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Everything posted by Micha!

  1. Hey, I would like to see additonal infos in Profiles/Messaging which can also be seen in profile of a user. Xfire: Steam: Steam will help if people want to add other players/mappers to help them or play with them.
  2. Thank you for that. I coudln't even report the problem via your report feature. I had a http something error on the redirect :D
  3. Nice one :) I like such multiplayer action. I had a player rushing with horse archers and shields. I hide my derwisches, waited and sent them after he was at my wall and won this fight.
  4. Don't place player/ki estates in editor (skirmish). Just click on the tab fractions and down there you will find a button to mark the estate start position. That's it. :) The estates will appear if you play the map and just if there is a player.
  5. I had trouble with this too but then I figured how to: 1. Mark the territory 2. Place buildings you want in it (don't forget the townhall so players can capture it and place min. 1 house) 3. Create the hauliers (carter post) 4. After this click "objects" bottom left-hand cornor in the editor and search for the hauliers. Then click on it and mark what it should transport (you find this setup on the right side of the editor -> text: objectoptions.) Also you can change the affiliation at the objectoptions. So you can mark a land but place "enemy" buildings on it. Can be nice to make a szenario like a town and enemy units are burning it at start, so you need to "restart" building it up :D
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