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The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Today will be a fun day, One of the casinos is having a car show so I will go and enjoy looking at some custom HP older cars and do some gambling for fun, maybe even waist a few dollars on the slots! Last year it was still a regular casino, they had Kiss for a band, this year it has been upgraded to a Hard Rock casino so it could be interesting!


This morning I answered some emails and threads here, this is the last one, then later when I get home I will probably continue making my new Legends map.

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Today, I'm going to attempt the Ice Bucket challenge! Hope it's not as cold as I think it will be :/


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Today I have been making a map for SH2 (not yet finished). Also been playtesting my other map.


Went out on my own for a few hours just to wander about and get some fresh air.


Oh and also got a cheater banned from Steam, so that was fun :D

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I just dislike cheaters (not the animal, I love animals :P ). They ruin gaming communities, and after him thinking he was chocolate abusing other players, I can't say I didn't enjoy going on his profile and seeing he had a VAC Ban :angel:

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I agree with you, you did the right thing. After all, when someone starts a game with cheater, that game is being ruined, and time spent in that game being wasted, and no one would have fun (except the cheater - and that is MAYBE). Also, some people come online not having too much free time to start several multiplayer games in a day...

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Oh and also got a cheater banned from Steam, so that was fun
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You should feel proud. :')


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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I am happy to tell you - I have passed my exam today. :D

I should start preparing for another one soon, but for now I am free to spend some with Stronghold, and you guys. :)

I will also be able to create those crests for Stronghold 2 we were speaking about. :)


By the way, I would suggest this tread to be sticky. ;)

Edited by EaglePrince

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Great news :)


If we get a few more replies I'll make it a sticky.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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I am happy to tell you - I have passed my exam today. :D

I should start preparing for another one soon, but for now I am free to spend some with Stronghold, and you guys. :)

I will also be able to create those crests for Stronghold 2 we were speaking about. :)

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That's great news Eagle! Congratulations!


Worried now to have my first exam in January :O


EDIT: Hell yeah! I learned how to quote :cool:

Edited by Mathew Steel

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Today I will finish painting a car, I have a 1989 Sundance, Plymouth for you non car Europeans, it has 80,000 k's but the clear coat is burned off by the sun, so I am fixing the bad parts, hood roof trunk lid and some of the drivers side, I gave it a lite sanding with 400 wet, masked it all off and sprayed the red back on to it.


Now I will give it another lite sanding with 1000 wet and spray the clear, the red did not cover completely and I did not have enough so I hope the clear will cover it like when the car is wet.

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Today I played my first Rugby match after the second season ended. First match in 10 weeks. We won 27-19! :D

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Let's see if we can revitalize this thread.........

TODAY, after much prodding from the "Lady of The Castle", I am attempting to work on my old draft for a history book on The Battle of Gettysburg

(American Civil War)....a HUGE passion of mine!

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