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G.M.B. mod by LORD_VALROY v.4.1

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G.M.B. mod. Big mod for Stronghold Crusader!

This mod makes a large number of useful changes to the game Stronghold Crusader.



In the game folder


System requirements:

OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1

Disk space: 430 MB



If the problem with the modification to apply: valroy17@mail.ru


List of changes introduced by a modification of the original game:

- Added a special program to run and modify the settings on the user's discretion

- Now you can check for updates at startup launcher

- When starting the game the player will be different each time the boot screen saver (if you do not disable this feature in the settings)

- Ability to download updates via the launcher mod

- Ability to change the level of the launcher via AI computer opponents.

- The player can switch through the launcher before starting the game music from the original modified . Similarly , an introductory video clip .

- 16 computer opponents with improved castles

- New videos weddings and church

- New background screensaver game

- New intro video game

- Changed the logo part of the game

- Changed some of the music in the game

- Added a version of the mod label in the main menu

- Added shortcut to launch fashion

- Added installer for easy startup mode

- Added two new avatar in the game (see the individual settings in the game options)

- Added 120 new maps

- Replaced part of the icons in the main menu of the game

- Ability to fix black screen after running the game launcher HD version

- Ability to fix bugs with the font in the game through the launcher game

- Ability to change the game cursors

- Ability to send bug reports directly from the launcher

- Can be installed on the original game Stronghold Crusader version 1.3 HD or 1.30.0003 HD

- Mod is based on version 1.30.0003 HD himself updata your game to this version












Author mod: LORD_VALROY

Support: valroy17@mail.ru


This mod is multilanguage!


(Sorry for the mistakes. Translated with google translate)


Download latest version: yadi.sk/d/al8gNCyCPADz4 (copy link to your browser)

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That is one huge mod for Crusader, thanks for bringing it here!


Can any of this be used in the older versions?

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That is one huge mod for Crusader, thanks for bringing it here!


Can any of this be used in the older versions?

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No. Only latest version.

Release a new version 4.4.0


More information at gmb-mod.tilda.ws (Link verified by?@Mathew Steel)

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Very good mod,?@LORD_VALROY. Nice little launcher you made too. I only ask that you update the information provided in the original post to be accurate to the latest version, as the file size is 3 times the size of the older version.



To clarify, the linked site, as well as the download sites are safe and the files contain no malware.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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The Microsoft Defender SmartScreen is blocking Lord Viceroy mod since it views it as malicious. And with my old computer there was issues in figuring how to properly install the mod and ge it to work.

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And if I can figure out the security issues how would you install the Stronghold Crusader mod?

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This is a known issue unfortunately, as Microsoft doesn't know who the Publisher is. This link might help you with that: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/unblock-an-untrusted-publisher-in-windows-10/e964eea4-d357-4e56-aacc-94088642c7ac


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Yeah the unblock button((mentioned in the instructions(

o unblock these programs on your computer, kindly follow the steps below:


  1. Right-click on the blocked file, then select on Properties.
  2.  Click General tab.
  3.  Check the Unblock option, then click OK.
  4.  If prompted, click on Continue, then click on Yes (if administrator) or enter password of administrator (if standard user) for UAC prompt.

to unblock programs doesn't show up on the Properties tab of the blocked file)). It is simply expecting to have the file confirmed and that is what I was trying to figure out how to do.


Edited by Davros94

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I turned off the Microsoft security so I could install the files although now I am being asked for Stronghold Crusader and Stronghold Crusader Extreme disk 2 however I don't have any since I am using the Steam HD  digital download versions of both games. So I may not be able to install the mod afterall.


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Yeah if you're using Steam it's unlikely this particular version will work as it was made for the disc version I believe. Unfortunately as I'm not the mod creator I'm not really sure what more I can do for you, unless @ LORD_VALROY can confirm he's made a version compatible with Steam?


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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I haven't tested it myself, but I think I read somewhere that some other mod can work with Steam version too, but if you copy all the files elsewhere, and then apply the mod into these files in the new folder - not the Steam one.

The mod I'm referring to is Stronghold Europe or Stronghold Medieval England, and I just hope that trick could work with this mod as well.

Sent from my Mi A2 Lite using Tapatalk

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