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Economic Game: Calanais

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Hey folks,

I've just completed the stand-alone economic mission, Calanais!

It's something of a grind - you cannot grow or buy food apart from hops and ale, and there are no trees. You are constantly assailed by bandits. Your only economic recourse is to sell stone, keep your peasants drunk and religious, and tax them. The aim is to gain (and maintain for a period) a large population (118 at normal difficulty).

The early stages of the game in particular are tricky. The bandits will make a bee-line for structures like the market, hop farms and quarries. I found I could eventually enclose the keep, and then it was a juggling match to balance the economy and happiness - real micromanagement. The breakthrough came when I had enough stone to wall in the quarries and farms, after which the bandits just tried to batter down the walls.

As the population increases, the bandit attacks intensify, so early investment in archers (and a few crossbowmen) paid off (though you do get a few outlaws from the woods returning to your cause early on)

The image is how I got my castle to look (through about 5 or 6 redesigns/extensions), allowing my hop farmers and stone masons to carry on safely 🙂


I also noticed something - when you build a chapel, eventually you are harrassed to build a church, and then to build a cathedral (with a negative popularity penalty). However, deleting the chapel after you build a church removes this problem!

Calanais near to victory.png

'...But be not afraid of jesters; some are born jesters, some achieve jesters and some have jesters thrust upon them'

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