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Help in Choosing the Right Word

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Hey guys! I'm writing some mathematical proofs, and it should be in formal language, though I think the text needing to be more formal shouldn't make it harder.

It turns out that I tried to used "namely" wrong, i.e. I should have used another word. What I wanted to do is to give the information in one sentence, and then in the next sentence to give the explanation why is that the case. Something like this:


The equation x^2+2x+2=0 has no real solutions. Namely, x^2+2x+1 is the square of x+1, and therefore x^2+2x+2 has positive value for every real number x.

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I hope I gave a good example here. So, I think that the use of "namely" is wrong here, but I am unsure what other word to use? Because now I think that namely should be used in sentences as the following.


You should try a Stronghold game. Namely, Stronghold Crusader.

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But maybe "namely" can be used in both occasions?

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NOT being anywhere close to a Math ''Whiz'' as our esteemed ''Doctor''.........(I have no clue to your formula....😁

Couldn't you substitute ''whereas'' in the first part of your equation, rather than ''namely''?.....substsituting the second ''therefore'' with something else? (or dropped altogether). I rarely use ''namely'', but it may be different or more proper for you. I know the syntax for Math equations is somewhat different, so just ''bouncing'' the idea, Eagle.


What do you think?

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Well, yes, my mistake, I should have made another example. Maybe I could try to make an example from history.😁


It was expected that the Persians would defeat the Greek in the battle of Thermopylae. Namely, Persians had great numerical superiority.

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I think that "whereas" wouldn't fit in because I think that "whereas" is for there is some contrast between the first and the second statement. In my case, I want the first statement to be an information, and the second statement further explains why is the first statement true.

And yes, dropping the adverb altogether seems like it would do the job. In this case I wouldn't have a wrong use of "namely" nor some other adverb. Only I wanted to put some clue for the reader that the explanation follows. (Which may be important in mathematical text where the reader usually thinks "why is that the case, how did he make this conclusion".)

Also, another way to deal with this might be to change the structure of sentences in the entire paragraph. But before that, I hope that there is some suiting adverb for this.😁

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The "namely" does not sound too bad to me. But then again, I am also not a native English speaker, just someone who uses English a lot during his work.


Maybe you could also substitute the "namely" for "This is, since". 
Your sentence would then read "The equation ... has no real solutions. This is, since ... and therefor ...". It sounds a little more long-winded to me, but it would avoid the doubt about the word namely (and would also work for your Persian example 🙂  ).

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That could work too! Thanks!

Well, yes, "namely" has always sounded well for such situations. But it might not be correct actually. I came into this dilemma after being pointed out by a reviewer that "namely" might now be appropriate. And now after doing some googling, it seems that he might be correct. I'm not finding examples with "namely" being used the way I wanted.

So, while I wanted "by namely" to introduce an explanation of the previous, it appears that "namely" should be used to name some examples, or to tell what I mean in particular. So, it wouldn't be for an explanation "why is something like that", but "what in particular".

Maybe I'm just overthinking...😕

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No, your not overthinking, perhaps just ''critical thinking''.......your trying to make it right, nothing wrong with that. Me as I stated, i rarely use ''namely'' - but.....

Let me think on it for a day,...........too  much work lately and my mind is corn meal mush  😆

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Thank you! My mind is in the same state right now.😄

In the meantime, I came up to this solution. At least for until a better solution is found.


Then [something] is an almost connected graph. Let us prove this fact. By Lemma 5, [something] is an infinite cyclic subgroup of G. [And so on... The proof is written in several sentences.]

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(In this case, the "namely" is being replaced by a short sentence.) Actually, that is what makes it harder to me - the fact that the explanation is not short. The best would be if I could write "It is like that and that, because of that and that", but that way the sentence would be too long.

Interesting how, to appreciate something, especially somebody else's abilities, you often need to struggle with it yourself. When you know yourself how hard that one thing can be.😄

Edited by EaglePrince

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I've been away this weekend or I probably would've caught this thread sooner. I know it's resolved now but I just wanted to share my opinion in case it's of benefit to anyone too 🙂

Speaking purely from an English point of view, I'd probably use a word such as principally. I'm a bit like Dave on my maths 😂

I don't really see a problem with using namely but I guess maybe there's just a slightly more tailored word to what you're looking for, and that's what he might mean.


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Well, it's not fully resolved, I'll still thinking about it. I still have to complete that revision, and there are some other parts too that require some attention. So I may come back to it.

Also, from what all of you said, I guess that "namely" isn't bad for such situations. I'm hearing it here from several native speakers. But still, if a reviewer mentions something like that, I would tent to follow his advice as much as possible, and to "disobey" only if I have a hard proof that I am right. I still want that thing of mine published, and fighting for my right to write "namely" in one single place in my paper wouldn't be worth risking it.

So, I think that I will continue to use "namely" as I did before, but just not in this case in particular.

Sent from my Mi A2 Lite using Tapatalk

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