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Everything posted by Nigel

  1. Just to check: Is this a map or a mod?
  2. Just to let you know that FireFly is organizing a new tournament: Crush the Champion http://www.strongholdcrusader2.com/?cat=1 It is going to be with 1v2 battles and they have chosen four veteran players to go up against four teams of 2. That may seem unfair, but the players they have chosen to play solo are really good. I have seen some of them in action and I would trust them to beat a team of 2 in this game. Also, what I like is, that this time it is not an elimination tournament, but instead the players score points. And the Champions can get points even if they loose their battle, but hold out well. So it could be really interesting. Unfortunately, I cannot take part or watch it live, as it is happening during a weekend. But I hope they are putting a YouTube video up.
  3. This map looks nice :) I assume Pristina Castle is the one in the middle on the green gras, no? What is going to be on that big hill in the top left part of the map? An AI castle? In any case, it looks like a nice map.
  4. Nice stuff, Wynette. I was not aware of the apple orchard trick. A lot of other good things are in it as well :) Well, I have never been very competitive in my gaming - can't say that I have a very refined building strategy. But here are a few points that work well for me: - Iron, like Wynette mentioned, is the most important resource in this game. I always try to make sure I exploit the iron mines to the maximum possible. - Market. Setting the Auto-trade function helps me to keep my concentration on the battles. Selling surplus iron makes gold come in and setting a small amount of the most needed weapons on autobuy means, that I can turnd money into soldiers with a single click at the barracks. - Dragons. While they are expensive, they make a really good defence against medium sized attacks and I like to keep a dragon egg ready in case I need to roast someone's trebuchet crew. :evilgrin:
  5. Whow, it seems you had a really good game with this map :D Tokamaps, if you do manage to upload it, great. But a 5 hour video is quite a challange to watch. I guess the great art lies in cuttting the material down to perhaps 1 hour and still be able to tell the story with it. Still it would be cool if you could do it :)
  6. Finally I managed what I wanted to do for quite a while. I have uploaded the map from this mission to the Download section so that everyone can try it out. I made a few changes to the map so that it can now also be played in Single Player mode. But of course MP is best for it. Hope you guys will enjoy it, while I am working on the next mission :D
  7. Nigel

    Game !

    Sounds like a good job and a sweet family have happened in your life. Who could wish for more? :) Don't worry, we don't intend to disappear anytime soon. I am sure there will be several opportunities to play a game if the future.
  8. Nigel

    Game !

    Hi Wynette, I am one of those guys who like SHL and will be happy to play a match some day on Game Ranger. This week is quite busy, but perhaps we can arrange something for later in the month (I usually play on workday evenings). And EaglePrince, I think it is possible to have AI allies in MP. I would need to check, but I believe it will work.
  9. Wellcome to the site, Floki. Keep watching this topic. We are only on challange 9 from 52. I am sure there will be several more SH2 related challanges coming up during this year.
  10. Sounds like a great game :) Unfortunately I had already made other committments for this evening. But I am sure that there will be another opportunity in the future.
  11. Well, as you know, weekends are difficult for me. But if Saturday is good for you and Tokamaps, you should go ahead and play it. I could play on Thursday and if you like, we can do your map, EaglePrince. Look out for me on Steam from 19:00 onwards.
  12. Interesting. Do you think you could upload that map - un-locked turned into a flat plain - to the download section as a resource? Just to give players a starting point for making a mission map without keep and stockpile.
  13. Hang on. Do you mean to say that you have found a way to make a map where the player does not have a castle, but only troops on the map? Does this also work in skirmish/muiltiplayer?
  14. Looks I am a bit late to the awards ceremony :P Finally I had the time to download and try those maps. Tokamaps, congratulations! Your map is excellend and you really deserve to win this challange. EaglePrince, your map is really nice and good-looking, too. I can see how this was a very close call. Maybe we can meet up and play those maps in multiplayer some day. As for my own map, I am really pleased that I still got 2 out of 3 points, considering that I did not spend a lot of time on it. That is quite a nice result for me. And I learned something new in the process. Wonder if anyone noticed the hidden paths through the forests :)
  15. Cool - I did not know that the save to map trick also works for Stronghold 2. Is it as easy as changing file name endings? Or is something else required?
  16. Nice! I remember having lots of fun with the campaign of the first game. I found it much more interesting than the campaign for Crusader, but perhaps that was also because it was my first Stronghold and everything was new to me :) It will be interesting to see how you do it. I may be tempted to try some of those missions again myself. Or perhaps some of them find their way into the 52 weeks contest :)
  17. Well, even though I had little time this week, I could not resist to join you two in this challange. It may not be my best map, but it surely was the fastest map I ever made, created more or less in one evening. It is a simple 1v1 multiplayer map, but I believe it meets all required criteria and the landscape is not ugly but naturally looking. I am off for the weekend now, but will look forward to see on Monday, what you guys have come up with :) Weep 9 of 52_Nigel_Rivals on the Island.zip
  18. If CET means Central European Time (i.e. GMT+1) then 21:30 is fine for me. But please don't feel obliged to move your battle date only because of me. If you want to play this weekend, by all means do. I can always join you for another battle at a later date :)
  19. Nice suggestion. Unfortunately, I wont be able to play this weekend. Weekends are often difficult for me. But if you ever feel like arrangeing a game on a workday evening, count me in.
  20. I am sure you are not going to get bored anytime soon :D
  21. I just remember that I have been meaning to provide the link to the site where I got the 1.1a patch from. Here it is: http://www.4players.de/4players.php/download_info/Downloads/Download/45631/Stronghold_Legends/Patch_11a.html
  22. Lol Eagle Pince :D Well, I am not sure I will be able to submit a map for this one. Maybe, maybe not. But I surely look forward to seeing - and playing - the maps that are created for this challenge :)
  23. Cool! I knew you can subscribe to cerrtain threads, but I did not know that you can subscribe to a whole forum section. Oh, and Fail Session, cute mask :P
  24. I have seen comments on the Steam forum, where someone mentioned that Crusader 2 will not run with WIndows 10. For now I am staying away from it.
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