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Problem When Posting Youtube Link

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Hi, I just wanted to point that, when I try to post a message with a YouTube link, I get the following message.


403 Forbidden

You do not have permission to access this resource.

Possible problems may include:

  • Your account does not reach the sufficient permission level to view this resource.
  • This section of our website may misconfigured or under temporary maintenance.
  • A resource the page relies on may be misconfigured or you do not have permission to view this resource.
  • The parameters passed to this resource may be incorrect or malformed.
  • An incomplete or malformed request was sent to the server.

Please try again. If the problem persists, contact the server administrator.

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Now, this message does not appear when I put the youtube link in the URL BB tag, it appears only when I just copy/paste the link. That's when the forum tries to embed the video into the post. I try posting the link in this topic.

Not much of a problem, it's not important for me to embed the video into a post, I don't care about that at all. But still, I think it's important to tell because of others.🙂

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Thanks for letting me know about this- it's triggering a few security rules. I'll try and get them sorted out for you.


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