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About Excited4IM

  • Rank
    Armed Peasant
  1. I will try and find another way to upload the files. In the meantime, I have made a screenshot of the contents of the asset file that I am rezipping which is the only file I zipped up. So this is literally everything that is being zipped up - let me know if there is anything missing. So literally all I did is I right-clicked on the folder named "assets" that contains all the files in the screenshot and then clicked "compress to zip file". It created a new zip "assets" file which I then dragged and dropped onto makev to get a new "assets.v" file. I then copy and pasted that file into the Stronghold folder here: ...\Games\steamapps\common\Stronghold Crusader 2\assets
  2. Thank you very much for being so willing to help. I was not able to upload the entire file as the size limit for attachments is only 24 mb. However, the rules.xml file is literally the only file I edited before re-zipping everything. I have attached this file as well as some of the changes I made. The "<-----------------------------------------changed this" is something I added for your benefit in my post here. It is not in the rules file. rules.xml
  3. the file is 231mb and the only changes I made were to the walls and towers. I made all walls cost more and significantly stronger.
  4. Thanks, I made a few edits (increased the price of walls) and then zipped the folder back up and put it onto the maker before copy and pasting back to the game folder. But when I got to start the game it starts to load, the screen goes black for a few seconds and then exits. Any ideas what the issue could be?
  5. Thanks for your reply, where is the rules.xml file? The only file I can find that begins with r is the resources.xml file in steamapps\common\Stronghold Crusader 2\assets\editor_data.
  6. I want to do the following: 1. Increase the strength of walls. 2. Increase the resource cost of walls. 3. Limit the popcap 4. Increase the cost of mercenaries. Is this possible and if so how? I had a look in the editor_data folder but could not find any files that give unit stats to edit.
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