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Now Taking Moderator Applications

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Stronghold Nation is a community supported site. We value the input you guys can bring to us and the content that you provide with not just the site, but entire Stronghold community for years to come. But running a community as popular and large as ours is hard work, and a big responsibility.

We have visitors arriving daily from all corners of the globe, and members from a large number of countries right across the world. Our content is some of the most viewed, unique and exclusive Stronghold content of any existing online community. 7 years on, the site is continuing to expand its operations far beyond anything ever imagined.

But all this comes at a price. Your admin team continue to do an outstanding job managing the day-to-day operations of the site, adding new content, moderating downloads, fixing bugs and general improvements. But we can't do all this alone.

Most community based websites generally have one person in charge who makes most the decisions, and perhaps a couple of trusted Moderators to enforce the rules. This is not how I perceive SHN should be. We have tremendous talent, knowledge and ability within our community and I think that more than anything, we should be looking to showcase this with as many team members as possible.

If you're passionate about Stronghold, or if you want to make a positive lasting impact on walkthroughs, tutorials, downloads, information, forum threads or even just general help and advice- we want you and your contributions to the site to feel valued, and if you feel you have any skills that would benefit the community we invite you to make a Community Liaison application. Unlike other websites, we don't want you to feel like you need to be asked before joining the team.

What is a Community Liaison?

Simply put, a Community Liaison is a forum leader. They help start and lead discussions in forums that they have a specific interest in, such as Stronghold Legends or any other game they wish to moderate. They can help to bring the community together by answering questions in their forums, and pay a particular interest to advancing the aims of the community. They handle basic forum moderation in the forums they wish to lead. There are no limits or pressures imposed on you, or certain "threshold" levels you need to reach. All of this is entirely at your own discretion as to what activity level you feel comfortable with. The only thing we ask is that you're not completely inactive.

You might have specific skills on generating maps, or be particularly good or passionate about tutorials. Or, you might like helping users on the forum. You could do any or all of this, whatever suits your interests. You may find that you may be more interested in becoming a full-blown Moderator on the site, which is also fine. Whatever your desires, we can discuss this with you and find the most relevant role for you.

But if you're still quite new to the Community, it might be a good idea to get to know people first. Have a look around, get to know the place, maybe add a few downloads or help a few people out on the forum first. Adding quality content is a great way to gain recognition on the site.

How do I apply?

Send me a PM outlining what you'd like to moderate, any background you have in this and what skills you think you could bring. It doesn't have to be long, but it should be detailed enough for us to understand more about why you'd like this role and what you could bring. Past warnings/bans or other moderation action will not necessarily influence these decisions, but it may play a role depending on what these things were for and how long ago they were.

We all want to continue adding quality information about Stronghold, and particularly its newest upcoming release, Warlords, in the future. A larger team will accomplish significantly more, and with your help, we can become even bigger with even more information than we already have.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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