens with more than one game, it's not a game related issue, likely either OS or application related. What is your operating system?



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Thanks Chris.


I've try to reinstall game, gameranger reinstallar, turn off windows firewall and antivirus, firewall add rules, open ports on the router (UDP 16000), ipconfig / release ...


Today I asked 5 players what their operation systems, and all had windows 7.. I have windows 8.


Try compatibility mode but did not work, I can only reinstall windows: (


Any idea prior to this?

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Today I asked 5 players what their operation systems, and all had windows 7.. I have windows 8.
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Try compatibility mode but did not work, I can only reinstall windows: (
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It shouldn't need to come to that. I have Windows 8, and all is well. Though I can only advise you, don't reinstall your operating system with the exception of fatal errors on your machine. Trust me, it can bring up all kinds of problems, and resetting permissions (as well as many other factors) on your PC.


Could you maybe post a screenshot of what happens in this thread? (or better, a link to a video somewhere)


I have searched issues similar and found this thread: http://forums.macnn.com/77/gaming/75254/gameranger-connection-problems/


This appears to suggest it's a ISP issue, so try making sure you have the latest DNS info available from your internet service provider. Here is an excellent guide for that:



And seen as you do not seem to be able to connect, maybe a traceroute will help. Could you type "tracert gameranger.com" in command prompt then give me a screenshot of the result? You are welcome to PM them to me if you don't want to make it visible in the thread.


EDIT: Just realised you can't post links or use the PM until you make 5 posts. I've promoted you, you can now use those features.


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Flushdns did not work.


Link to video of issue:


The video shows what happens when I join. By hosting just happens.




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Hmm, I don't see anything unusual in that traceroute. All seems to be well. And since it's SH2 that you seem to be encountering issues with, it's obviously not related to GameRanger I would think.


By hosting just happens.
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So if you host instead of joining, does it still occur?


What is your username in Stronghold 2? Does it contain any alt codes (I.E. ?, ?, ?.etc)?


One other question: Did you manually open stronghold 2 or did GameRanger open it? If GameRanger opened it then something is probably wrong with your internet connection (as it always goes straight into the lobby room on mine), you should contact your ISP and double check they allow you to play games online.


I don't have SH2 with me now, but if someone else could open it and click the multiplayer option to see what message comes up that would be useful.


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So if you host instead of joining, does it still occur?
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- Yes


What is your username in Stronghold 2? Does it contain any alt codes (I.E. ?, ?, ?.etc)?
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- Today I will check the username.



Yesterday install a virtual machine with windows Xp and within Steam, Stronghold and gameranger, I could play multiplayer without any problems.


I suspect it is the problem of Windows 8, although you indicated to me that you have your windows 8 and you can play for gameranger.


Gameranger and SH2 open correctly, the problem is only in multiplayer mode with SH2... only with SH2, i can play Company Heroes with Gameranger for example.


Other friendo with Windows 8 has the same issue.



Edited by jsgg25

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If you could play within Steam, then it's one of two things:


A.) Steam is allowed through the firewall, thus meaning SH2 is.


B.) SH2 or another needed program has been disallowed through some firewall on your PC


Do you have more than one firewall on your windows 8?


Since Steam can connect, it rules out any router issues, firewall issues (on windows xp) leaving windows 8 to blame. Did you connect through the same router when trying from windows xp?


Try what I do in this topic on the firewall, and see if it helps at all.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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