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Mathew Steel

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Everything posted by Mathew Steel

  1. I really do hope it isn't samurai. I really have no interest in samurai themed games. 9/10 the storyline turn out to be extremely cringeworthy. They said we'll see many common units. However, it's likely this just means archers and spearmen. I guess we'll have to wait and see!
  2. On one hand, Byzantines and the Ottoman wars would be amazing! It's such an interesting period in history! On the other hand, I'm not sure it would fit the Stronghold theme very well!
  3. Agreed,?@Nigel! Political threads can often turn hostile, and by their very nature, often discourage many users from interacting with said thread. Philosophy is where opinion is valid, and everybody may have whatever thoughts they wish. Whether they are crazy, or extremely simple. I'm hoping this thread will encourage newer users to interact with the more active group! It would be great to get to know more about our users through this thread! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's keep this topic going! Of course, this is very true! Although, it is important to remember that educated families can often still struggle, and uneducated families can too be financially stable, or even excel financially. For example, take big organisations and businesses that have been around for decades, I know a few people who run certain businesses that weren't educated by today's standards (didn't succeed in the education system, like school), but are very successful in their trade! My father himself, his school grades were unimpressive to say the least, however, he has designed many environmental machines by himself, just because of what he has learnt during his time in his trade. He even went to India for 3 months to make sure the machine he designed was running properly. To my other point, statistically, single-parent families are more likely to raise a delinquent child compared to any other family. I myself have been in a single parent family since the age of 4, although, I've never committed any crimes! My point is, education is not everything, and I think that's also key to the original question. In sociology, we split socialisation mediums into two categories, primary, and secondary. Socialisation mediums are groups or organisations that teach us values and norms of our society. Primary, consists of the family, whilst secondary consists of education, the workplace, the media, religion, and our peer groups. I think when there are so many factors involved with raising us, it is almost certain that predestination plays a big role in our lives. Then again, I still lean towards free-will in this specific debate, as we can manipulate certain socialisation mediums to change our behaviour. For example, peer group is easy to change as it requires finding new friends, and of course, the workplace can be changed simply by changing jobs. Yes, I am simplifying this greatly, but I think the essence of it is explained!
  4. Good to hear you're all looking forward to what's to come! Just finishing some final touches, and I'll announce it :D
  5. After reading through a few old threads on the site, it?s become quite apparent that our conversations often wander away from the original topic. This is not bad by any means, we are all intellectuals in our own fields and it really does open up many doors for conversation and debate. What I thought would be a good idea however, is to have a dedicated thread to philosophical conversations and even debates. The idea of the thread is as follows: I will start in this first post with a question or topic I will give my opinion and words on the matter Anyone and everyone is free to respond and add however they wish (within site rules of course) Tangents are allowed, as they will ensure this thread continues We may flow into a new topic from these tangents, and the new topic will be continued from there If conversation comes to a slow or an end, I will post a new topic or question, and follow the same order again Now that we have the basics set! Let?s begin! I don?t wish to start with the typical meaning of life question, so here we go! Question - Is life a result of free will, or predestination? Answer - Firstly, allow me to elaborate. This is a very controversial psychological/sociological debate. Is life a result of free will, or rather, does free will actually exist? Or, is predestination the answer? Predestination is the idea that no matter what decisions we make, we make these decisions as a direct result of our upbringing. I have studied both sociology and psychology, which often have differing opinions. I find myself in a predicament with this question. On one hand, I do realise that our decisions in life are a result of our way of thinking, and our way of thinking is a result of biology and nurture, or our environment. Therefore, how can free will truly exist? However, I can also understand that there are exceptions to any rule in life. I do believe that people who want to change their path can do so with the right attitude and effort. This is why we see extremes. The person we expect to not succeed in life (poor upbringing, poverty, substance abuse) can often surprise us. I know a man who was born into an extremely poor and uneducated family, who was in fact a drug abuser for some time, and he change his life. At the age of 14, he quit using any drugs, and is currently studying his 3rd year of medicine in university. I really am struggling to choose my side here, however, from my own personal example, I do think that free will can in fact overpower predestination. I believe then, that predestination is a real concept, and in some way, ?fate? is the decider. However, I believe this fate can be manipulated and changed with enough effort, willingness, and endurance.
