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Hello From a Bygone Era
Warm regards all, I was a very active member of Stronghold-Knights back in the day and in a bout of nostalgia I was scrounging the web for any signs of the old site and stumbled across this place. I recognize LptD from the old days. Anyone else around? Any news? WoS -
Feedback thread for maps created by odisseus
During the last few days I've submitted three maps for Stronghold 1 and they haven't been approved as of this moment. If my maps are deficient in some way, I would very much like to know, as I try to make them non-trivial and reasonably challenging. I mean, how many symmetrical castles are already out there? How many castles surrounded by impassable terrain everywhere except the gate? I think we already have enough of this, and I try to make something unusual. Then again, my skills at the g -
I don't know how long it has been since I've visited the forums. I won't make up some excuse, as there isn't any need to do so. Simply, I just haven't been spending a lot of time on forums recently. I've been focusing on school or just spending time with loved ones and friends. Oh, I guess that is sort of an excuse :D Regardless. I am back now, I won't get involved in any threads that require constant posting, because I know I won't be able to keep up with it and it'll just make everything har -
Hello everybody! I guess I'm new!
Just as the title says, I'm new. I am a massive fan of the Stronghold franchise. I've played every stronghold game out there (except Stronghold Crusader 2 :() and I enjoy the concept and the design! Right now I play Stronghold Kingdoms and Stronghold 2. I go by the name of EasternInferno in SHK, world one, if anyone's interested. My favourite Stronghold game is?Stronghold Crusader, the best :)! I hope that we can have fun together! I'm really looking forward towards 52 weeks of stronghol