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Duc Vautour

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Everything posted by Duc Vautour

  1. Oh sorry, how about i'm going to send you the map. How about that?
  2. Well, since somehow i can't take an ingame screenshot, i will just provide you the minimap and its links A lot of people says there are a lot of map that uses a hades level terrain. But these two are the one that i think best The first one is "Lasting Impression" by Yasko. It looks like a barren land but actually you can build a farm on the footprint. The footprint is the one that uses haddes level terrain. Here is the minimap And the link to the filehttp://stronghold.heavengames.com/downloads/showfile.php?fileid=3360&ci=0041e57c92a2a2e2cf9a432b77d8727bYToxOntpOjA7YToyOntpOjA7czoxNDoiU2VhcmNoIFJlc3VsdHMiO2k6MTtzOjQ4OiJsaXN0ZXIucGhwP3N0YXJ0PTAmYW1wO3NlYXJjaD1sYXN0aW5nIGltcHJlc3Npb24iO319 The seccond one is "War of the desert" by XFlameX. It looks like it is a barren land from minimap. But, you can actually build a farm on the edge of the map. The Oasis on the edge of the map were camouflaged using hades level terrain Here is the minimap And link to download http://stronghold.heavengames.com/downloads/showfile.php?fileid=3695&ci=5eccaf2b1c87f2caf1223088a441cb5cYToyOntpOjA7YToyOntpOjA7czozMToiU3Ryb25naG9sZCBDcnVzYWRlcjogU2tpcm1pc2hlcyI7aToxO3M6NDg6Imxpc3Rlci5waHA/Y2F0ZWdvcnk9c2hjX3NraXJtaXNoJmFtcDtzPWQmYW1wO289ZCI7fWk6MTthOjI6e2k6MDtzOjQ3OiJTdHJvbmdob2xkIENydXNhZGVyOiBTa2lybWlzaGVzOiBTZWFyY2ggUmVzdWx0cyI7aToxO3M6ODg6Imxpc3Rlci5waHA/c3RhcnQ9MCZhbXA7dGl0bGU9d2FyIG9mIHRoZSBkZXNlcnQmYW1wO2NhdGVnb3J5PXNoY19za2lybWlzaCZhbXA7cz1kJmFtcDtvPWQiO319
  3. Should i attach an example of a map using a 'hades terrain' map or just simply the picture?
  4. You don't have to feel sorry Lord Chris. Although i did'nt find what i was looking for on that document, i learn a lot of interesting things :) Well EaglePrince, actually i alread tried that. But i don't know if i do it wrong but i can't managed to do that. I believe i already tried just like the instruction said :(
  5. Wow, thanks a lot lord chris :) EDIT: anyway Lord Chris, i can't managed to find an answer on your thread :(
  6. Hello everyone! Does anybody knows how to make 'hades terrain'? Some people says that hades terrain is a lower level of beach terrain. But i tried a lot to accomplish that but the resusult always unsucsefull. Can anybody help me about this?
