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The Echoing Morning Star

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As I've posted in the introductory thread, I've been working on a map for Stronghold 1 pertaining to these minimaps:



An update to the minimap: Mostly just little extra scenery detail. I have already placed the structures and units that I want on the map.


Some of the detail can be seen in this screen-capture of the city of Illesque.



I have a story idea, but it's still in the imagination process.

Within the map, you will have to survive several years of increasingly challenging assaults with only men-at-arms available to recruit (archers, crossbowmen, and spearmen) until the main army returns, limiting you from any stronger units until the end of the game. Purchasing leather armor will not be available, and no siege weapons except for shields can be created.

You will also be unable to purchase wood planks to prevent buying them, then quickly turning them into spears for profit. And certain buildings that provide positive popularity will not be available. Essentially, many economic pressures will be put to strain your militaristic threshold of your defenses.


I do not know when or if I will finish this. If I do not upload it either here or to Stronghold Heaven before September, then it will either be put on hold indefinitely. Currently, I am missing the rest of the map scenery, scripture, and the story.

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It's a nice map, and a nice castle, Strife. Also, I like how you designed the whole story, it seems pretty interesting, ad challenging as well. I hope you will finish it soon, and upload it here, so I could give a shot. I also hope it will be possible to win without using of portable shields - I would certainly attempt to do that!


Can't wait for you to finish it.

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Stronghold 1 is currently not an option to upload files for in our download central. However, I will add one in for it. But since I have never played the game I do not know what categories to make for it. Would you be able to tell me which game modes exist in it?


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Stronghold 1 is currently not an option to upload files for in our download central. However, I will add one in for it. But since I have never played the game I do not know what categories to make for it. Would you be able to tell me which game modes exist in it?
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Categories should be: Invasion, Economic, Siege, Siege-That!, Freebuild, and Multiplayer.


From the description, it looks like Strife's map is an Invasion scenario. A very good-looking map, might I add. I especially like how the second level of the castle was designed. Good work! :)


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Ok, those have been added thanks :)


What about game versions? There will be 1, but any updates?


The next step is to organise them so they aren't all over the place and actually have structure...


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Ok, those have been added thanks :)


What about game versions? There will be 1, but any updates?


The next step is to organise them so they aren't all over the place and actually have structure...

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There is also a version 1.1 and 1.2, but I play 1.3 (the HD patch).


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Categories reorganised, they now appear in order of release date. The game versions have also been added in. You can now submit a stronghold 1 file here: http://www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/submit/stronghold-1/


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Thank you for the compliments. As far as using portable shields goes, it should not be necessary. But I am still currently testing the scripts.

Also, further updates include: parts of the story written, completed scenery, changes to the market, and changes to the available buildings.

I had allowed wooden planks to be purchased in the market, but to offset that availability, you will not be able to sell spears. Many of the trees are already dead, so purchasing wooden planks will become necessary.

Here is what the map will look like when you start it:


I may ask for a playtester sometime in the future, but nothing is currently set-in-stone.

The map was made with Stronghold version 1.2. I don't think that should create any issues with the HD patch.

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I don't think that should create any issues with the HD patch.
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Though I can't be fully sure this is true with stronghold 1 as I've never played it, most of the game versions for the others are forwards compatible but not backwards compatible - so if anything it would be the 1.1 version that would have the difficulties playing your file.


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I've played a new 1.2 map yesterday in version 1.3HD, there were no issues that I could see, it went just like any other map I've played.

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All right. Then it should be no issue.

Currently, I'm looking for a playtester for the map, and am still writing the story. I've already tried it myself, and have won. But I would like a second opinion on it before uploading it.

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No playtesting will be required. I've edited the waves to make it more difficult. I still will have to continue writing the story, but I have not had the time to work on it. It's not meant to be a long or very descriptive story, but I would also like to not simply describe the castle or whatever like I have in my previous single-map uploads. The story itself may not exactly coincide with the map, rather it will provide something to read that doesn't simply state that the castle is under attack and that you have to defend it.

Consisting of fictional 19-year-old Abigail and Jacob Richards, here's a rough excerpt of what the story will be like:


The door slammed open, suddenly quieting the surrounding dwellers around the bar. Abigail entered the room and spotted her brother, sitting at the counter, with a large, solid, brown mug in his hand.

"You were in here? Everyone's always at a bar, how clich?! Besides, you can't even drink yet! Why are you here?"

"Shut up, Gale," Jacob sinisterly responded. He kicked back in his seat, gingerly holding his cup.

Abigail stormed up to her brother, who intimidatingly glared back at her. The room tensed, and the everybody stared at the siblings. There was a prolonged silence, aside from a few whispers. Then Jacob cracked a smile.

"How've you been? I barely get to see you anymore."

Abigail followed suit and replaced her frown with a light grin. "Pretty hectic without you around. The orphanage could always use an extra hand or two, and I'm sure some of the old caretakers would really like to see an old face. And please tell me that's not alcohol."

Jacob straightened his chair forward, and displayed the contents of his drink. A sweet orange aroma rose from the mug. "Juice. The bartender is one of us soldiers tonight, so he knows how old we are. Anyway, I was planning on surprising everyone at the orphanage, but here you are, ruining everything as usual."

"Funny. When did you get back? No one in town seemed to know that you were here."

Jacob pondered for a moment and looked out the window. He appeared to have lost track of time as he attempted to judge the darkness of the streets.

"Not too long ago, I think. It was already pretty dark by the time I entered the city gates, so it can't have been more than a few hours."

"There you go again, forgetting the time. I'll bet you forgot that it's been two years since you've returned to Illesque."

"Give me a break," Jacob yawned. "I had to travel all over Estair before coming back. That place was a hell-hole, considering that we kept sitting in forests or some God-forsaken desolate spot, watching for movement. I was planning on staying here at the inn for the night, then come by and visit tomorrow morning."

"That would be nice," Abigail noticed that Jacob had kept dipping his head forward, struggling to keep it up straight. Dark spots had appeared under his eyes too. She fondly smiled at the soldier, and continued. "I should let you get some rest. It must have been a crazy two years. I'll see you in the morning."

"Goodnight, Gale."


It's going to be one of those stories.

Edited by Strife

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Here is the finalized version of the map. I have completed it today and it is currently awaiting approval from ericgolf in Stronghold Heaven. I will upload it here too as soon as possible after the maintenance duration is over.

Edited by Strife

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Whoops, thanks for bringing that to my attention. I completely forgot to enable the site again. You can now upload your map, sorry for any inconvenience :)


Looking forward to seeing it, that looks really good!


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