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New User Ranks

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Well, the time is here for the results of the user rank contest to get revealed!


After long and careful consideration, I am pleased to announce that all of the suggestions given have in some way been implemented into the new ranks. However, unfortunately due to this reason, there will now be two main user groups for standard users: a one for new members, and a one for normal members. Due to this change, the 'Dukes' user group will now remain a standard colour as will the other members, and this change will take place by the end of today. However, remember that you can become a contributor (member of the Royal Guard group) by doing something special for the community. This group will have a special colour to indicate their achievement and excellent contributions to SHN and can proudly show off their contributor badge.


The new ranks are:


  • Rank -> number of posts
  • Village Idiot -> 0 posts (users just registered)
  • Serf -> 1 post
  • Peasant -> 3 posts
  • Armed Peasant -> 6 posts
  • Freeman -> 11 posts
  • Commoner -> 18 posts
  • Thane -> 27 posts
  • Yeoman -> 38 posts
  • Spearman -> 51 posts
  • Archer -> 66 posts
  • Crossbowman -> 84 posts
  • Maceman -> 105 posts
  • Pikeman -> 129 posts
  • Swordsmen -> 156 posts
  • Knight Bachelor -> 186 posts
  • Knight Banneret -> 220 posts
  • Knight Errant -> 258 posts
  • Royal Champion -> 300 posts
  • Baron -> 346 posts
  • Viscount -> 396
  • Earl -> 457 posts
  • Marquis -> 511 posts
  • Duke -> 576 posts
  • Archduke -> 646 posts
  • Grand Duke -> 711 posts
  • Earl Constable -> 787 posts
  • Earl Marshal -> 863 posts
  • Regent -> 951 posts
  • Prince -> 1,045 posts
  • King -> 1,145 posts
  • High Emperor -> 1,252 posts
Edited by Lord_Chris
Updated posts for contributor rank


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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Hi, Chris, in general I like the new ranks. :) I only meant to say few things - I hope this is the place, only...


I know new members will be village idiots only until they make two posts, but don't you think this might be a little bit offensive? It's ok to me, if I am peasant, but no one likes to be village idiot. :)


Also, Assassin... Being an assassin is not so much noble thing, don't you think? I believe the best solution (if there is a problem, of course) would be to remove that ranks, and to demand more posts for achieving rank of Knight Errant. And, yeah, I believe it would be better that, each time one achieves one title, he should need to get more posts to promote to the next ranks. This is what you have at this moment:


In my opinion, this sequence should be increasing sequence, do you agree? I could try to create another sequence which could be "better", with your permission.


I have one more suggestion. About Royal Guard - do you agree that one should submit more files than 20 for something like that? I'd say 50 would be better? :)



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In my opinion, this sequence should be increasing sequence, do you agree? I could try to create another sequence which could be "better", with your permission.
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That's a good idea. I just randomly picked whatever number seemed to be a good idea out of the air, but that is better. Send me a PM and we'll talk more about it.


I know new members will be village idiots only until they make two posts [...]
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Until they make 1 post. So really, that title is only displayed for users who haven't ever posted (i.e. in the user list). In fact, it's so non-existent that normal users don't even see it in their profiles either. I would replace Assassin if a better group came along, but I don't think removing it altogether would be a good idea.


50 files wold be better, but it is a lot, not many people will submit that many files, we have to have realistic expectations as well. While it would be nice to have that many files, I think really it is unrealistic (especially at the moment). Posts maybe could increase, but I think files should stay the same.


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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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You looking for a sequence of numbers, I can help with that.


You could use a Fibonacci system, where the numbers progress by a multiple of the last 2 numbers, start with 1, then 2, then 1+2=3, then 2+3 =5, so you would have 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,35,56,91...That would add up to to much after 10 spots, but if you broke it down to categories like 3 groups of 7, then you could have 1,2,3,5,8,13,21, then 2,3,5,8,13,21,44, then 3,5,8,13,21,44,65., the first set has an accumulated posts of 53, then 96, then 159, to get to the final you would have made 306 posts. with the numbers you have now it's 21 sets of posts and 500 posts.


The sets could be called, Peasant, Military and Royal Guard, Peasant could be 1,2,3,5,8,13,21, Military 3,5,8,13,21,44,65, Royal Guard 5,8,13,21,44,65,109, then you would have Peasant 53, Military 159, Royal Guard 265, with an accumulated posts of 477.


