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Mathew Steel

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Everything posted by Mathew Steel

  1. Apologies, Internet explorer Windows 7 64-bit No restrictions
  2. Be patient, maps alone take 1-2 days to check. Everyone has personal things to complete also. Plus since this is a mod, it needs to be checked with more caution.
  3. Recently I cleaned up a few files on my computer. Any files I wasn't sure of, I googled the purpose of them first. Everything was okay. Until recently, none of the passwords for websites will save. Including here. I checked my internet options and it shouldn't be happening. Any ideas?
  4. I almost forgot one. It isn't troop or peasant dialogue but it's a quote from the Stronghold 2 campaign that I have not forgotten. "You need more than troops to win a war friend, you need (some word which I could never make out, sounds like glial, not a clue) and nerve to be victorious." It's said by Sir William during the starting cinematic of the mission, "Edwin's Rescue"
  5. That's great to here :) That's what I meant to say :P my bad
  6. April the 9th, 2015 Game - Stronghold 2 Version - 1.4.1 Participants: - Mathew Steel - Lord Chris Gameranger: Description - [sHN] Mathew Steel My username - {SHN} Mathew Steel Password - shns2 Global start times: ?18:00 (6:00 PM) GMT +1 - London, United Kingdom ?13:00 (1:00 PM) EST - North America ?10:00 (10:00 AM) PDT - Vancouver, Canada ?19:00 (7:00 PM) CEST - Belgrade, Serbia Notes: I understand this is extremely short notice. I just turned off my PC and thought, "I could really do with a game of Stronghold 2 later" then I instantly turned it back on to create this post. If you guys can't make it then don't worry, I'm sure we'll have a game at some point :) You may notice I haven't chose a map since I'm not sure how many players we will have and also, I'd like to have a vote between everyone :D
  7. "Not far now gentlemen" Sir Lloyd turns towards Duke Christopher "My legs are most grateful for this wagon" the group laughs. Upon remembering Goodman's suggestion, Sir Lloyd asks him "will we run into any trouble at the inn? Or should we be safe for a while?"
  8. Just so you know I updated the map to fix the no pikemen mistake. It seems I selected swordsmen instead :P
  9. "It seems we have more than one thing in common. I too lost my father due to war. In fact that's how Duke Christopher and I were acquainted. Shall we walk?" The group set forth for the inn. It had become dark. The wind whistled through the cracked leaves. The only light available, were the stars. "I was just a boy at the time. My father, had always been a traveller. He asked me to walk with him to the market a few villages away from our own. The path was an uncommon path, a simple dirt track leading from one end of a forest, to another. Along the way...we were attacked...an arrow, straight into the back of...my apologies. Regardless, the bandits didn't harm me, not soon enough that is. Before I knew it, a band of iron armoured soldiers were marching towards us. I could hear the noise of the chain mail rattling. The bandits attempted to flee after seeing the army size. Only a few survived. Duke Christopher and his men, turned around the other way, and escorted me back home safe. My father was given a proper ceremony in the Duke's castle." Sir Lloyd's eyes started to water as he stared at the damp ground. "My apologies. Shall we continue?"
  10. Then that may be the problem. I didn't think adding AI territories would cause such a ridiculous outcome, why have Firefly been so lazy with the map editor. I've seen countless bugs now. What about my map :( it wouldn't work as a Skirmish map and Free Build defeats the whole purpose of the map :(
  11. "Not at all Sire, distrust and caution are the parents of security, you will do well to be cautious" Sir Lloyd thought to himself for a few moments. "You there, with the bow, in Saxon clothing, we have not yet been introduced. Seems you and I will be close together once we get inside. Care to have a word with me?"
  12. "Or a travelling fare, my friend" Sir Lloyd chuckled to himself. "What about the rest of you? Think it's time to choose your disguise"
  13. It seems now that the invasions have decided to suddenly stop working. I have changed nothing but it's just decided to give up. Would you mind taking a look at it for me? I'd be very grateful :)
  14. I'd just like to say thank you to for creating this thread and to [user]Lord Vetka] for the descriptive explanation. I know you've explained invasions to me before, but every so often I forget, this was a good way to refresh my memory! :D
  15. Sir Lloyd walks over to the pile of disguises, upon picking up a disguise he smirks "my father always use to tell stories of Robin Hood" he pauses and thinks to himself. Noticing a silence, he continues "my bow should fit well with this, don't you think Goodman?" Sir Lloyd laughs.
  16. I do like the bandit one. Also some of the Axe Throwers, their accent just makes it funny. Yes, I do believe that's very close to what they say :D Also, is it just me, or do you tend to read the quotes with the same accent the characters have? :P
  17. Let's hope they fix it soon. It's very annoying :P
  18. I've recently created a war map on Stronghold Crusader 2. The map works and I managed to complete it. I would like to put a timer for the mission, so amount of months before you fail. I'm looking for 2 people to play the map and record their time (in minutes). I've already timed myself and so I only need another 2 people to help out. If you're interested, leave your email below and I'll send you the map. Best regards, Tom :)
  19. It seems to me that the map editor isn't working 100%. Whenever I want to close a map and open a new one, the only thing I can do is close the application, re-open it, then load the other map. This can be very frustrating, especially when I need to look at the other map for certain techniques etc. If I am doing something wrong, please let me know :)
  20. "Well, it seems everybody has arrived. Shall we set forth?" Sir Lloyd turns to Goodman "You are very wise sir, allow me to show my purpose through aiding you all on this quest"
  21. The castle quote box on the home page is a feature which I personally find is a very nice touch. It's not super complex etc but it sparks good old Stronghold memories. It's come to my attention that there are a few good dialogues missing. So I thought I'd state some of my favourite ones, and let you all choose: Stronghold 2 Armed Peasants - "Can't we 'ave some horses?" Spearman - "I, am confused" Light Cavalry (Mercenary) - "Our ponies are fresh" Warrior Monk - The flesh is weak, but the spirit is strong" There is a really good dialogue from the Crossbowman for Stronghold Crusader 2. I couldn't find the dialogue online and the one in-game is quite difficult to remember. It's something along the lines of "lift those legs or I'll snap them off..." followed my other text. If anyone remembers it, please do reply with the full dialogue :)
  22. [OOC] Chris, I imagine your character sounding a little like Sir William from Stronghold 2 :D Upon instantly recognising the voice, Sir Lloyd, falls to one knee "Sir Dewi Lloyd, at your service, sire" seeing a confused face, Sir Lloyd stands up, straightens his posture, "You're Duke Christopher, the Duke of Riverbourne. Sire, it's an honour"
  23. "Perhaps there's no time. From what I overheard, we must move fast" Sir Lloyd said, slowly taking his bow to hand. "If it's any help, I know a thing or two about a bow"
  24. "Your ears have not decieved you, I am indeed Welsh. Uncommon in these lands I'm sure" Sir Lloyd lowers his bow to show he means no harm. "Sir Dewi Lloyd, at your service. And who might you and these other fine gentleman be?"
  25. "I'm sure I could help with that" a new voice broke the silence.
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