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Mathew Steel

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Everything posted by Mathew Steel

  1. This is an issue I've had with the editor for ages. If you look online, the manual will explain how one should be able to click the text box and type a quantity using the number keys. However, none of this works, it never has worked, and it's unlikely that it will work. Until somebody decides to create a fix, we're stuck with the tedious mouse scrolling for every new mission you wish to add, or every time you wish to change the date.
  2. As the two stood up, the beaming sun had finally reached its resting point, where it would likely remain visible for the coming hours. It was warm, and Goodman's clothing was clearly too much for him, as the heat remained trapped inside. "Geralt," Goodman called. "Take these for a moment," Goodman handed Geralt his holster, along with his now-empty oil lantern. He then removed his cloth cap, allowing some heat to escape the sauna. Once he was ready, Geralt returned Goodman's items, with a gentle nod as if to say "You are welcome." The two began to walk once more, taking in the area around them. There was not much to see, except for sand, some sad looking plants, patches of dry greenery, and rubble. There was no obvious path to follow, however, there was a very shallow bank between to areas of land where folks had clearly travelled along over time, leaving their traces of existence as a piece of these rural lands. The two men naturally decided to walk along the path, hoping to find some evidence of civilisation, and not too late. As the two began their journey, Geralt could not help but ponder the recent events, and without much thought, he spoke, "Goodman?" Goodman turned his head to face Geralt, answering with a curious "Yes?"? "Why did you not speak up against the Prince? It was evident that you disagreed with his actions, and I would have tho-" "Geralt, what do you think would have happened if I had decided to confront a powerful prince?" Goodman interrupted. Geralt had no verbal response, but his face now showed signs of guilt and conflict, clearly he knew the answer, but was annoyed at it. "You are not a fool, Geralt, you know the reason." "Of course I do...It is just worrying." Geralt answered quietly, not expecting any continuation to the short conversation.
  3. Thank you all for the kind words! :) Why thank you very much! I'm glad it was more concise than I thought :D
  4. Throughout my short eighteen years of life the discussion of the United Kingdom and Britain has come up on numerous occasions. Whether it be arguing if Wales is a country or a principality, or whether it's the confusion between Northern Ireland and The Republic of Ireland. Are the Irish also British? Is Wales in England? Are the United Kingdom and Britain synonymous? Will I ever successfully boil an egg? Yes! No! Why are we shouting? These are all good questions that often leave the one asking the questions confused, and the one answering even more so.? That is why, my good friends of Stronghold Nation, I have decided to create this not-so-short topic on the matter, in which I will do my very best from my personal knowledge, as well as extra research, to correct common misconceptions, and simply explain why there is so much to know! The United Kingdom For the sake of my well-being, I'll refer to the United Kingdom as the UK throughout the rest of this post. Nonetheless, let's begin! The first fact you should learn is that the UK should technically be UKGBNI, as it's actually short for The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Notice, Great Britain AND Northern Ireland, this will help later on! The UK is in fact a sovereign state, in the same way that the USA is. "Tom, what's a sovereign state?" I hear you ask! It's actually rather simple - a sovereign state is a territory ruled by its own government, and not by any other powers. Whereas a country is seen as a piece of physical land, a sovereign state is a concept, an entity, and can be marked theoretically on a map. Now that we know this, let's move on to explaining the history of the UK. The UK has come a long way over numerous centuries to become what it is today, and so, there