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Mathew Steel

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Everything posted by Mathew Steel

  1. A map was uploaded to SHN 4 days ago by @Charles of Tours as you can find here - https://www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/file/527-pillars-of-fate/ In fact, 5 items were uploaded in the last 2 weeks alone! People still upload, and I imagine we'll see an increased rate of uploads during the summer. Simply follow the instructions in the upload section, which can be found here - https://www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/submit/ Then wait for it to be verified and then accepted by one of the staff members! :)
  2. I'd be happy to do this, if you'd like! All versions or just v1.3?
  3. As the title says, could we get an option to unsubscribe from numerous/all threads via the "Show All Subscriptions" page on our profiles, please? I constantly accidentally subscribe to a post when using the site on my phone, due to me trying to be clever and not zoom in :P, it would just be convenient! Not a huge issue at all, but it would be nice to have in future :)
  4. Looks like I'll actually be able to play, guys! Not sure if there's room, though :P
  5. Just a heads up, the CloudFlare issue returned for a few minutes this morning, just when I tried to visit the site. I left it a while, and it was working again!
  6. I did a little more research, and found the same post in a Steam forum. That too has been long abandoned. I'm sorry to say! :(?
  7. Right, I just tried version 1.3 and experienced the same issues. I put the original assets.v file back, and the game launched fine, tried the other one again - black screen. Then tried running it as an administrator, still no success. All I saw was a black screen with the game version listed in the bottom left corner. I then decided to try the older version, which is 1.2. This time the cut scenes loaded along with everything else, but afterwards, I saw the same thing. Black screen with the game version in the bottom left. I left it for 10 minutes, and nothing loaded. I tried using the alt + tab trick to try and get the game to show something via that menu, but nothing. I hate to say it, but the creator of this post created it in 2015. He last visited this site on the 1st of June, 2015. My best bet is that the mod simply no longer works on the updated version of Stronghold Crusader 2. This is a shame, as the mod itself was pretty good when it worked!? If anyone else comes up with an idea, or finds a workaround, I'm sure they'll comment! :) Sorry, I couldn't solve the issue.
  8. So to clarify, when you start the game, it launches, but stays as a black screen until you close it? If so, follow these steps before we move any further: - First, verify integrity of game cache - Exit Steam completely - Then go ahead and overwrite the same file once more - Launch Steam - Run the game as an administrator If the problem persists, there are a few other possibilities. I'm not currently home right now, but when I am, I'll try the mod myself again to see if it still works on this version!
  9. No worries! Also, I should've asked sooner, but can I just clarify you downloaded the latest version of the mod? There are 3 links here, 2 of which are outdated and may not work on the latest version of the game. Here is the link to the latest version, which should work on the newer version of Crusader 2! -?http://www.mediafire.com/file/vyai7rfe1iioc2j/Templars+Nightmare+1.3.rar
  10. [OoC] That's Louis VIII's time, if I am correct? :P Geralt thought back to his time as a mercenary. Sancho's actions had bothered Geralt, however, he knew Sancho's power, and certainly did not want to confront him on the matter. Instead, he turned his gaze to Goodman, who looked back at Geralt with a shared thought. The two merchants were led away by a few of Sancho's men. As Sancho approached, Geralt felt slight discomfort, as if Sancho could read his mind. He did his best to stand up straight, and show respect. "I see you have some new friends of your own, Goodman" Sancho said with a positive tone. Geralt let out a slight sigh of relief, believing that he kept his thoughts discreet. He cleared his throat and replied, "My name is Geralt Cynan. It is an honour to meet you, Sir." The prince nodded, it was clear that he enjoyed the unconditional respect his men and others would give...even if they wished not to. "Goodman, it is important we find this other wagon that Gareth speaks of!" It was unclear to Geralt whether the young prince intentionally pronounced his name wrong, or whether he didn't know, or even if he had already forgotten it. Either way, he was irritated by it. The young prince continued, "I propose my men go to do so, and the rest of us continue with the main task at hand!" Geralt did not want to interrupt, which would have surely annoyed the prince, and so waited for Goodman's response, in hope that he would speak sense.
  11. Hi, Nuffolge! Welcome to the community! Could we have a bit more information? Your system's OS, and also how you installed the mod? I'm sure we'll manage to sort it for you soon! :)
  12. That's very helpful, Eagle! Thank you!? I don't think I understand what a central bank does? Or how it works?
  13. Geralt had a smile on his face that he could not rid of. The excitement of the ambush gave him a sense of pride and belonging. He had a chance to see Goodman do what he did best, and a full military power supporting. He was not a man who often worked with others, but he felt that he could soon warm to the idea. As he and Goodman walked to the back of the wagon, he tapped Goodman lightly, and said quietly, "That was thrilling!" He chuckled.? The two men faced the rear doors, holding their swords firmly, but freely. Ready to act quickly and correctly. Goodman gave a nod to the warriors, and on the count of three, the rear doors were pulled open. Inside, there were numerous bags filled with foods. Apples, bread, and barrels holding wine. All the men present were in total bafflement. Geralt heard the scout mutter to himself, "What on earth..." Goodman walked over to the scout, immediately questioning what he saw. The scout was certain that he was onto something. The scout apologised, and pleaded for forgiveness. Geralt believed the scout. "Goodman! The merchants!" Geralt and Goodman walked over to the two that whose hands were tied, removing their hoods. The two men laughed, with a sincere grin on their faces. "We've been mislead, but not by the scout" Geralt spoke. "Goodman, there must be another wagon, this was here to lead us astray, they are hiding something, or someone!" Geralt was desperate to locate that wagon. It would prove to himself, and to his new allies, that he was more than useful. Goodman nodded in agreement.?
