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GameRanger ID's

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Hi, I wanted to create this tread, so players like us, who only want to enjoy the game, could gather here, share their GameRanger id numbers, and so we could agree to play some games. Right now, there are lots of players online, but sometimes when you come to play with random people, their playing style just doesn't fit you. For example, they might be some of those "pro" players who want to play by one single "effective" pattern, or they might be just childish, so while you try to have a nice hour playing the game you like, he starts placing ox tethers in front of your gates, or something like that. :/ Also, I got feeling how some of us have less time right now to enjoy this game, so it might be useful, if we could agree, in this tread, at what time we meet at GameRanger, to play a game. I'll start by sharing my id.


  • EaglePrince: 1480428
  • Charles of Tours: 1851531
  • Lord_Chris: 5298554
  • Lord_Vetka: 318728
  • {SHN} Mathew Steel: 5570539
  • Nigel: 5638690
  • xiiMaRcLeoN: 5358150
  • Lord Banshee: 3891787
  • buddha737: 4483888


As you add your GameRanger id's, I would add them into this list I started.

Edited by EaglePrince

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Topic stickified. :)


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Great idea, Eagle! My Game Ranger ID is Charles of Tours: 1851531.


Edit: I have 49 friends on Game Ranger, and I think the maximum for a free account is 50, so I'll ask people to not spam invites to me, even though I am amazing. ;)


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I was happy to add you into the list. :) Oh, and I won't do swordsmen spam, I promise. :)
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Swordsman spam I could probably counter with a decent army or amazing castle. Assassins ... maybe not. I had a wonderful game where I sent my massive army outside of my castle with an unprotected lord still in the keep. Heheh, I suppose you could guess what happened. Great games like these in the Stronghold series, with stories that can be retold, give these titles their character.


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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Hehe, I can also remember some situations where I got surprised this way... I still remember playing against two guys from Poland (my ally left the game, or game crashed). I was the most powerful, I played with my usual tactics in that time, but the fact that those two guys knew each other, so they acted together so nicely, wasn't going in my hand so much! :) In a moment I was so close to kill one of them, the other would attack me, and mess up all my plans. One of their first attempts to eliminate me was just using the assassins. In a moment my army left the castle to attack one of them (in the east of me), I just heard assassins are climbing my walls, and in the next one "we have lost control of our gatehouse, my lord". :) I managed to survive, as I had some weapons in the armory to train swordsmen to defend the lord, while lord was moving in the opposite side of the castle. Swordsmen I had trained were not enough, but crossbowmen saved the day. :) This game had lasted for several hours, after we ended it with no winners, as it was too late - about 2:00 - 2:30 after midnight. Digging moats is the best solutions to avoid these situations, but in multiplayer everyone tends to be as fast as possible, so most often I don't do it - especially if I'm winning. Which can easily cost you a head. :)


Also, few times I was the one who won the game using this tactic. :D

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My GameRanger id is 5298554. You can add me as well. My username is [sHN]Lord_Chris. I believe Charles has changed his to [sHN]Charles of Tours as well.


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Gameranger -> on the "friends" menu, right click on your username (in bold) -> show info


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Thank You Chris, I did everything but that! I wrote it down this time!


My ID is Sir_Vet, 318728

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It should be easier to find, it took me a couple of minutes to find it as well. @Charles of Tours showed me another way as well, but I couldn't find that.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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My GameRanger ID-


{SHN} Mathew Steel: 5570539

Edited by Mathew Steel

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Welcome to StrongholdNation, xiiMaRcLeoN!


I've added you to the list, and I hope to see you soon at some battlefield!


I'd also like to say - we do not play multiplayer games only against each other - we also play games against AI lords, so if you would like to play some game like that, feel free to create a gaming event. Still, those games against AI lords were only Crusader or Crusader Extreme games, but the point is - we play whatever we like, and whatever we play, it is interesting. :)

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I also want to add that I'm online almost every day, so you should have a pretty good chance to play with me.
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Well, that just gets better doesn't it!


Welcome to the site @xiiMaRcLeoN, looking forward to seeing you around :)

Edited by Lord_Chris


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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