  6. Two days ago, I received my A-level results. For those of you who don't know, these grades determine whether you will be accepted into university in the UK. They're graded from A*-U. Checking online, I found I'd been accepted into my first choice university to study Journalism, Media, and Sociology. I am ecstatic! I worked incredibly hard during exam time, and it paid off! I'll be heading there at the end of September and am really looking forward to it! However, that's not where the news ends. For those of you who have been following my riddles in the Town Crier, you may have worked out that we have a new event coming to SHN soon enough! I won't reveal much more for now, but I will say that I've contacted FireFly Studios, and they have very kindly agreed to help us with this event. Keep your eyes peeled! :D
  7. Glad to hear you got it sorted, @Dze! :)
  8. Hi, Dze!? Welcome to the forums. Unfortunately, I don't know much about Legends nor how it saves. What I do know is that it's very similar to Stronghold 2, which I do know a lot about! :D Unfortunately again, I've never found a way to locate a save game file for Stronghold 2. Of course, you have your personal saves and maps, but in terms of campaign folder and so on, it isn't possible. However, there seems to be hope for a profile folder being automatically created. Here's a quote from a troubleshooting page for the game: Let us know if you have any luck! :) EDIT: Chris seems to know more on the subject than myself :P
  9. You are here, good lords, this is good news indeed, For I come with new words, to ensure we succeed. Prepare your paintbrushes, your markers, your visions, But remember the peasants, they still need their provisions. Our quest comes nearer, with each rising sun, So be eager, and cunning, as our time is not done. The gods are busy, planning our next holy mission, I trust ye'll be ready, ripe with ambition. For what greater want for you noble lords, Than to build a new kingdom, and practice your swords? You are closer, good friends, your mind now insightful, But to spoil the surprise would be indeed very spiteful. 2001 - 2002 - 2005 - 2006 - 2011 - 2012 - 2014 - XXXT
  10. I appreciate the kind words, Nigel! :) watch this space
  11. Our journey began back in two thousand and one, Where men of all ages uncovered new fun. With the time of an era reaching a new dawn, We ready our blades, our minds, our pawn. ? Risen and fallen have many a lord, With honour and courage tipped on their sword. The soldiers amassing for the battle commence, Our journey continues at little expense. ? Yet have patience, I plead, as I ready the plan, For all will be revealed, just wait as you can. Therefore, trust me, good men, if you all hold your faith, The journey will continue- the twelfth of the eighth.
  12. As the title says! What are your favourite games of all time? Whether it's down to the game mechanics, the concept, or the story! Let me know, and why! I should add, this is excluding any games from the Stronghold franchise :P For me, it's a difficult decision between SWAT 4 and the Titanfall 2 campaign. I love those games. SWAT 4 has such a charm to it for its age, and the game mechanics are so clever and unique, I can't get enough of it! As for Titanfall 2, the story is amazing.
  13. Again, thank you all! I really appreciate the kind words. You've all been so great to me since I've been on the site :)
  14. Thank you again for the kind words, Chris! I really appreciate it :) Hopefully I can continue to contribute positively to the site!?
  15. Hi, Jackwin! Gaming events aren't necessarily a reoccurring thing. Instead, any time you wish to plan a multiplayer event, you can simply create a new thread within the Gaming Events subforum. Be sure to include: - The game title - The date And for the body of the thread, include: - game type - game version - time - confirmed players From here, players will reply with a yes or no on whether they'd like to play! Of course, you can always add members on Steam to speed things up for you! :)
  16. I'm not 100% sure with Crusader. However, I'm sure?@EaglePrince will be able to help you out better than I can! I do know however that in Stronghold 2, the map automatically downloads for newly joined players. Perhaps the Steam edition took this approach? As for your custom map, we'd love to all have the chance to play it! If you feel like sharing, you can upload your map here on SHN, using this link - https://www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/submit/
  17. I'm glad you guys were able to take something from these! Maybe I'll add more in the future :)
  18. To clarify, your copy of the game is pirated?
  19. Not sure what you mean by "I believe" :P Is it the original Stronghold 2 disc, or the Deluxe edition? Let me know if you have any luck getting your hands on another carrier to try! :)
  20. I feel at this point we really are running around in circles. If you could try what I suggested in my previous reply and get back to us, it would give us a better idea of what to try next! Just remind me, what copy of the game do you own? Is it disc or digital? I may be able to try something my end, then get back to you! :)
  21. Eagle may be right there! Like I said, my carrier worked just fine, granted I?m in the UK. I know for a fact that most providers prevent port forwarding on mobile devices in all circumstances. However, some do not. I?d check with your provider before we continue on that side of things. If you can get hold of a friend with a different carrier to yours, perhaps they?d be kind enough to let you test it with their carrier.?
  22. Can I recommend trying a different disc? The only options I see possible are: - your mobile provider doesn?t allow port forwarding - you?ve port forwarded incorrectly - there?s an issue with the copy of the game itself - the Internet connection may simply be too slow Let me know if you have any more information! I?m busy for most of tomorrow but I?ll do my best to get back to you in time?:)
  23. I just double checked, and again, no issues. I even tried the same with Battlefield 2 as well, and the game worked fine. You said you're getting a Symmetric NAT Router message. You also said you've another laptop setup to configure ports etc. You should be able to overcome this issue simply by port-forwarding with your mobile hotspot, which is easier said than done. However, you seem to know how since you've got it setup! :) To clarify, the port GameRanger uses is as follows - 16000 UDP
  24. Okay, so I did some personal testing. I own the game both on Steam and disc luckily! The Steam version works fine on a mobile hotspot. The disc version, also worked fine, but did take quite a while longer to load due to me needing to use GameRanger to test it.? Can you try running the game without this second laptop? In other words, connect the mobile hotspot directly to the game laptop and see if that works fine!
  25. Is the game owned on disc then? I only ask because I've also had problems in the past running multiplayer on a certain disc, but a different copy of the game worked fine on disc! To clarify, this is your setup: - 2 separate laptops - 1 laptop is running an instance of Stronghold (Laptop A) - the other is used to configure ports and protocols for the mobile hotspot (Laptop B) - you have then connected the configured mobile hotspot to "Laptop A" via a LAN cable running from "Laptop B" Am I correct? I'm not 100% sure you said, but you didn't seem to correct either Chris or myself, are you trying to run Stronghold 2? Or a different instalment of Stronghold?
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