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Mathew Steel

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Everything posted by Mathew Steel

  1. I apologise for my inactivity once again, I have just returned from a 2 week holiday and haven't yet had the chance to post. TODAYS TECHNOLOGY The VoIP Service Voice over Internet Protocol or VOIP, has been around since mid 90's. It's original purpose was to make telephone calls using the internet. It would use the IP system (hence it's value in the term VoIP) to connect 2 people together. Users of a normal telephone would not be able to tell if the person on the other end was also using VoIP or using a telephone also. It has it's advantages such as lower monthly telephone bills or virtual number which are numbers that ring in on a primary number and can be from other areas, even other states. Also, it has disadvantages, the obvious one being it requires an internet connection, today most people have this but back then it wasn't as common. Plus, if the internet connection goes, you cannot use VoIP. Of course, VoIP has been updated and adapted since the 90's. It's still used within companies to make calls from office to office. Companies such as childline use it too, allowing you to ring them on applications such as Skype. Which, leads me to the next point. Programs such as Skype or TeamSpeak all use VoIP. Meaning all you require to talk to friends and so on, is an internet connection. It's also been implemented into a lot of multiplayer games, such as Call of Duty, Battlefield. The new Stronghold was meant to have this option implemented, but later on it was scrapped. This may not seem like an amazing idea, but could you imagine not being able to use these programs?
  2. That is a possibility, if you want to fix this you'll have to do some port forwarding. Luckily I have quite a bit of experience with this due to setting up servers for my friends and I to play :D Before anything, you'll have to get into your router configuration menu, but even before that, you'll need to know your default gateway: Assuming you're using windows: Windows Button > Run (Unless you have the search option built in, like on windows 7) > "cmd" (without quotation marks) > "ipconfig" (without quotation marks) > Press enter This will bring up quite a bit of information. Somewhere near the top, there should be a sub heading, titled "Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection" if you're connecting to the internet wirelessly. If you are connected through an Ethernet cable, I think it will be called "Wired LAN adapter Wired Network Connection" or something similar :P In that sub-heading find "Default Gateway" usually this is something like "192.168.1.xxx" the x's being where your router's specific gateway address is entered. Open up your preferred web browser and type the default gateway number into the address bar, "192.168.1.xxx" if there is a prompt for a username and password, try "admin" for both. This is the most common username and password for router configuration. If you know you've changed the username or password, type it in accordingly. DO NOT post your default gateway or any other IP address in this topic! This is as far as I can take you for now. Provide me with your ISP (Internet Service Provider) for example, my ISP is BT. Once we've established this, I can further help you :)
  3. When you start the game, and you see the splash loading screen, in the bottom left (or right, I don't remember :P) do you see 1.4.1? If so, then you have the latest version.
  4. This is slightly late but as I've been on holidays, I haven't had time to post. If my advice doesn't work then by all means, continue to listen to Lord_Chris. This can still happen, even though you are still connecting. It's happened to me on a few occasions when playing games with higher latency than usual, eventually after a few minutes it would send me to the lobby screen. Have you tried waiting for a bit? Just to be sure it isn't down to latency/speed? If not, then I suggest following Chris' advice, it's the best bet you've got :)
  5. It's very modern and the UI is great. I like it :)
  6. Sir Lloyd thought about Sir Loring's words. Then answered "He doesn't seem to be a threat, although, him playing a fool may cause us to lower our guard. Until this quest is complete, I say we consider any new contacts a foe."
  7. [OoC] My bad, it was meant to be set as if a few hours had passed, should have mentioned that :P The group mounted their horses and sat up straight on the saddle. Blessings and good lucks were murmured between members of the group. The realisation of danger kicked in, soon silence dawned and memories, along with flashbacks, rose. "Remember men, stay aware, stay awake and keep your blade ready" instructed Sir Lloyd then he began to whisper to himself, "Ein Tad, yr hwn wyt yn y nefoedd..."
  8. For a while there was nothing to hear but the howling of the wind and the faint sound of crickets. The room remained dark and damp, everyone was impatient and fed up. Looking over, Sir Lloyd saw Goodman, peacefully sleeping, the silence in the room was soon broken by the conspicuous sound of heavy breathing and snoring. He chuckled to himself as he remembered his life before the recent events. "You hear that?" said Sir Loring. "I do" replied Sir Lloyd. "I pray that these are our horses and not a group of unwanted bandits." There was four knocks on the door, in a specific pattern, as if to signal a friendly presence. "State yourself" whispered Sir Lloyd through the hollow wood. "Your horses. We must leave, good luck" answered an unknown voice. Noticing a noise coming from behind them, the group spun around. To their relief, Goodman had awoken. "The horses are hear, Goodman. Are you ready?"