  14. A few weeks ago, Charles asked me my opinion on The Federal Reserve. I replied, saying how I didn't know enough about it to comment. I decided to do some research, but the information seems to require a basic understanding of the government system in the US. It's very different to the way the UK works, and so, I was hoping that somebody could perhaps explain it to me. Or if not, refer me to some sites that I'll have a chance of grasping :P
  15. This looks awesome! I can't wait to try it :)
  16. I did finish texturing Charles' map, so you all know! Just waiting on a reply from him, I don't want to upload it here if he plans on uploading it properly to the downloads section :)
  17. I recently purchased a new 1440p monitor. Today, I went to continue with map editing, and decided to check if the game actually supports resolutions higher than 1080p, and sure enough, it does, and it actually looks amazing! I got a friend to test this with a 4K monitor, and he too could play the game at 4K! Just thought it was interesting to share :)
  18. I have the Forum Index set as a favourite in Chrome. When I visit the site, it's through that and takes me straight to the index. That's when the error occurred. If any more happens, I'll let you know, and as I said, I'll get a screenshot of it next time!
  19. Welcome to all of you! I'm sure you'll find yourselves welcomed very nicely :)?
  20. Genuinely, that is really helpful, Nigel. Thank you for your very kind words. You're right, it's certainly possible that someone could've taken what I said to be about them, even if it was not my intention. As well, I definitely don't know for sure what someone is thinking. However, I do feel quite strongly that the person in question is not doing what they did with heart, but instead for appearing as morally correct, or even to improve their reputation. Again, I do genuinely appreciate your input. I didn't consider some of the things you pointed out, but I'm glad you've given me the chance to do so. Thank you!
  21. I've received a few errors when trying to reach the site the last few days. Not sure if it's anything to worry about, just thought I'd let you know. Usually refreshing the page fixes it. Sometimes I need to close chrome and reopen the page. Sometimes I need to wait a little while and try again, and finally refreshing it a couple of times is a solution at times also.? I've attached a screenshot that I cropped of one of the error messages. I did just receive a different error message relating to an error in SQL, but I stupidly refreshed the page before screenshotting that one. If it comes up again, I'll make sure to save it.
  22. EDIT: I'm aware this topic isn't exactly a light one, nor is it at all positive. I don't post these things often, but I really am reaching out for some sort of response. Thank you, everyone. As many of you know, last year I lost a friend of mine. Today marks one year since that event. This post isn't me spewing out all my thoughts and emotions, I just want to know if I'm in the wrong here. As is expected, with this being exactly a year since he passed, people have posted pictures and statuses, sharing their condolences and showing their respects. Now, I'm totally fine with this. People who knew him but weren't exactly close to him posted "Rest in peace" and different variations of that. To me, that's simply showing their respect. People who were closer to him posted pictures and added a fair sized paragraph with it explaining how they miss him and sharing small memories. Again, I'm completely okay with this. My issue, is that many people who knew him only around school, but never actually bothered with him or even communicated with him have been posting pictures with huge, over-emotional paragraphs. One of these included the line, and I quote - "I miss you so much more each and every day". This angered me as I see it as nothing more than an attempt to come across as a "morally sound" individual, or to simply better their reputation. It made me feel like my friend's death was being taken advantage of for personal gain. In response, I tweeted a few, perhaps strongly worded, things, expressing my anger and dismay at these individuals. I didn't name anyone. I also pointed out that these tweets were not aimed at everyone. I received mostly positive responses to these tweets, where friends of mine were agreeing with me. Despite that, a few other people, messaged me telling me these posts were horrible, and that if someone wants to post it, they have every right to, and that my opinion is not needed. This led to an argument, and with me eventually ending the argument by simply stating I don't have the energy to go around in circles anymore. I still stand by my thoughts and tweets, but I do want to know if maybe I am in the wrong for what I've said, and how I've perceived this all. Please don't be hesitant with your replies in fear that they may upset me. I'm mature enough to know that anything said here is not meant to cause offence. I want the truth from your personal views. It may not change much, but at least I'll have an answer.
  23. @Tokamaps, I hope the surgery goes well! Let us know once it's done! :) As to when we play, I don't want to make any promises as I simply do not know the plan with school or work next week. Feel free to arrange it, and if I can join I'll let you know a few hours ahead, and if I don't, then we can play another time! :)
  24. That is correct. They receive 5% of the first $3000 per quarter. This can be read more here - http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-03-02-unreal-engine-4-is-now-free-for-everyone-really However, Epic, the developers of Unreal Engine, also make their own games, such as Paragon. They therefore make money from this too!
  25. Re-texturing your map is almost done. It will take about another 20 minutes at most. I'll finish it by tomorrow :)
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