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Mysticism and Spirituality Thread

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Before I begin this thread I just want to say a few things. @Crusader1307 tried to convince me to make it and once I've thought about it for a while I realise he's probably right again (as usual :classic_biggrin:). This thread won't be as well maintained as Dave's but I will be occasionally posting some things in here. If anyone has any questions about any of this (or this topic in general) feel free to post them below at any point and I'll answer them as best as I can.

First of all, I need to make clear that I don't know everything. No single person knows everything. If I honestly don't know something I will tell you that rather than try to pretend I know an answer.

My own journey into Spirituality is probably unique to me, as are many of the experiences I've had and things I've encountered. Many of the things which I post about in this thread will probably upset a lot of people, because it contradicts their beliefs about mainstream society, religion, the Universe, life itself and far beyond.

If you're not prepared for a shock, then you aren't really well prepared for what I will be posting. The purpose of this thread is not so much as to tell stories, frighten people or cause concern, but simply to enlighten you all so that you can best use the information I provide to assist you on your path here on Earth.

Like anything, some of the things I may be posting about might be hard at times to follow if you do not have much experience or knowledge about this subject. That's ok if that is the case. 

A lot of what most people actually do know about this subject is based off mainstream news, Hollywood or other similar means. Most of these are either attempting to glorify this subject, paint it as strange, dark and unusual or tarnish it as downright deception and lies. None of this is true, and in fact a lot of what these organisations have to say about this and the judgements they pass stems from a lack of understanding of what this is actually about, and the fact that there is something bigger. These judgements and criticisms then get passed down various generations without anyone ever realising or understanding exactly why those judgements were formed in the first place, and with no real reason behind them.

Certainly the things which I have learned has shifted my entire perception of everything in existence. If you're not ready for that yet or it's not something you want to consider, or, you don't feel it will help you on your own path, it's probably best you don't follow or read this thread.

I'll begin by posting some of the topics of things we all probably know and then progress into the more complicated topics.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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The Art of Astrology

Many people are familiar with the terminology of what Astrology is, but they don't really understand how it works, or know anything about it. Over the next series of articles, I'll be explaining some of the core concepts as a very broad overview. My view on this is that Astrology is a useful divination tool which can and does provide a glimpse into a person's soul, past (even past lives), future, present situations, personal relationships and more. However, you should not take it as divine gospel. The art of Astrology itself always usually from experience provides the correct answer. However if you truly want deeper insight into what is going on in a person's life, or what is actually going to happen, you should have someone read your energy instead (commonly referred to as a psychic reading). I'll discuss that below, but in short, yes Astrology is useful, but it's far from providing the full answer and should only be used in cautious snippets.

This is because what really matters as to whether the Astrology reading you receive is accurate and correct depends on many factors, such as:

  • Having an accurate birth date, time and place. Even just by being out by 15 minutes changes the whole chart to be almost unrecognisable in some situations. I spent my entire life thinking I was born at 9 AM only to find out a few years ago I was actually born at 9:15 AM. Every minute changes your chart and the connections within it.
  • The experience of the reader and how they've blended the various factors together. An Astrology reading you receive is only as good as the reader who provides it to you. In large it almost entirely depends upon their intuitive understanding and knowledge of the various elements in your chart and what importance they give to each of them, along with how they all impact on one another that actually produces your reading. If a reader does not understand some elements, or misses them out, or blends them together incorrectly, it can have profound differences. Anyone for example can tell you that Mercury Conjunct The Sun in a person's Natal chart will give the person good communication skills, but if there are other negative influences in the chart impacting that and the reader does not take them into account, then the reading will not be accurate.
  • Not everyone matches their chart. The more Spiritually disempowered an individual is, trauma they have experienced or other similar events etc, the less they relate to their own chart because the less of their own energy they actually have. I'll talk more about this in a later article.
  • The system which was used for the reading. Unfortunately with the increase of newspapers and other media, this has also increased the amount of fake news. Many Newspapers or other columns which provide a 'Astrology reading' based on purely your Zodiac sign is based on what is commonly referred to as Sun Sign Astrology. You normally find these kind of readings in magazines where they claim to be able to say what is happening to you in the next week or day based on your Zodiac Sign. This is usually almost always false, because the reading only takes into account the Sun Sign of the individual. When in fact, a person has a Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Signs for all the other planets in the Solar System to take into account, plus additional factors. Taking into account only one of these factors is why people often try to discredit Astrology as fake or wrong, they simply don't have the knowledge to know about the different systems used, and that Sun Sign Astrology is a simplified version of Astrology used to write and sell interesting things as opposed to the truth.

Astrology shows you a template of what is going on, but it does not show you the circumstances around it and only from a static Universal point of view. Individuals as we all know are changeable. Astrology readings are also not as accurate as energetic readings. When a person (psychic) tunes into your energy, they are reading you, your soul, your present circumstances, what is going on and what is coming your way at that point in time. It's kind of like a snapshot of your energy at that point they read it. So while Astrology might predict that there is a tendency for new love in February one year (for example), it's what is happening in your energy that really matters as to whether or not you'll actually get any. Astrology does not make things magically 'drop out of the sky' by itself.

While it's true that the Astrological cycles of the planets can affect your energy, surroundings and circumstances in this way, along with the energies affecting you, ultimately, it's down to you as an individual to exercise your free will which could change any or all of this.

The art of Astrology dates back to the 2nd Century BC, discovered by the Babylonians. Until roughly the 1800s, it was taught in conjunction with Astronomy, which shows in my view just how interlinked the two concepts are. Probably the most widely known system for Astrology is using a Natal Chart. A Natal Chart is generated from your birth data, and is essentially a snapshot of the entire Universe at the time of your birth. It shows the positions of The Sun, the Planets, Astrological Houses, Zodiac signs and more, and from this you can learn in-depth information about the life path of an individual, along with many of their traits in this lifetime.

There are, in fact many more systems, one being love-based Astrology. One method I have used in the past is to look at the Synastry Chart of two individuals to see how they interact with each other and feel about one another. This is useful to see whether there is enough chemistry for a relationship of some form (sexual, romantic etc). When I've used this to do energy readings of my own in the past, the result from the Synastry Chart has been almost identical to the result of the Synastry reading, although the energy reading was clearer.

You can also use a Composite Chart to study relationships, but the Composite Chart is an entirely new chart created through the Natal Charts of BOTH individuals, and is the chart of the relationship itself, not just how they interact with one another.

A few other systems I have used or looked into include:

  • Transit based Astrology: This looks at how the current lineup of the Planets etc impacts on your Natal (birth) Chart. How the Planets are impacting your Natal Chart can provide significant insight into your present situation and any difficulties you may currently be going through in your life. Transits can also be predicted in advance so that you have time to prepare for positive or negative influences on your life.
  • Predictive Astrology: Probably the hardest of all, Predictive Astrology looks at the future of a person, place or other thing and seeks to make a prediction on what the future might hold. From my own experience (although granted as a novice) this was extremely difficult and not realistically worth pursuing.

There are many more, but I hope this cursory overview of Astrology is helpful for now.


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Thanks! When I started writing I wanted to answer many of the questions that I had when I started out with it, so that anyone who read it fully understood its power and what it isn't capable of. Hopefully I've done that (in as concise amount as possible).


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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