Break it down any way you like.


Edit, I just noticed, "Staff member of the month" Where did that come from, Thank You!

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I'm not at all mathematical, so a lot of that sounded just gibberish :)


Is there some kind of Fibonacci sequence that would allow for more gaps at first, but less towards the end? I do believe that 500 posts is the best option, it gives us plenty of numbers to choose from and get a decent pattern going. Every suggestion might be the right one, but we do need to sequence it.


if you broke it down to categories like 3 groups of 7 [...] The sets could be called, Peasant, Military and Royal Guard
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Unfortunately that's not possible - all ranks are given to any user who does not have a group title (such as "high emperor" or "earl marshal") and you can only specify the amount of posts for a user to get that title. It's a good idea, but it would be very complicated to implement.


I just noticed, "Staff member of the month" Where did that come from, Thank You!
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You're probably the hardest working out of all staff, you're online almost every other day and since it was a new award and in the middle of the month, I thought I might as well see if it works.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Fibonacci numbers... That sounds interesting. :) Although I believe that Fibonacci sequence increases too fast... Nevertheless, we can do whatever we want, when we want to define a sequence, and make it grow slower.

Is there some kind of Fibonacci sequence that would allow for more gaps at first, but less towards the end?
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I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this? If you want to say, is there a way to make the following sequence like:


then yes - but besides these, we can define whatever we like - like I said. :)

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Is there some kind of Fibonacci sequence that would allow for more gaps at first, but less towards the end?
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I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this?

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Looking back on that, I haven't the slightest clue what I was on about either. :)


Up to 57 on your example there works, well, I just think that the gap should be slightly less then it is with your example the higher up you go, but slightly further apart rather than just 1, 2.etc lower down - there that's what I meant above!


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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Maybe this would be better:


In this case I use formula: $a_n=a_{n-1}+a_{n-3}$.

Also, this way, if one want to get the fourth rank, he would have to make 4+5+7=16 posts.


Also, if you don't want to avoid "round numbers", you could use this sequence:

4,9,16,25,36,49,... and you can end this sequence with 22^2=484, or 23^2=529, or 24^2=576, or 25^2=625...

In this model, if one want to get the fourth rank, he would need to have written at least 4^2=16 posts... (not the same principle as in the first example - the I was taking sum of first 3 elements of the sequence)

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I added them (using a php function online so it may not be 100% accurate) and I got 811 as a total, is that correct or is it just me being stupid? :)


I certainly like the look of that sequence, if we could sort out that problem above - almost certainly an error on my part.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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I would rather keep the same amount of ranks, and preferably, keep the post count around 500 for the final rank, maybe 600 but higher than that and I think no one will achieve it really.


I know this sounds picky and you'll probably end up hating me for keep going on about it... :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Thanks :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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I came up with some numbers you might like.


The sequence is first then the accumulation of the sequence follows on the next line, I give you 3 examples.


1,1,2,2,3,3,4,5,8,10,14,18,22,27,32,37,44,52,61,72,84. =502 posts


1,2,4,6,9,12,16,21,29,39,53,71,93,120,152,189,233,285,346,418,502.accumulated posts



1,2,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,18,21,24,27,30,34,38,42,46,50,55,60.=511 posts


1,3,6,11,18,27,38,51,66,84,105,129,156,186,220,258,300,346,396,457,511.accumulated posts



1,2,3,4,6,8,10,12,15,18,21,24,27,31,35,39,43,46,50,54,58.=507 posts


1,3,6,10,16,24,34,46,61,79,100,124,151,182,217,256,299,345,395,449,507.accumulated posts


The first line starts with, 1,1,2,2,3,3, the next 2 start with 1,2,3,


These examples are for about 500 posts, I can make it any way you want., but getting exactly 500 is hard.


The posts are shown in sequence and the accumulated posts show the amount of posts needed for each advancement. So if a person is going for the tenth advancement then he would be at the 10 ( I will use the last example) 18 and the accumulated amount of posts would be 79, he needs to make 21 more posts before advancing to the next level and then he would have 100 posts, then for the next advancement he would need 24 posts then he would have 124 posts by the time he has moved up 21 times he will have posted 507 times.


