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Ai-aided Historical Castle for Human Player
Just got a new idea for a map. I could design a new AI that is allied to the human player, that does not produce any units but rather builds a historical castle for a human player. The human player is not allowed to place any walls, towers, or gatehouses. This means that the human player is *forced* to play from behind the confines of a historical castle. This would make historical castle skirmish scenarios possible. What do you think of this idea? -
Wip Eyecandy Invasion Map
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Planewalker's Complete Guide to SHL Invasion Settings
Hey there, guys. Planewalker here, formerly known as Lord Tanthos. I have years of detailed user map experience in Stronghold Legends, and I'm here to give you a rundown on every component of a SHL invasion. Basics The basics of an invasion are quite straightforward. You pick what troops, how many, and what color. Below that you can choose which map marker the army will appear from. If you do have any questions about this section, I will answer those in the comments. Let's get into the meat -
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Unused Lord Barclay Castle?
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