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fire ballistae not attacking at will

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Hi, I wanted to ask you about this one... As far as I remember, fire ballistae were attacking the enemies when they come into their range (just like an archer would), but I have tried building those now, and I see that they take no action when an enemy appears. Is this a common behavior of them, or is there something I could do, so they do attack the enemy, and act aggressive?


Thanks in advance! Regards, EaglePrince.

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Fire Ballistae won't automatically attack unless you put them on aggressive behaviour. (left click then select the aggressive icon)


You can make them attack individual targets, but unless you do that they won't automatically attack.


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I did try that, but there is no option like that offered for fire ballistae. :(


I only have options for formation, and those ones for attack, patrol, stop, and disband. I'm playing 1.4 version. Should that option be available somewhere else?

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No, you're in the right place. There definitely is a way to do it because I've done it in a custom mission before - try selecting a unit and a ballistae at the same time and then put them on aggressive.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Hmm... They're doing it automatically on my game - press the attack button and see if that helps though.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Is it possible that you two have different versions of the game? Perhaps the fire ballistae were fixed in patch 1.2, but I wouldn't know as I haven't played much Stronghold 2.


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I have patch 1.3.1 and I have SH2 Deluxe - what about you EaglePrince? I know you mentioned you had 1.4, but what about your game?


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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I have patch 1.4 and Deluxe.


I can always look at the bright side. :) It is the fact that sometimes I didn't want to use those, as they can hurt or kill my men while attacking opponents... Nevertheless, it is a nice thing when one can have them in one place and support his units with them.

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Now I have 1.4.1 version, but it is still behaving the same way. Ballistae are not firing at enemy troops... Maybe they are supposed not to fire at troops, but to fire ate siege equipment?


I'm asking this thing again only cause I want to know if there is some way to make them aggressive. If not, then nothing. :)

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Your running 1.4.1, that would be your trouble, Firefly took the auto fire away after 1.3.1.


Here we are running 1.3.1 as the main version, 1.4 was made for multiplayer and 1.4.1 was made days later to fix the troubles they caused with 1.4.


1.3.1 is the better version, and if you can play on Gameranger, even better.

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So when you play multiplayer games, you play 1.3.1 version? Not 1.4.1?


By the way, those maps of your I have downloaded from Stronghold Heaven - are at least most of them created with 1.3.1 version, or a version prior to this one? :) Also, if it is possible to play 1.4.1 maps on 1.3.1 game version without problems, that would be great. :)

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Sorry but I don't play very often, the last time I played SH2 multi was in version 1.3.1 I think, it was a long time ago, I do want to try my last 2 SHC-E maps with you though, but I will have to install gameranger and find my old login info.


1.4.1 is more compatible with 1.3.1 than 1.4, 1.4 left you not being able to put troops onto towers and walls they would walk right through them like they did not exist, in 1.3.1. The maps I posted at HG are maps made with 1.3.1 until 1.4.1 came out, any maps I made to post here are 1.3.1, some of the maps that were posted at HG have been posted here, they are 1.4.1.


I did have a problem with a map I'm making, I started it in 1.4.1 and am finishing it in 1.3.1, there have been some troubles, the water became crossable anywhere and by anyone, I replaced all of the water, and the troops I placed on the enemy castles caused some troubles to, I had to delete all of the preplaced enemy troops and add in the walls and towers then put new troops on them.


You are welcome to playtest that map if you like, I'm still trying to make it fun and interesting, but it all works, there are 2 missions.

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Thanks for explanation. :)

For now I will keep using 1.4.1, as I have faced some problems while trying to patch the game to 1.3.1. I will try to solve it later. The most important thing for me at this moment is that now I know why does those ballistae don't fire at will. It would be better in some way if they would be acting like this, but on the other hand, when they are mixed with your troops, they can make more harm to yourself then good. (Now I am comforting myself :D )


I don't play Stronghold 2 so often, but I will be glad to test your maps.

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1.4.1 is still the only option as far as I know - but maybe you can play with other versions now GameRanger is used. You would have to keep the following in mind by doing so though:

  • The 1.4.1 maps will not be playable on the 1.3.1 version and the same for 1.4
  • Playing with different versions could result in something like what happened when we attempted to play SHC (or worse)
  • All the list of updates (show below) wouldn't be there and issues such as the Knight not mounting a horse while moving would still be present


** Updates **

These are only updates for the 1.4.1 version


  • Blank games and duplicate games no longer appear in the multiplayer lobby.
  • Disbanded troops now appear from the player's hovels. If no hovels are placed peasants will appear outside the keep.
  • Troops placed in stockpiles can now be targeted by enemy players.
  • Stone quarries can now be placed on both Island Hopping and Rocky Island free build maps.
  • A player can no longer open and close their gatehouse once it has been captured by the enemy.
  • Sally ports now appear hidden to enemy players.
  • Fixed issue when dismounting units so that the animation only plays once, preventing them from crossing inaccessible terrain.
  • Fixed issue so that the Lord can no longer attack buildings from a distance using the ?Return to Civic Duties? button in the keep interface panel.
  • Archers can no longer use braziers when standing on level ground next to a wall with a brazier.
  • Fixed issue with knights being unable to mount horse if they moved while the horse was en route.
  • Fixed issue in which wrong weapons were selected when going to the weapons panel in the market by clicking on the Armoury interface panel.
  • Fixed issue in which monks would not go to the monastery when it was placed in certain rotations.
  • Fixed a multiplayer issue in which turning off food consumption would cause the game to go out-of-sync.
  • Fixed a multiplayer issue in which Herons could cause an out of sync.
  • Great Britain map has been re-balanced


We would have to make sure that all players had the same version which we'll probably end up doing anyway...


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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Thanks for providing those details. I have also found some information about 1.4 update here. As far as I see, it seems to me, like they did a nice job fixing the game not to crash at various situations, and they were doing this, so game would have as little exploits as possible. I like that. Also, I see this auto-firing is not turned of for mounted ballista (on tower), so it is all fine.


Thanks for those details you showed me, you made it easier for me to decide. :)


1.4.1 is still the only option as far as I know
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I have tried to start a game with 1.4 version, and I did it with no problem using GameRanger. I believe it would be possible with other versions as well (as long as the versions are the same). Nevertheless, 1.4.1 seems to be better version for multiplayer...

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I noticed that when I'm playing the Campaigns the enemy's fire ballistae tracks and attacks every move my troops make but mine just sit there waiting to allow some odd enemy peasant o chop'em down unless I stay their holding their hand and directing every shot.... BUT I have also seen mine fire over and over, but at the same spot.

But that's okay it just adds to the difficulty level I guess.

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