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Hello, and welcome to StrongholdNation.


Whether this be your first visit, or are a returning user, we hope you have a good time here! :)


We always aim to please, creating big fansites for Firefly Studios.Our fututre ambitions are to have a fansite for every firefly game.More about us can be found here.


We have a dedicated staff team who (not unlike yourselves) have a passion for the stronghold games. If there is anything you do not understand, wish to comment on - or even just to have a general discussion about a game, please post to us in our forums.Our staff would be delighted to help you with any troubles you experience.Since each staff member is picked specifically for their ability, you can be sure that they are a reliable source.(If you wish to get involved, or become a staff member on our site, please go here.)


Though our site may not be the most sophisticated on the net, we aim to greatly enhance players' experience of the games, by offering detailed tutorials, walkthroughs - even general game info on each of the games we choose to cover.You can see which sites we have to offer by looking at our site navigation feature (on our homepage.)


StrongholdNation tries to enhance users' experience of the games, so if you learn anything at all, or enjoy our website, please register as a user.This is not only free, but:


A.) Shows our staff you appreciate what they do


B.) Lets you have complete access to the site, enabling you to add your own articles and view other member articles


C.) Lets you download and add to our download collection


Our site tries to offer exclusive content, such as how to switch between Stronghold Legends and Stronghold 2 Lords - or how to create bridges over canyons in stronghold 2.We even offer CivCity Rome Editor help in our forums, plus, the fact we have a editor guide for you to download from our downloads section.


Welcome to the site, and I hope you have a very pleasant experience here! :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Hello - I was just looking through the FireFly website today, finding a thread about the condition of the old Stronghold-Knights (on which I was a moderator in its final days) with a link to this Stronghold Nation website, which looks promising. I couldn't bother with creating a thread, so I apologize if this post's location is inappropriate.


I play all of the Stronghold games except Kingdoms and SH3 (although have played them in the past), myself preferring the first two installments of the series. I even have a copy of CivCity Rome floating around in one of my desks. It pains me to have been brought to inactivity along with the majority of the Stronghold community, however my reappearance has begun here, and I hope to become a contributing member. Some may recognize me from Stronghold Heaven, Game Ranger (on which I played many-a-game of Crusader), or somewhere else - indeed, I am a man of many hobbies. Thank you, in advance, to those who read.


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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That was the exact reason I created the site, I felt we should have something. For that very reason, I decided that we should cover absolutely everything on every game, that way we'll have all the information so people won't need to go elsewhere. Though it's very time consuming, it will be worth it in the end. Generally, we're a new site, as you can see we haven't many members yet, only 8 months old really and 4 of those we weren't in Google. Some of what I've done on or site was based on SHK with lots o help from Paul, so you should find yourself at home here. And if there's anything I can do for you, just shoot me a PM or post back and I'll sort it straight out. Whether it's navigation, errors or other issues, I'll be more than happy to help ;)


A great way to start getting involved would be by reading this. It sounds like you're the ideal staff member! :)


We haven't played Crusader online yet, I'm sure we will when SH2 and SHL multilayer goes down though, but we're having an SH2 match on Friday 18 April 2014 @ 6 PM GMT, you're more than welcome to join if you want. Here is the official thread for that if you're interested.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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