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New Downloads Setting

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We have recently installed a new feature in our download central. All users who upload files have a 'files page' in which they can promote their files via several means and get subscribers. Subscribers in our download central are people who get notified about future files you upload. Users can individually choose whether to display a subscriber button on their page as well as display a slideshow gallery with screenshots of their maps to show other users when they are browsing through.


To change your settings for this, once logged in click the "my files" heading in a site sidebar. You will then be redirected to your page, where if you click the "edit" button" you can change yours. Users who do not set any options will be given the default ones. These are that the subscribe button appears as well as the gallery but with several wallpapers such as space backgrounds and those from planet Earth. Users can have a total of 12 slides to show off their map making skills.


We are currently looking for ways to increase the number of settings so if anyone has any ideas please share them below.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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