  7. A long hard fought match is always a good fight :). Yesterday i played online with my cousin. She is the one who introduce me to the Stronghold series. We've had a pretty long 1 on 1 game for like around 4 hours on 60 game speed without any rules even i decide to stay at her place to finish what we started. I ended up losing tho. But a long hard game against your 'teacher' means a good fight :)
  8. Well i guess i should introduce myself since i was new here. I am Duc Vautour, i also have a StrongholdHeaven account under the same name. And my gameranger id is also the same. I started to get into map making things and to be honest, i really admire the maps that were created by our two members in here : Lord Vetka and EaglePrince. A hint and comment from EaglePrince on my creation really helps me alot. I only played SH1 and Crusader on my computer since my computer is a little bit old :). I play SH2 a couple of times on my friend,s computer tho. Besides mapmaking, i do have another unrelated hobbies in writing. I could help anyone who wanted to crrate a stproes for their map. But since as you can see, my english is not good, you guys should correct my story writings :)
  9. Well, i do have a wide variable of music and genre. From modern music like edm or old school stuffs like disco, funk etc :) Prefered genre : deep-house, funk, disco, blues Favourite artist : Minnie Riperton, Kimbra, Jack White, Payung Teduh(local band from my country), Float(also a local band), Coldplay, Late Night Alumni, Swedish House Mafia Favourite Album : undecided Favourite song : Loving you by Minnie Riperton and steppin out by Late Night Alumni(both are going to be my wedding dance song :)), and Float - Pulang(it always reminds me of home whenever i heard that. You should check that out if youre into acoustic stuff)
  10. Well i can speak a only a little english and knows some german, french, and swedish :). I did not pass the 'beginer' level on every language that i learn tho. Only heard it when my mother speaking it and she tought about that a little :)
  11. There are 16 AI in Stronghold Crusader. Each, has a different 8 castle design variant. Of all those AI's castle, which one or who do you think has the most beautiful/good looking castle design. We're going to ignore their defense etc. Judging based only by pure looks Well, let me get this started. Here is my top 5 AI castle design Honorable mention : Richard The Lionheart Richard's castle is in my opinion, although simple, but has a good looks. His square castle with 4 big towers ressembles a very typical castle. He definetly adopted a "less is more" motto :) Here is my favourite Richard's castle based on pure looks Lionheart 8 5The Sheriff According to his wiki page, "His castle design greatly reflects the style of medieval castles in England (where he is from), where a castle was often attached to a small walled town, which contained housing and the service/industrial buildings that could not fit into the castle." Well, that says everything about his design. Thats why he was get a number 4 on my list :) Here is my favourite Sheriff castle Sheriff 3 4.The Caliph This cruel ruler castle altough small, but has the one of the best looking castle on my opinion. His rectangular shaped keep and lots of look out towers are looks a lot like a castle from Arabian Nights. He puts his bad things inside his little town really suitable for his cruel personality Here is my favourite Caliph castle Caliph 6 3.The Emir This kind hearted and friendly yet dangerous person castle altough has a same shape in each variant, has a good design. According to his wiki page, "The Emir constructs medium to large-sized octagonal castles that are well defended, good things are available to cover the entire population. Many buildings are left outside, but the whole city is situated inside. Fortifications consist of walls, Lookout Towers and Round Towers" Well everytime i saw his castle in crusader, i always thought of desert place. His already well designed castle looks even better with his neat placement of good things :) Here is my favourite Emir castle Emir 6 : Well, its kinda hard to decide for the second and first place. Because both ai has a tottally different design for each variant. It was almost tie actually. But i decide to gave the second place to the one who has a very complex castle yet heavily fortified castle but laking the good looks. And the second place goes to... 2.The Wazir Well, Wazir first few castle design...looks really weird imo. But his few last castle design...It was such a cool castles. "According to his wiki page "Star-shaped and big-sized, yet well-defended castles are the Wazir's trademarks. Each castle has a varying number of points, where two lookout towers and a round tower is present with Arab bowmen and fire throwers. The interior is filled with the most important buildings, sometimes a huge number of hovels and bakeries are placed outside, which are protected by large pools of pitch. Fire ballistae are deployed in various spots, but the Wazir, like the Nizar and the Pig, does not use mangonels or tower ballistae despite having large enough towers to support them. However the Wazir does use water and pitch defences very effectively, digging numerous small patches of moat to direct enemies into areas of pitch and wooden spike traps." Well, our sabre wielding rider gets a comfortable second place. Now he can continue to relax in his star fort while torturing his civilian :) Oh, here is my Wazir favourite castle design Wazir 8 : 1.Duc Volpe, The Wolf Ah, our favourite nemesis since early 2000 :). The bad ol' Wolf has 8 tottally different castle design and shapes! In his wiki page it says that "The Wolf likes to build massive castles with thick walls and large towers. All of his castles are surrounded by killing pits and plenty of pitch. Some of the Wolf's more complex castle designs can hold out against even the largest of siege forces if he is permitted enough time to dig his moat and establish his economy. Out of all the AI players encountered, the Wolf's castles are the true forts that deserve to call them 'strongholds'." I couldn't agree more of that. His castle looks really intimidating. All siege enggines, moats, killing pits, pitch, enggineer with oil aid in his defensive mechanism. But his placement of building, castle shape and neat placement of bad things really makes his castle good looking and somehow, his castle design really suits his personality as a cruel ruler! Well, here is my favourite Wolf castle. It's not the biggest or the hardest, but it has the best looks imo Wolf 3 Well, congratulation to The Wolf for his good looks yet well fortified castle :) That was my opinion about best looking ai castle design. Tell me what do you think of this list? Do you agree? or do you have different opinion about ai castle design?
