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Mathew Steel

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Everything posted by Mathew Steel

  1. So I am aware my gaming events are often rather late. Also they are on days where people would be in school/work. So Crusader II is released on the 23rd of September (aka Tuesday) (aka my birthday). I myself have pre-purchased the game on steam. Also as I know not all members are pre-purchasing, this gives them a few days to buy the game after reading reviews (which btw I will post on the day of release). So for those of you who can/can't make it, now you have 26 days to make it :) ?Game: Stronghold Crusader II ?Version: Who knows? ?Maximum Participants: 8 ?Current Participants (27th September): -Mathew Steel -xiiMaRcLeoN ?Other Information: This will not be using GameRanger the room name will be Stronghold Nation. The game now uses a friend system linked with steam. Add me on steam "K0MP4CT". My username on Stronghold Crusader II is "{SHN}Mathew Steel" Global Start Times: 1.18:30 (6:30 PM) GMT +1 - London, United Kingdom 2.13:30 (1:30 PM) EST - North America 3.10:30 (10:30 AM) PDT - Vancouver, Canada 4.19:30 (7:30 PM) CEST - Belgrade, Serbia NOTE- TIMES ARE NOT THE SET TIMES. THEY MIGHT CHANGE! The reason there is little information in the "Other Information" tab, is simply because this is all we know right now. Fear not, as the date gets closer I will be updating the topic. See you on the battleground :) This will be a battle against AI lords.
  2. Thank you Chris. I could have a lot of fun with this :cool:
  3. That is a good idea. But it will require a lot of work on a moderators behalf.
  4. Oh I might have messed up the times. It's in 38 minutes now.
  5. Could you give me a brief tutorial on how to do so. I'm familiar with GIMP but not designing such shields. Make a new topic if needed :) thank you!
  6. Well it's up to chris. The idea of course will require putting a lot of trust in all the members to be honest.
  7. That is a good idea Eagle. So the shield itself will be red/blue/orange/green etc. And then a golden dragon I'm the middle. I've been thinking of one to do myself. I'll (try my best lol) to design it on the PC when I'm home and show you guys.
  8. No worries Eagle, thank you for letting us know. Good luck with the exam :)
  9. Personally I think the idea of a medal as an award for wins is the best option if any. But of course this means a moderator will have to participate in each game to assure the winner has actually won.
  10. I agree, the "bad guy" route was a lot more fun. Although I did feel rather guilty turning on Sir William, since he is my favourite lord.
  11. See it's all about preference. I find all the lords amusing (except for Edwin, he just makes me want to scream). I've always been more of a good guy when it comes to games. What path did you pick in the campaign? Lord Barclay or The King?
  12. Oh wow! That actually sounds great! So we can add invasions and make our own story?
  13. That's great to hear :) If I'm correct 10:30 Vancouver is in 2 hours and 15 minutes?
  14. So if I'm clear does it have to be peace/war scenario? Or can it be kingmaker?
  15. That is true. He is by far the most challenging AI lord in the game. Even in kingmaker he is portrayed as that. Sir William is my favourite because of how noble he is. He has good morals and although not overly powerful he has a decent castle and army!
  16. Lord Barclay? Interesting, why him? Just so you understand when I said 2 sets, I meant 2 seperate walls :)
  17. What are your preferences in SH2. Favourite troop, castle type, favourite AI lord, map type, anything you think is relevant. My preferences: Troop- Archer Castle- Stone, 2 sets of wall, towered AI Lord- Sir William Map Type- War Scenario/Kingmaker
  18. That sounds good, be sure to share a picture once you're done :)
  19. Hmm it seems following the second link fixed the problem. Strange
  20. The link I try to post to is- http://www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/file/118-3-mans-land/ Link to the error page- http://www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/file/118-3-mans-land/post
  21. Thank you :) OMG good idea alert! Why don't you make a SHNation Crest! How cool would that be!
  22. Went to add a comment to a certain map and was left with this. (I am using my iPhone right now, so safari is being used. I don't know if this will effect it).
  23. I just now found this. Wow I am truly grateful for this award. The red suits me well don't you think ;). Thank you Chris :) And congratulations to EaglePrince also, well done :)
  24. Congratulations Chris for last months win and congratulation Eagle for this win :) Both signatures were great. I just like the fact that Eagle's is simpler but still has a nice scenario. Although I do like the fiery battle in Chris's signature!
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