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Everything posted by Micha!

  1. It feels like the KI is turned off if it is set to mission. Maybe it's not possible to do a invasion.
  2. I did this too. I placed the stuff and made it so that everything should be used. The horse archers are meant to patrol, some invasion troops should "harass troops form up" meaning shooting from the hill to my castle.
  3. I created a small map with some stuff to do. Additional I added markers and created a simple invasion. You can download the map here: http://ul.to/qfc9lgm8 (place it in example: C:\Users\Username\Documents\Stronghold Crusader 2\Maps) The goal is to find out how to create an invasion on "mission" map type. They are just standing around like Mathew said. Placing markers and paths are enough for a "skirmish" invasion but it seems like "mission" is different from this one.
  4. Wait a sec..... Did I miss something or are you saying the crashes are related to using mantlets? Indeed it has something to do with dervishs and mobile shields. I had so many crashs after I or enemy sent them charging on the shields. I already reported this to the support but they need a save game to test this out. I asked Sergiu what happens if someone crashs. He said "we try again but if the crashes is to often the player will be disqualified".
  5. Crashs still occurs with using "shields" but they got very rare (atleast for me). It's an official tournament and should bring fun and even some prices :)
  6. Source: http://www.sergiuhelldragoon.com/stronghold-crusader-2-european-christmas-tournament/
  7. Thank you but I don't have stronghold crusader :)
  8. Sure go on, you can link them to "Minas Tirith" and "Crac des Chevaliers". I made them the same way and they know about my map Minas. An "invasion" pin would be great also to choose if multiplayer or just against a Ki and which side (defending, attacking or both possible).
  9. You forgot the set "Pathings". Go into the "Marker" topic and pathing and set them where your markers are. I created 3 chains and it is working for me now. I noticed: - you forgot to block the water with path blocking tool. - the carter post at grey castle is not working (mark it, then on the right side click "Objects" and choose what it should deliver) - the markers for the siege camp (target) are to near to the red castle (catapults get instant destroyed) - the blue spawnpoint needs to be a bit right else the Lord will spawn on a strange spot and will be inside the keept Game crashed at the end. Maybe it was my fault but better check this :) Overall nice idea but I just won this map with shields, arab archers and swordman. Maybe think of some balancing so there is need for the stone.
  10. I'm glad that you are interested in it. Unfortunately, I couldn't create the hill it stands on like the original has. It looks kinda small but was the only possible way to do so. What do you mean with entire area? Do you mean the whole ring behind the first walls or just the part behind the front walls? Should I remove the buildings and walls or just the buildings for this version then? I just made this little part with water because it was on a picture I found (there are not much pictures showing the inner build up). I'm not sure if it had everything covered with water back in the old days. The map itself has much areas blocked and this could be opened for a non "real" map build up. This would open space for even more invasion groups and possibilities
  11. Map editor: Hey, best to make an invasion is to set it "Skirmish" and not "Mission". You may think why? The Map can be played in multiplayer against a KI or a human player. Just setup everything as usual (set fraction and spawnpoints). To not let the invader keep and lord spawn just mark the territory under the keep with the block pathing tool (human player Lords may spawn). Create an event and set it objective type "Win". In Conditions set "Enemy has no Troops left" and set "Timing" the day of the last wave (set "On and After"). Do the same with "Lose" and set "Timing" to "Always" also the Condition to "Lord Dies" (choose the estate of the defending Lord).
  12. Hey, my new project is a real castle which was built by Arabs and then successfully sieged by Crusaders. The castle name is Crac des Chevaliers and it stands in Syria. I tried to built it as real as possible and took the pictures from google earth and different internet sides. http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1229 The Map is an invasion based map. It is possible to play it against a KI player or a human player. Note: 'Host' must always be the defending side. The invaders are the Arab troops lead by the great Saladin (arriving in waves till day 15). The Crusaders are defending and can only recruit some crusader units. Both teams can't build any buildings. Goals: Crusader: Defend the Lord and survive till all invasion troops are death Arabians: Kill the enemy Lord Note: The path through the gates is the only possible way to reach the Crusader Lord. Mission briefing: (French for "Fortress of Knights"; Arabic: Qal'at al-Hosn) The remarkably well-preserved Crusader castle Crac des Chevaliers: Built and expanded between 1150 and 1250, it eventually housed a garrison of 2000. The castle guarded the only major pass between Antioch in Turkey and Beirut in Lebanon. It held out against several attacks, but was lost to the Mamluk Sultan Beybar in 1271. Screenshots: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/536254120199955896/EAA927005F2316DE140C01CD838FD0C552A95138// Download: http://uploaded.net/file/qgfw7p95 http://www56.zippyshare.com/v/34526658/file.html http://www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/file/199-crac-des-chevaliers-1vs1/
  13. Micha!