I hope that explains it a little better=)


That's funny, you guys posting while I'm posting, we're all posting=)


If you want the numbers a little higher to start and less at the end I can do that for you, let me know exactly what you want and I will make it, I do this all the time for gambling, been doing it for years.


It was very appreciated to get an award for doing something here at the site, Thank You very much!

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I like this one:


1,2,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,18,21,24,27,30,34,38,42,46,50,55,60.=511 posts


1,3,6,11,18,27,38,51,66,84,105,129,156,186,220,258,300,346,396,457,511.accumulated posts

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It doesn't have you upgrading at the start at every post, there is a small gap, and it slowly increases at a steady rate giving enough time so that a user can actually see their rank rather than suddenly becoming slow and then really fast unpredictably.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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I was just trying to make one, but I like this one Vetka suggested. :)

1,2,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,18,21,24,27,30,34,38,42,46,50,55,60.=511 posts


1,3,6,11,18,27,38,51,66,84,105,129,156,186,220,258,300,346,396,457,511.accumulated posts

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Hehe, also, as Vetka is here now, I may try to find some allies... :D


Would you agree that it would be better to have three different ranks for knight, such as:

  • knight [something - we may figure it our later what], knight bachelor, and knight errant

instead of:

  • knight, knight bachelor, and knight errant

because knight bachelors? :)

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I am double-posting as we are all active at this moment, and you may miss this suggestion. What do you say about this:

  • knight bachelor, knight errant, knight bannerette, or
  • knight bachelor, knight errant, knight commander?

Or something like that? :)

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The Knights title is reflective of who he is, first he becomes a Knight then is known as a bachelor and as a errant(wanderer he goes from Kingdom to Kingdom offering his services)


Maybe, Knight Rookie, Knight Commander, Knight Major. He starts as a rookie then works his way up to commander then major.


That's all I can think of, rookie sounds a little lame, private or just Knight. Maybe Knight Mercenary.


I like that set of numbers myself, they have a gradual increase from start to finish, the 507 was just trying to get closer to 500.

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Yes, but knight bachelor is the lowest rank of the knight... Also, it's "knight bachelor" - so it's someone who has became a knight, and he's not married yet - so knight bachelors were the youngest among knights.


I like knight commander. Also, I don't want to remove knight bachelor and knight errant from these ranks, as I find those two pretty interesting. :) Also, they are from Stronghold 2.


So, those two I mentioned in previous message would be the best choices from those:

bachelor -> errant -> commander or bachelor -> errant -> bannerette


Also, knight mercenary doesn't sound right to me, as mercenaries very often lack loyalty...


Nevertheless, I've said what I wanted to say, now it's up to you to decide. :) I am happy I was here in the right moment, and that I was able to tell something. :)

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Also, they are from Stronghold 2.
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Actually, they are all from SH2: http://www.stronghold-nation.com/article/78-game-ranks#knight :)


I agree that it is a bit short and it could be longer, just as "serf" looks a bit short, but unless there is a very clear medieval title (I.E. Knight commander & knight rookie aren't medieval) & it clearly shows that "knight X" is lower than "knight bachelor"




a quick google search shows it's apparently spelt "Knight Banneret". Reading this:


A Knight Banneret was a Knight Bachelor who had distinguished himself in battle and became entitled to bear a small square banner rather than a swallow-tailed pennon. He commanded a body of officers and men, i.e. knights, esquires and soldiers, whom he raised to serve under his banner, but who were paid by the Crown.
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shows that it is probably a better option.


I'll change it to that as I particularly like the sound of that rank, and after just getting the numbers the way we like, it would be hard to change to accommodate another one :)


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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Hm, I forgot that knight was among those ranks, sorry about that. If I knew that, perhaps I wouldn't be so much loud with those my suggestions. :)


And, yeah, "Knight Banneret" sounded nice to me as well. :)


Hopefully, I did bring some good here right now, but still, my apologize for being stubborn as a mule. :D



I'm swordsman, YEEAAAAH! :D

Edited by EaglePrince

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I did feel it was slightly short anyway so at least it's sorted that issue. Any strong opinions on "serf"? :D


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Based on this change, a new user group has come into place: Experts. These are standard members still, who have shown an area of expertise in certain games. Experts are nominated per a game's forum, and in some cases, can handle basic moderation (I.E closing/opening threads, editing posts.etc.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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