is much to learn! - The History of the UK - Around 925 (c. 925, for those of you who will cringe at my terminology) - The Kingdom of England is alive and well having being formed by Anglo-Saxon tribes across England at the time. 1536 - The Kingdom of England and Wales - King Henry VIII's (8th) want for power was as great as his appetite and in a result of this this bill was enacted, making England and Wales effectively the same country, under the same ruling and laws. 1707 - Kingdom of great Britain - The Kingdom of England and Wales starts to get a little lonely, they want a new friend, they look North to offer Scotland a place in their cool new gang. Scotland accepts and so forms The Kingdom of Britain. 1801 - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland - The fellas to the West are feeling slightly left out and so they decide to join The Kingdom of Britain, renaming it once again to The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 1922 - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Woah, what happened? Well, in result of the Irish Civil War (which you can read more about here - http://www.theirishstory.com/2012/07/02/the-irish-civil-war-a-brief-overview/#.WgxrK0q6-bg), Northern Ireland was kept under rule of the UK, whereas the rest of Ireland, now known as The Republic of Ireland, decided against this. This is the UK we know now. Great Britain (or Britain) Once again, let's put straight some of these misconceptions. Great Britain, despite popular belief, is NOT a country, it is a landmass. It consists of the British Isles, England, Wales, and Scotland. The origin of the "Great" has been long-discussed, but really, it isn't overly important. However, if you wish to know, it's because it is the largest landmass within the British Isles. The name "Britain" derives from the Roman word Britannia. The British Isles Here is the simplest part - The British Isles consists of Great Britain, Ireland, The Isle of Man, The Channel Islands, The Isles of Scilly, and over 6,000 smaller islands which I do not have the time nor patience to list. Conclusions Is Wales a country? - Yes. Wales was recognised as a country in December, 2011. However, it has been a country for hundreds of years prior to that. The last prince of Wales, Llywelyn ap Gruffydd (or Llywelyn ein Llyw Olaf, "Llywelyn our Last Prince) died in battle in 1282. Despite this, Wales was technically a country with the enactment of the Act of Union by Henry VIII in 1536. What's the difference between The Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland? - I don't wish to plagiarise, so I suggest you either watch this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCJMQgfHXNI, or read this article - https://www.aransweatersdirect.com/blogs/blog/102905857-what-is-the-difference-between-ireland-and-northern-ireland Are the Irish also British? - We're stepping into a controversial topic here, so allow me to avoid bias as much as I can. Those born in the Republic of Ireland are given an Irish passport at birth, despite this, everyone else within The British Isles are given a British passport. Irish citizens can still apply for a British passport providing they are eligible to do so. It's really quite complex to answer. Technically, when The Republic of Ireland became separate from the UK in 1922, the British Nationality Law didn't change, but the conversation of the British subject was an ongoing discussion within the Republic of Ireland for many years before, and still to this day. I really struggle to give a definitive answer. Is Wales in England? - Wales' history with England has changed over the centuries, as you can see. Today, Wales is not a part of England but is instead a part of the UK and Great Britain, along with The British Isles. It's certainly united with England, however, geographically, Wales has NEVER been IN England. Politically, it used to be, but not anymore. Are the United Kingdom and Britain synonymous? - To those who are misinformed, the UK and Britain are seen as synonymous, yes. However, the two are not the same. Britain is of course the other name for Great Britain, but not for the UK, as the UK includes Great Britain. Will I ever successfully boil an egg? - Most likely, but not for the foreseeable future.