    Map opinion

    Not yet, but I am working on a 2vs2 verison of the map. The 2vs2 version will have different units waves then the 1vs1 version. I wanted to wait for more feedback coming in for the map.
  14. Micha!

    Map opinion

    Indeed. Got much compliments and got featued. To bad some people can't play the map because of lags. I would have loved to add more content and details (stones, oasis, etc) but I thought it may increase the lags for some people. Next will be to make a 2vs2 version to play it on coop. :)
  15. Hey, sent me the file and I will take a look. Maybe I can find and solve the problem.
  16. Micha!

    Map opinion

    Thank you. I'm in the Steam group "Stronghold Crusaders 2 - World Builders" but badly it hasn't much activity.
  17. Micha!

    Map opinion

    The Map is nearly finished. I need a test person to see if it's possible to play with 2 people. The siege units always team up with the KI so I want to see what happens with 2 human players. Add me in Steam if you want to help testing the map: Micha! or micha201289 *EDIT* I think the map is fine to be released. I sent a request to the download section. Steam text: Greetings Lords, after two days of "work" I managed to create a "Minas Tirith" looking map. I made it to be played as defending or attacking side. Also it is possible to choose between a KI or a human player to play against. It's not a 100% copy of the original but should be good enough. I already played a couple matches on it and it's quite fun to do so. Unfortunately, it wasn't possible to add more unit groups because the game started to stutter (first try were 1200 units). The units will come in waves starting at day 3 till 25. The goal as defender is to survive the invasion and after that to kill the Lord at the River. !! important !! : The "host" must be the defending side, else the invasion groups will swap over. It's not possible to play the attacking side against a KI player (I couldn't manage to make this possible). Map size: extra large Screenshots: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=332466802 http://mnwa.bplaced.net/ftpfiles/screenshots/SHC2_Minas_Tirith.jpg Download: http://uploaded.net/file/yq5iqngv Locate (example): C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Stronghold Crusader 2\assets\maps Guide line for map design: http://www.skrippy.com/user_upload/5570/9021.jpg Thank you for that :)
  18. Micha!

    Map opinion

    It has a wider ring but which isn't shown in the movies. I tried to built it like this: http://www.skrippy.com/user_upload/5570/9021.jpg The bigger ring doesn't really matter because troops spawn inside, it's more a space filler :)
  19. Micha!

    Map opinion

    A little update: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=332466802 I think the design is finished. The attacks are quite hard against Wolf or Richard. It's also possible to play this against a human player :) Add me on steam if you are interested to test this against me :P
  20. Hey, I started to make the map "Minas Tirith" for Stronghold Crusader 2 and I would like to hear your opinion if you want to play the attacking or defending side? :) I prefer the defending side because I could create a huge army to attack but same time I have worries that the KI might be to easy (stupid attacking). Maybe it might be better to make it skirmish and for 2 or 3 players? (1 defending, 2 attacking) First concept of the map. Textures, walls, ways, etc are not ready.
  21. Hey, I uploaded 3 Maps for Stronghold Crusader 2. I just made screenshots showing the map layout and wanted to add this to each map. I clicked on "My Files" and then at the map "Update". I recieve "404 Page Not Found" while I do so (Sorry, the page you were looking for has not been found.Our site has encountered a problem whilst trying to publish this resource.). Is there any way a user can edit infos to a map he uploaded?
  22. Awesome, I didn't knew about point 3. I'm gonna try on a new map. :)
  23. Share the text then, so it may help other mapper too :)
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