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Someone Trying to Hack My Account
Hi team! Dunno if this is the right forum, but I'll try anyway. On 10. august I got the following email from SN: "Hi ,We have detected 3 failed log in attempts to your account from Chino, California, 91710, United States.If this wasn't you, someone else may be trying to access your account. These log in attempts were unsuccessful. You may however want to change your password for greater security, especially if you use the same password on other websites.If this was you, you can sa -
Account suspension: kian
@kian's account has been suspended for 6 months for repeated piracy attempts. Below is my email sent notifying him of this: -
Benefits of a dual graphics card?
So today I ordered my first PC (I've stuck to laptops my whole life) it's a nice rig. AMD Processor with a turbo boost of 4.1GHz, 8GB of RAM and a single Nvidia GTX 960 graphics card all for just ?500 (including the rest of the components of course, not including any monitor). But along my adventures of searching for a PC, I decided to take a look at the very high priced PC's, not with any intention of purchasing them, but just to see what they came with (because I'm a little nerdy like that) -
SHN Official Google + Account!
StrongholdNation now has an official Google + Account. All updates will be posted by the site management team on this page: Staff Members who have Google + or Gmail accounts are welcome to PM with their email and I will set them up as an account administrator for it so they can add details. If the site ever goes down, this is where any updates on it will be posted. A good way to stay informed! ;) -
Account Rename / Delete / Topic Renaming / Post Removal Requests
Account Renaming User Accounts seldom get renamed so do not expect this. If there are extenuating circumstances, feel free to PM a head administrator. You must provide an extremely good reason for your account to be renamed. Discussing username changes publicly is not permitted. Do not open threads; they will be closed. Account Deleting Accounts on StrongholdNation do not get deleted, it is simply not done. Nothing you do or say can make us delete your account. If you no longer wish to use