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Is it Possible to Mod No Pop Cap for Kingmaker?

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In general, I'm trying to make a mod which removes the pop cap from kingmaker to make it more like the campaign with larger battles. Additionally, I'm reading that it's impossible to mod unit stats in Stronghold 2. Is that true? 

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Welcome to Stronghold Nation!

As far as I know, it is not possible. But Lord Chris knows much more about modding Stronghold 2. I think it would be the best to wait for his answer, maybe I'm wrong, or maybe he could come up with something else helpful. Only he might be absent right now, but I expect he could reply in several days.

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Welcome to Stronghold Nation!

You’re correct in respect of what you said about unit stats. Sadly there is no legal way of doing this.

Regarding what you said about the population limit, my understanding of this is that it’s a Kingmaker specific population limit. It’s usually linked to the map type but is nearly always 104.

This has probably been done for balancing reasons, ie to ensure that all Skirmish or multiplayer maps remain consistent so no player or map has any additional advantage.

You may be able to find something relating to this option in the .s2m map files themselves, this is not something I have tried actually.

To do this you’d probably need some hex code editor to take a look at the map file and see what if anything can be found. In newer games virtually everything is editable via the xml files but in the earlier games, and this includes various troop limits etc, a lot of things are hidden in the older games.

I can’t remember seeing anything relating to the population limit offhand in any of the SH2 files, so my opinion on this is that your best bet is probably the s2m map (or maybe even .sh2 if you use the sav-to-map trick).

My computer isn’t running great at the moment but I will try to get on and have a look at the SH2 files for you at some point.

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  On 29/03/2021 at 22:45, Lord_Chris said:

Regarding what you said about the population limit, my understanding of this is that it’s a Kingmaker specific population limit. It’s usually linked to the map type but is nearly always 104.

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Also, does that depend on the stone keep, too? So, if you put the largest stone keep in a castle estate in the map editor, would the player have the pop limit 120, or something like that?

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That's a really good question! So the population limit isn't really affected by whatever Keep type you have. It's usually pretty consistent whatever Keep type you use and is mainly dependent upon each map or whatever scenario (i.e. Kingmaker) you are playing. It would be a nice feature to implement though I guess wouldn't it. But I've also updated our Stronghold 2 Keeps article and added on info about this, so thanks for asking!


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