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Alfred The Baker

More Than 8 Players on a Kingmaker Match - Workarounds

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So 1 thing i always liked in something in AOM was more than the standard 8 players allowed, that being 12, its a nice thing but very rarely games implement such a feature, and this series even ending up lowering the total player count.

One workaround is actually creating a War Custom map, there are 10 coloured shields you can put, of which 9 are AI, allowing you to have a very quiet but still a 10 player match, although you are limited to 9 Campaing AI, so you cannot have Queen and Bishop there. Plus you can only have 3 teams and neutrals, so Allies and 2 enemy teams.

Though another interesting thing you can have is have 16 territories with all being AI controlled, normally you can't have multiple castles of same AI but if you first make them villages, paint over a certain shield, then place over Castle flags, you have now just made castle territories. 15 Olafs is not a pretty sight [ill put an image, you can only see 4 but trust me there are 15]. The problem with this is that technically this is all 1 AI, so if you take out 1 all will become Castle Estates under your control. This does not work with players, you will just get another estate with another Lord spawned but you cannot build any structures like Barracks or walls, while still taking your resources.

One workaround i thought was to give some AI only 1 additional clone, so if one dies only 2 estates get turned over rather than over, so it would be a 8 player match with adittional castle each [which is very weird]

Sadly Kingmaker is an issue, you cannot add more than 7 AI, and the game crashes if you Dice roll the game crashes if there is but 1 more Castle flag on the map. Ive tried some workarounds like praying to Jesus, MP match with MP AI mod, and not much else i could think off. I do not expect that game could actually handle more than 10 UNIQUE colours [i mean there should be only 10 Campaing colours, and black and white i presume] but if there was a way to SOMEHOW allow the game to do this, we could have 10 or 12 player games, maybe even 16, with all the AI rather than just being restricted to max 8 players or having only 9 campaing AI in War Custom.

I am really wondering if there is anything that can be done to prevent that Kingmaker crash on dice rolls, even just that would be cool.


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This sounds like a really interesting revelation! Do you have a map anywhere so we can see an example of this in action? We could perhaps add a proper tutorial on this as well for the site to teach others how to do this.


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Here is something i cooked up. I sadly do not have the 15 Olaf map anymore. This map has 2 of each AI except Barclay, the map does not look good and 1 of the bulls builds the small castle but otherwise it should provide a decent enough example of how it looks like. When 1 AI is defeated all of his clones get defeated as well [so defeating Bull will kill both bulls and make them Castle Estates]

Its chaotic but its nice seeing units all over the place and so many buildings at once, its like having 8 players up close on Crusader maps except now its 16 and your framerate is dying.

The Crowning Duel 16 Player.s2mFetching info...

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