  12. When i played against the rat it was on killing plains me on top west side. Bullseye is when i play against phillips....i have to say that i almost loose all of my hair because of that one :)
  13. Thank you for your warm welcome and kindness Lord Chriss :) I would like also to note that a land called so small called 'holy' and the birthplace of 3 largest religion has been a placce where a lot of blood has been spoiled :(
  14. on the top right side of the map :). I think it was the hardest
  15. I believe that phillip fell ill and he was retreating to france buthe still left some of the troops left in holly land I do think so too! At least he should use a swordsmen/pikemen and spearmen or something. At least make like marshall but with better offensive tactic. And use that a lot of stables to full potential.
  16. Mother of all wars was my favourite mission is crusader trail actually. I played that often, and..Sultan almost always got killed by pig. Yeah Wazir is pretty strong his horse archer and fire balista is kinda troubling and he use pitch more effectife but wisely. In my ai vs ai test, he only lose against Saladin. If only he builds more trebuchet, he can be such a formidable foe. And yes, i do think so that wazir is likebstrong caliph but instead of lots of slave, he uses lots of horse archer My game setting against rat is 1 vs 7 on killingbplains with 4000 gold advantage. If you want a challange, play against 7 phillips and gave them 4000 - 8000 gold advantage on bulls eye map or any 8 players map :). He can make you stress at start :)
  17. Well, i have some surprising & memorable memories actually - on skirmish trail missio 49(the mothef of all wars) whem you allied with sultan & caliph against 3 lionhearts and 2 pigs. The Sultan got killed in as soon as his castle go up. Meanwhile, Caliph is busy with his piggy neighbour and somehow Richards are busy with me(they atk Caliph only a couple of times). When i tried the Caliph to beat his piggy neighbour, i decide to eleminate the other pig first the move on to Lionhearts, to my when i started to build up my tropps, it took me a while(i nver build arab troops except firethrpwer and bowman to light up the pitch and i use +5 fearfactor on that mission) i get a message that Caliph just killed Lionheart. I was kinda surprised actually. When i was busy sieging to pig, i got a message that Caliph just killed the other two lionhearts! I was kinda surprise of that(note that i didnt use modded ai) - i once played a game with Wazir vs 3 Fredericks, and 3 Lionheart. I did not use a modded Ai. At one moment, those 6 lords decide to do joint attack on the Wazir in the mid game time. Wazir only had a few troops left and 2k-ish money after his failed siege. To my surprise, Wazir did manage to hold and defense against those ai and none of it hhappen without my help and no enemy troops are managed to break into his castle - the last one is kinda makes me feel ashamed actually. I recently did a me against 7 same ai(7 rat, etc) . Its only Saladin variant and wolfs variant that i havent beat yet. The surprisin thing is, the most troubling ai is....the rat.....he managed to killed me in the first try on the map killing plains and the second most troubling is the snake whom not only burn my castle to the ground and managed to made my lord health bar tp red :)
  18. I also wanted to add that Saladin are indeed, the wise, the kind, the just etc. When Richard and his troops fell ill, Saladin sends a team of his own personal doctor to gave them a proper medication & treatement. He also sends them supplies and gave Richard snow for his fever! Saladin also tells his soldier not to harm any woman, children, old people and regular townsfolk. And also not destroying any lifestock, farms, well and religious building whenever he and his army are sieging a city But, if only Frederick wasnt drowned, Phillip didn't fell ill history wouldve been different tho :). Imagine the 3 most powerful monarch and military genius from Europe fighting together. And also, don't forget about Frederick's massive army.
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