  5. I'm glad to hear it, Nigel! Hope you're doing well! I'm currently finishing off my last piece of work for a specific subject at school, leaving me with just 3 subjects to revise for. Wish me luck! :)
  6. Thank you very much, Crusader! I'm fully aware it's nothing special, I just thought I'd accept making a cringeworthy poem parody for the sake of some laughs. A very early merry Christmas to you! :)
  7. 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the keep, There lay a great lord, so sound in his sleep. The fire was lit, smoke filling the air, In hope that St Nicholas would soon be there. The knights and the townsfolk all snug in their beds, While visions of venison danced in their heads. Lord_Chris with the horses, and I with my cats, Had just settled the falcons, to keep out the rats. When out in the town there was such a clatter, The Lord sprang from his bed to see what was the matter. Adjacent to the inn was a burning bright stash, Where peasants had set fire to their meaningless cash. The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow, Gave the peasants a cold and moaning to show. When, what their wondering eyes should appear, But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer. With a little old driver, so lively and quick, They knew in a moment it must be St Nick. With reindeer and presents that brought him his fame, He whistled, and shouted, and called them by name! "Now, Nigel! now, Eagle! now, Charles! now, Mathew! On, Crusader! On, Bradley! on, David to you! To the ends of the earth! to ten-sixty-six! Gather your courage and prepare for the fix!" As boredom and sorrow cover the city, We could only feel shame and ongoing pity. So up to the hovels the reindeer flew, For the SHN Christmas was starting anew. Bells could be heard, not just from the church, But from the reindeer who landed just near the birch. The grey and black bark blended with ice, Foreshadowing the joy that would rid of the vice. The stone castle walls shone in the weather, Whilst children stayed sleeping, as light as a feather. Yet little did they know Lord_Chris had a trick, To spread Christmas spirit with the help of St Nick. His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! As for St Nick, his belly was rounded, For he'd eaten mince pies 'fore the reindeer were grounded. The drunkards and deviants looked down at the floor, Longing for a day where life will give more. The townsfolk knew not what would happen this year, But Lord_Chris' scheme was to share gifts and cheer. The peasants looked up as they heard all the noise, As St Nick walked over with a sack full of toys. "Be grateful for life" he said with a smile, As the townsfolk stared simply, in awe for a while. St Nick gave to the rich, as well as the poor, And no peasant or king could possibly want more. For the goodness of Christmas provides hope not fright, Happy Christmas to all, and to all goodnight! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I wanted to wish you all a very early Christmas and to remind you it doesn't have to be the 25th to get into the Christmas spirit. Spend time with your loved ones, and be sure to work hard, for when the time comes...you can eat like a fat lard :P? As some of you may have noticed, there was a subtle moral in my parody-poem, and it was to point out that not everybody is so fortunate during the entire year. If you have the chance to help even just one person, do it, and know that you may have made somebody's year. I personally started early by buying a hot chocolate and a warm bacon baguette for a homeless man just last week. It gets very cold this time of year (unless you're in the UK, where it's known as "any-day-that-isn't-summer") and something small like that could mean a lot to someone. If you do something, whether it's similar to what I did, or whether you donated, or something similar, let us know here! It's not being vain, it's sharing positivity!?:) Merry Christmas - Tom
  8. Oh wow, that must have been genuinely infuriating. I'd have probably had to have a few days off the game to recover from that... :(
  9. I suggest we kick things off in a very Stronghold way. Everybody should reply with the most frightening moment they've experienced during their time playing a Stronghold game. I'll begin: Stronghold 2, having to kill Sir William. Worst moment of my life, I still have nightmares to this day.
  10. That's a good point, Eagle! I can't explain how glad I am that there are mathematically minded people on this earth. If it were up to me, we'd be in big trouble. It's the reason I had an A in chemistry, but only managed a C in physics. I've never been very good at mathematics! :P? Any questions on sociology or psychology then I can help. Haha!?
  11. You're not alone here, Charles! Seems like a lot of us have been busy recently as the site hasn't been that active the last week or so. Good to hear everything is well! :)
  12. I know exactly what used to cause it in older versions. Placing a cliff right on the border, and then trying to place a waterfall on that cliff, but accidentally clipping the border would cause the cliffs to end up like that. Only thing I could do was restart the game, and make a new map. Absolutely infuriating bug.
