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Invasion of Closed Castle
I decided to finish my peace map that I left stalling for a while and I'm having trouble with a final invasion. An army is supposed to assault your wooden fortification but they either stand around indefinitely no matter what I do or they attack in small groups, leaving some of them standing at the invasion point. Apparently, they don't like the closed castle as whenever the siege equipments break the wall, they all start moving. But I don't get why don't they just start assaulting the wooden wain Stronghold 2
New Stronghold Crusader Hd Player 2020
Hey guys, im a new player looking for literally anyone to play some multiplayer with, the computers move way too fast for me and I need to play someone who is willing to slow down to provide an adequate challenge. im not sure if anyone still looks at these forums, but go ahead and give me a kind email if you wish for an easy challenge, or if you are up to teach. 🙏🏻🙏🏻 thank you kindly. ar3nad3wdz [at] gmail [dot] com -Patrick. -
Unused Lord Barclay Castle?
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Player 'Faces' of AI characters?
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Teal Player Colour Maps?
Would anyone be able to upload some large size (400x400) blank invasion maps for Stronghold and Stronghold Crusader where the player colour has been switched to teal? I tried downloading the map pack by Jalis from Stronghold Heaven but all the maps were tiny size, and when I tried to resize them I can't place any buildings outside the original tiny borders. Not sure if that's a bug with the Mac version or what, but in any case it would be great if someone could help me with getting those maps