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Is There Any Way to See Maps You Have Already Uploaded in Custom ?

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Hi so I just joined yesterday and was wondering if there is any way to see you can see what maps you have uploaded for Custom War scenarios? I just uploaded a Stronghold Legends user map I made but I have bad memory and realized when I uploaded it just now that it may have been a reupload from yesterday. Also I have 15 user made maps (1 freebuild, the other 14 are CW)  so I can easily see myself accidentally reuploading maps especially if they have not shown on the website yet.

How can I keep track of this? Or will the moderators just let me know? Thank you in advance.

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Hello, IgnasheunKnight......

Your Map was approved several days back. To ''see'' them, simply go to The Download Section of The Main page and toggle to The Game Type (in your case ''Legends''). Your Map and Description is there.


Regarding Notification of such, unfortunately either myself or Our Webmaster must check the quality (playablilty) of a Map. Owing to ''Real Life'' - this may take several days to find the time. Thanks for your submission!

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To ''see'' them, simply go to The Download Section of The Main page and toggle to The Game Type (in your case ''Legends''). Your Map and Description is there.

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 I know it was approved. It's just that in the future when I make maps I don't want to accidentally upload the same map twice or have that be a reoccurring issue for mods if I somehow forget I uploaded a map already and try to upload it again.

Or if I make edits to the map to add/tweak some stuff into it.

For example "The Great Ice War" is 90% done but I couldn't get all the invasions to occur in the script for the second mission. I don't know why that is since in the second mission Arthur and Vlad were supposed to attack you with I believe 3 waves and an additional massive assault but that didn't happen in the scenario for some reason. So if I ever make updates to it to fix that am I allowed to replace the file?

I couldn't get the later invasions to work so I just bit the bullet and uploaded it since I already worked so hard on it and it's my first upload. That's all.

I have a good amount of others but I don't think many are up to quality other than one other map I am working on. I still am trying to figure out all the details for what exactly I want in that scenario though.

Thank you for replying.

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Thanks for your message @ IgnasheunKnight .

I realise that actually, we don’t currently have the facility to view just your own files. I’m surprised that I have missed this.

But I will now implement this feature moving forwards, so you will be able to see all your own files from the “My Account” menu on the right hand side of the page. Thank you for making me aware of this.

For now, you can check your files manually here: https://www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/category/stronghold-legends/

If you would like to make edits to a specific map, you should find this download on the site and click on the “Edit” button.

  On 16/05/2024 at 17:14, IgnasheunKnight said:

I couldn't get the later invasions to work so I just bit the bullet and uploaded it since I already worked so hard on it and it's my first upload. That's all.

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We do require all scenarios to have working scripts in order to be accepted onto the site. We would be happy to work with you in another help topic if you are having issues, but we would be unable to accept any files onto the live downloads section which have broken scripts.

I noticed that the other day you did in fact upload the same file. Do not worry about this as we can remove the duplicate file. However you have made me realise we should have a tool to block duplicate unapproved submissions which are identical, so I will also create this when I implement the above feature. Probably this weekend, depending on my schedule.

We are happy to accept any map, it does not need to be perfect or reach a certain “quality”. But we do require that they function as intended. We created a topic a while back on our regulations for approving files, you might find it helpful: https://www.stronghold-nation.com/forums/topic/974-approving-downloads-our-regulations/?tab=comments#comment-16808

The reality is we would not usually just reject a file without seeking to improve it and fix issues first. But we can only accept maps which meet our criteria and are bug/error free etc…

Also, this is more of a site related issue so moving to Site Questions/Support.

Happy to reply further if you have any other questions 🙂


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We do require all scenarios to have working scripts in order to be accepted onto the site.

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Well dang. I think I had 11 invasions scripted although for some reason only 1 was working. I don't really know why that is though. I have the marker proximities placed down and everything.

And the thing is I actually have other maps where the script works as intended and invasions happen as they were scripted to. I just chose this specific map randomly and it just happens that this is the one where it doesn't work. I guess I can upload some of those maps in the future instead since they do work as intended.

  On 16/05/2024 at 20:48, Lord_Chris said:

Do not worry about this as we can remove the duplicate file. However you have made me realise we should have a tool to block duplicate unapproved submissions which are identical, so I will also create this when I implement the above feature.

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I know ya'll are strict and everything about this but wouldn't it just be more useful if the users themselves can delete their own work? I mean you can still approve it and I can see people abusing this but I'm just saying wouldn't it just be more convenient for the staff? Because what if the user wants to add or delete stuff from their map later down the line? Can they not do that because it was already uploaded?


We are happy to accept any map, it does not need to be perfect or reach a certain “quality”. But we do require that they function as intended.

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And as I said luckily I DO have other maps where the invasions work as intended. In fact I may actually upload another one today. (Don't worry the invasions on this one works. I tested it out yesterday and am planning to do so again today. I don't know why the other one didn't). Although I also am a bit busy today with other things so it maybe tomorrow.


Anyways thanks for the help.

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