  13. As someone who enjoys medieval warfare, strategy, FPS, and a good story, how will Mount & Blade suit me? I've never touched the game, but seen a lot of friends on Steam playing it. Is it worth the price? What is the aim of the game and is there much to do? I've looked into it a bit, but I'm still a bit lost! :P
  14. If you select the "View source" button on the far right, it will most likely be filled with text colour code. Usually this happens if the text has been copied and pasted from elsewhere. If you delete the colour code, it should return to the site's normal preset :) In regards to your question @m55aspe, I don't believe this is possible. I don't play Legends, but as a seasoned SH2 player, I've never heard of such a thing. Perhaps in the new Steam edition there may be a way, but on disc, I'm almost certain you are unable to do so.? Also, you seem to have inserted your reply as an extra quote. This is easily done as these new quote options can be confusing if you've never used them before! The most simple way to insert a quote is by selecting "View source", then select "Insert a Quote", you should then easily be able to paste the quote between the closed and open square brackets. Use "Enter" to move the cursor down, and then type your reply :)
  15. Geralt trailed behind on horseback. There was a clearly look of displeasure on his face. He was angered by the actions of the Prince, and couldn't understand why Goodman had not challenged him. Nonetheless, he continued to ride forth, keeping his distance from the two. Soon enough, birds were heard chirping in the forest, indicating the coming of the morning. Geralt debated with himself in his head on whether this would make the wagon easier to find or not. He remembered how a friend of his once said that the human eye is capable at spotting the flickering of a light from a great distance, and questioned whether he'd be able to spot such a light.? The sun had not risen far yet, which meant there was still time for lights to be easily spotted. He made a conscious effort to scout the local area at all times. Turning his head left, then right, then left, then right, as the horse continued to move. With a stroke of luck, and a lot of staring, Geralt spotted a light. It seemed his friend's story was truthful. "Goodman! To the east!" A light could be seen flickering in the wind. Becoming brighter then fading every so often at random intervals. The group started to head for the light, in high hopes. As they became closer, it was very clear that the light was being covered by some thin material, that was being blown to the side every so often as the wind would pick up speed. "Get ready, men!" The Prince demanded. "This will be fun..." Alarms immediately rang in Geralt's head. There was no guarantee the light would lead to any danger or any foes. The Prince was a reckless thinker, and Geralt believed him a threat to innocent people. However, he did not question it. He knew, just like before, that he was in no position to question someone of such a status. He remained silent as the group got into position for an ambush of this moving light. Just as the light was a few ten metres away, it stopped moving. Then all of a sudden, it disappeared. Seconds later, lights began to appear in random directions. Two to the north, then four to the east, another three to the north, one south. In time, it became obvious that these were not candles, but torches.? "Do not move" Goodman warned the group quietly. "Our presence may be known, but where may be another story." "Foolish! Men, charge!" The Prince screeched in fury, as his men began helplessly charging at the different directions in an attempt to achieve the unknown.? Goodman cursed under his breath. He turned to Geralt, "Come! We will not be killed by recklessness!" The two got onto their horses and galloped away from the bundles of torches, riding into the darkness, in an attempt to remain unseen. This led the two away from the Prince's men.
  16. I second this, as much as I enjoy the building and the troops in SHC2, the game itself has too many bugs and issues. SH2 hit the nail right on the head! :)
  17. I think I have to disagree, Eagle. I think using burning carts is totally fine. Especially since they're really not that difficult to dispatch. There should perhaps just be a maximum amount allowed at one time per player. Taking out the leading cart will 9/10 result in the following carts to also go up in flames. They only work in weakly defended areas, and hence, are more strategic than one might think.
  18. I meant for it to save "Nave!" My bad! It made me chuckle seeing the screenshots of Chris and I throwing insults at one another :P
  19. "Nave!" :P This really was a lot of fun! I enjoyed both games, especially when the lag decided to die down. Two victories to Eagle and I, can't complain! :D We should definitely do it again sometime, perhaps on an unbalanced map in future?
  20. I don't play much SH1 anymore, but a running preference of mine through all Stronghold games is that I lean more towards objective missions?:)
  21. Ah, I see! Currently Nigel and I are online, as well as Charles, however, neither of us can contact Charles.
  22. Just checking, we'll be using GameRanger, correct? :) Also, daylight saving is in effect, so I'm fairly sure CET and BST are currently the same? I may be wrong. It's currently 16:16 as I post this.
  23. I did receive an email saying you had uploaded something! However, I can't actually accept it right now for some reason. I'm sure Chris will be able to!
  24. Just watched this! Really interesting video. It's nice to see my favourite Stronghold getting a revisit :)
  25. I just meant I'm happy to do it if you were busy. You most likely know more about the game and its versions, so if you're happy to do so, perhaps it's better that way! :)
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