  9. Nope, it's possible to buy a 32GB SSD, although rare, since they are mostly USB's, again, they use the same type of storage, hence why USB's are so fast :) Of course it is possible to lose data with both drives, although since the SSD is completely electrical, power failure could be more devastating. It isn't a guarantee that a SSD will lose more data than a HDD, it's just in some situations, it's proven to be the case. Yes but in some cases power to the drive itself may be lost while the rest of the components are still running (although it is not at all common) and again this could cause memory loss, although, this is just as likely with a HDD :)
  10. It's been a while since the last one, so I thought I'd create two over the weekend :) TODAYS TECHNOLOGY HDD's and SSD's There are a lot of different ways of storing information today, files, notebooks and USB's are to name a few. Most computers will have a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) whereas some may have a Solid State Drive (SSD). What is the difference between the two and the differences that great? Let's begin with a HDD. A HDD uses an actuator that moves the read/write arm. These are electromagnets that position the read/write arm quickly and precisely. The read/write swipes back and forth along a platter. A platter is made of silver, this is where information is stored magnetically. A central spindle allows platters to rotate at a high speed. The information is stored in binary form. The read/write head is a tiny magnet on the end of the arm, this is used as a "pen" where information is taken and/or edited. An electronic circuit is used to control everything as a link between the HDD and your computer. So what about an SSD. Well, instead of using magnets, an SSD semiconductor chips. An SSD has no moving parts as it is completely electrical and not mechanical, like a HDD. What does this mean exactly? This means that an SSD can read/write data far quicker than a HDD. Everything is electrical which of course is far quicker than a moving arm. Of course, there are disadvantages to a SSD. For one, the price. Even a small 32GB SSD can cost about ?25, whereas a 32GB HDD would cost around ?10-12. At such a small size, it isn't a huge difference but as we move up the storage amount, the price difference is substantial. As well as this, they are vulnerable to power loss and electrical/magnetic currents, meaning data may be lost during such an event. Another would be that many SSD's still use more power than the standard hard drive, especially when idle. Then again, after purchasing my own 1TB SSD for a laptop. I immediately noticed the increased startup, windows 7 seems to startup quicker than windows 8, which has had numerous ways to decrease it's startup time. Also, as someone who plays a lot of games, loading screen times are drastically reduced and for someone with little patience, this is a huge improvement from a HDD.
  11. I shouldn't think so, the processor is quick enough for sure and the graphics card supports a 1080p video setting. Shouldn't have any problems :)
  12. As long as the laptop isn't going to be doing any intensive work and only used for general use (i.e. Microsoft Word or searching the Internet etc) the graphics card is fine. Intel graphics are just basic graphic cards allowing picture to be displayed, they aren't anything special. Most laptops tend to come with a discrete GPU if they cost over ?400 (about 67117 Serbian Dinar). The processor itself is a decent speed for a Celeron, which tend to be quite slow. Again, if for general use, those specifications should work a treat :)
  13. Oh sorry, uploading to the gallery.
  14. Also the gallery isn't working. Sorry to add more to your "To Do" list :P
  15. That sounds like an excellent idea. If I'm right. You want to create a lot of war/peace scenarios that all follow a storyline? :)
  16. While my current Crusader II project is on hold, I've decided to begin a new one for SH2. Story You have been exiled from your home land by the new corrupt king and queen. The two have heard about your past heroic actions and feel that you are a threat to their popularity. You were taken from your home at night by the kings men and left in a forest to rot. Sir William had heard of the happenings from his spies. He sent a small group of men to search for you. The men found you, just about to be torn apart by wolves. They helped you back up on to your feet and informed you of the situation. One of the swordsmen handed you a scroll, written by Sir William. It read: "My dear friend. I only pray that you live on. News of the royal treachery saddens me greatly. You and I both know how the past King would have honoured your efforts, not criminalise them. If you have been found where I suspected, then there is hope. There is a small castle nearby, it is currently under the influence of Lord Black Briar, a commander who has gained his status by birth. He serves the new King in return for land and gold. I am sure you know of my intentions. Take my men and head forth to his castle. Take control of the stronghold and maintain it. He is a cruel lord and so the people will welcome a new ruler, so long as he respects them. Also, these people know not of your previous quests, hence, your identity will be safe. I shall send more reinforcements before you begin the siege. Alongside you right now, is one of my best men, Sir Jackdaw. He can offer tactical advice and support if needed. I wish you the best of luck, be sure to send word once you have accomplished the task. I have faith in you friend. Remember, it takes more than troops to win a war. There will be more than one mission but for the introduction, William speaks only of one. If you would like to find out more, then be sure to download it once it's finished :D Be sure to let me know what you think of the idea :)
  17. I didn't change anything :P must have been Chrome :) I ought to change it soon :P
  18. "After today's training. I'd say they are improving, a lot. A few of them have managed to learn to accurately aim the bow and not guess." Sir Lloyd replied, dusting crumbs of bread off his hands as he finished speaking. He then whispered "Personally, I don't feel happy training people we will soon have to turn against. It will make our roles far more difficult."
  19. [OoC] I'm slightly confused with the story now. Is the Duke the Commander speaks of the one we all currently know (being Lord_Chris)? Also the Commander and his men. Would they be considered good people? Are they the 'bandits' that have taken control of the castle? Sorry :P
  20. Until I've made a beginning on the script there's not much I can say sorry. I'll be starting the script next week after my last exam :D Hopefully by then, there'll be a few more volunteers.
  21. That's not a problem :) as long as you can record your voice, then that's perfect, thank you!
  22. I've been debating with myself on the idea of a Stronghold Crusader II short film and through experimenting with recording, I'd say it's possible. However I would like it to have dialogue, this is where you come in. My idea is to get a few volunteers to be voice actors for this short film. You must be able to record your voice and send a file of your voice recording. If you wish to participate (and if I get enough volunteers) I will send a private message with more information. I will provide you with your roles and scripts accordingly. The idea isn't a definite but I thought I would get some volunteers ahead of time in case. Also, I will need a good looking map. If you feel you're up to it, leave a reply and again, I will send you more information on the map. The short film would be uploaded to YouTube and hence by participating you would have agreed to allow your voice to be on the Internet and that you are over the age of 13. Credit would be given to anyone that takes part and since people who watch the film would most likely be a fan of the Stronghold series, I could post a link to SHN in the description. Thank you for your time :)
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