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Everything posted by Micha!

  1. We just need to think of Mangols and Trebuchets. They are very powerfull in this game so maybe it's a good idea to strict them (like szenario invasion which will give a x amount).
  2. I like this idea. I just wonder what is the goal of the map creater? Creating a castle which can't be sieged or a castle which makes fun to siege and looks nice?
  3. Nice that you found the solution. I just thought it's adobe flash players because youtube uses this one.
  4. I think the games with "- x days left" are an offer from steam to test them.
  5. Check the addons and programs which are used by your browser. Firefox for example: Tools -> Add-Ons Also you could try to reinstall adobe flash player. Maybe something broke.
  6. Nice, gz to everyone and thank you for my promotion :)
  7. Hey, so my next map will be an invasion map again. I remember this one castle of "The Pig" which you needed to siege on stronghold. It was very hard and took me a while to be sucessful. The goal of this map is to kill the enemy Lord The Pig - Duc Truffle. You will loose if you have to less troops left. I built the basic map in fast creating way so it's not natural looking yet. Right now I have the problem that an AI seems to control your units if you don't stop them doing so. Also It isn't possible to dig the water so I decided to block the left and right water area for now. Another problem is that the defending Lord isn't using the fire archers to set the pitch on fire so I needed to place oil throwers, mangols are not used neither.
  8. Hi, let us collect stuff you figured in the editor. Please keep this ontopic and just write informations. - You can check the KI castle size in a faction area by clicking it with cntrl+mouse1 and then scrolling with the mousewheel. The square must be white. - Textures are missing after placing and/or are like cut through at the "Grid" line. - Areas are black on minimap if you make landscapes lower then the sea level - You can edit the sea color, water flow, reflection, etc.. Go in the Water Tab -> Sea (enable it) -> click the little triangle next to "ShaderProperties" - Don't place walls next to cliffs. Leave "one square" space so the engine wont cut off the battlement of the wall -> Don't custom lower/heigher the cliffs(/mountains) if there is a wall next to it. This will remove and bug the wall.
  9. Ok nice, could you rename this topic titel from "Ocean Mountain" to "Ocean Bay" please? Would make more sense now :)
  10. The map is uploaded to the workshop and the download section. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=361502284
  11. Nice thank you. I'm gonna check it out for sure. Merry Christmas to you too and for sure to all others :)
  12. Alright, I think the map is ready to be released. I will upload it tomorrow as a christmas present to the community :) Thanks everyone for the feedback and especially Mathew Steel for helping me on "realistic" looking part. I will participate with this map on the mapping competition. Maybe it will win ^^
  13. I added you on steam. It would be nice to get some more feedback from some people, while I want it not to get spread to others/multiplayer. So it wont happen that different map versions are spread.
  14. I believe the map is nearly finished. I just need some more testers :) I added the homepage name to the description. This may help to get some more users here. Two more screenshots :)
  15. Yes sure, go ahead. You can use the screenshots I did for this side. :)
  16. Thank you guys. I placed some rocks and stone textures.
  17. Source: https://www.facebook.com/StrongholdCrusaderII?fref=ts
  18. I want the resources out of the fraction area. So I can't place more grass. The stone is between two fractions and no iron on the map. Furthermore, I want it to be flat so I can't place hills on the main ways. I think I will take a look on original maps to get some more ideas to let it look more real.
  19. I worked on the map today. I think the greenland doesn't look to real right now but I'm on a good way. :) The mapname will be "Ocean Bay".
  20. Ok after some intense and laggy rounds, I won the tournament :)
  21. I like the workshop more because you can rate the maps easly also download it instantly without to be in need to do something else.
  22. Hello, I started to work on a new map. It's still early version and textures, resources, etc are missing. I just wanted to know what you think so far. The map is on extra large and should hold up to 6 players. I plan to make it oasis like, so much greenland and beach textures. Also enough wood but no iron and maybe no stone. The map side crossing is possible at the rifght way or three ways over the river.
  23. Nice to hear. Are you planning to release it on workshop too?
  24. The workshop got release today. Download a map: Search a map in the workshop and click subscribe. It will be downloaded and available on the next re launch of the game. Upload a map: Open the Stronghold Crusader 2 editor and open your map. Click "File" and then "Publish to Steam Workshop". You can edit the infos after upload on your steam account (find it in the steam program in your profile)
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