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Everything posted by Micha!

  1. The program I used did not showed this. It just removed it. The anti malware program is called adwcleaner.
  2. I googled malware and followed the steps on a site. The first program I ran helped and solved this problem. Sorry for false detecting this site but strangely it opened the adds everytime I visited this site. Maybe it had something to do with the algorithm the malware used. Anyways, you might delete/close this topic. Sorry again and thanks to everyone.
  3. Seems like I have malware on my laptop, somehow. Might be my fault but I wonder how I got this. Thanks for the help :)
  4. My channel is: https://www.youtube.com/user/Gore166 Pretty old name (acc). I uploaded some songs I could not find on yt back in the days. I do not upload anymore, instead I stream on Twitch sometimes: Micha_kun
  5. Hey, I browsed this website on my laptop and got spammed with adds. Firefox blocked 150 adds (rising) in like 5 seconds. Adblock is installed and I was a none registered user. Anyone noticed this problem? It is just this site I recieved such a problem yet.
  6. I am proud to present part 2 of a mapping series: The End of The Pig - On the Rise The map is part of a little "campaign" and is based on the original from Stronghold. Prolog: "You have been charged to overthrow the Pig's final county by laying siege to his stronghold. You have besieged this castle before but it has since been rebuilt and now has a full garrison so will prove to be a far greater challenge. Our simple direct approach with the battering ram may not now be enough." Description: "We successfully gained the control of the Pig's castle. Our scouts reporting the Wolf troops marching into our direction. You need to build up the castle again and hold it against the waves of Wolfs army!" Note: You will find the map in Singleplayer -> Community Maps Download link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=651927385 Part 1: http://forum.strongholdcrusader2.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1073 Screenshots:
  7. I doubt they still work on it. I provided some ideas which are easy to code on last tournament and they noticed it. Still not done, nor any patch (fixes, etc) since. *EDIT* I asked on stream chat and they said they are working on kingdoms and will start a new game. So I think I am done with shc2. No major patchs (maybe any) will follow and this game still needs them.
  8. Mini dlc keys (please just redeem them if you have stronghold crusader2): Delivering Justice: HJJA2-FX6RE-36ZKD Freedom Fighters: Y29EV-WR8AY-85M0X I recieved them from Firefly but I already have them :)
  9. Gz, sounds nice. Let's see what this will be about :)
  10. Hey, I already finished the dlc. It's pretty easy overall. I just had to think in 2 missions. I believe it was mission 4 or 5 and the one where you have 6 enemies against you. The goal was to build a large tower and put crossbowman on it as fast as you can. The large unit amount will overrun you if you just use archers. I liked that they put an extra mission :)
  11. I just saw two matches and it seemed to be a hard map because of long ways to come to the base of the castle.
  12. Burak played very well. He managed to defend all his sieges. Neil made great progress in the tournament. Firstly, he did not move his units at all. Stream replay 1. round: http://www.twitch.tv/firefly_studios/v/11199775
  13. No problem. I just wanted to report but I'm glad you are aware of it
  14. Hey, I get the following error if I got an uploaded map by me and click on the edit button: The constant PANTHER_ROOT must be defined and point to a valid Panther installation root directory.
  15. I updated the map today. Units should not longer auto move and better react on your commands. The intro view got slowered and the unit marker range to each other got lowered so it is easier to pick the units. Unit amount got rebalaned and should be more like the original map now. It's all about strategy in this map, enjoy it :)
  16. - A day lasts 1 minute. I noticed ai controls your units if you set an invasion event with a player controlling the units. So better use timing on day x and game event -> reinforcements and set repeating to a number till 59
  17. I still get errors while I try to upload a map: The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration, we've been unable to display the page you requested. We apologise for the inconvenience this may have caused, use the link below to try again, alternatively you can return to the board index. Errno [ 1 ]: Call to undefined function panther_mail() in /home/path/to/submit.php on line 283
  18. I recieved the same after I tried to upload a shc2 map today.
  19. Hey, I finally released a new map I created a while ago. I hoped that the editor will be updated and they might have added "The Pig" sounds. Anyways, this time it's a military invasion map while you need to invade the Pig's castle. Description: "You have been charged to overthrow the Pig's final county by laying siege to his stronghold. You have besieged this castle before but it has since been rebuilt and now has a full garrison so will prove to be a far greater challenge. Our simple direct approach with the battering ram may not now be enough." Note: You will find the map in Singleplayer -> Community Maps Download link: www.steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=468076807
  20. Alright, I finished the dlc campaign. I needed to restart 2 times on last mission because I became a bit rusty :D Dervishs aren't overpowered anymore and feel like more balanced, I still don't like that range units always attack the same unit (overkill if you have like 30 crossbowman shooting at 1 spear man while there are like 20 around). I like that The Pig is back but I think it is more like his son. The face/animation looks stupid in my opinion and sadly he doesn't have the cool taunts anymore. I noticed that the ais got abit better but still there is some improvement needed. I didn't placed a gate in last misison instead I just let a space at a grand tower. Units always tried to go through there but a human player would have attacked a none defended side instead.
  21. Hey, thank you. This was just a fast map change to play against each other. Also I didn't played to win, it was more a show of. I doubt I wont release the map as a multiplayer map.
  22. I get much requests since I'm in a Youtubers videos and won the shc2 tournament. I always check which games they have and decide this way if I accept them. I just approve people who have atleast one game I also have and play (else I don't see any sense to have them). Also I ask them "what's up" if they don't message me after we got "friends". :)
  23. Sounds nice. I like that you did a real story for your map :)
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