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spin khan

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Hey sir !

I am a software engineer , I am playing stronghold 2 since many years,

Can i be apart of stronghold developers team ?


My expertise is Java  c++  javascript  Dart

now  I am working on Native apps mobile development 

and I am interested to have SH2 in mobile Phone . 



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Hi @spin khan,

Welcome to the site, and thanks for your files the other day. It's been a while since we've had some Stronghold 2 files, and they were really nice. :classic_smile:

I've split your post from the Old Stronghold Knights topic, as it wasn't really that relevant.

Are you referring to the site (Stronghold Nation), or the games? Unfortunately we aren't the official developers and are only a fansite, so if you are interested in developing the games, you will have to contact Firefly Studios. However we are interested in developing a mobile app for the site at some point, although this is currently only in the very early design stages of an API. I'm happy to talk about this a bit more in a PM with you if this is what you mean though.


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