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Mathew Steel

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Everything posted by Mathew Steel

  1. Wow this was most unexpected. I appreciate it, hopefully I can continue to contribute for many years to come! Thank you Chris and thanks to you also Crusader :)
  2. That's actually a great idea Chris. I remember creating those type of games on good ol' Halo :P a lot of people downloaded and favorited it. It works really well, as for Crusader, it should work even better. Small fortifications scattered across the map, and they don't necessarily need to be equal.
  3. That's a lot of good ideas :D and I like the idea of a "field battle" @Lord_Chris knows this from our matches in SH2 :P Really it depends what the competition is about. If it's about tactical manoeuvring decisions then I'd say, players both get the same amount of troops and the same units exactly. All they have to do, is kill the enemy lord (castles would have to be placed to make it playable but there should be no effort to build an industry or defences etc).# However, if the competition is about game-sense in general, then I'd say players have a set amount of gold and the required training buildings, barracks etc. Players cannot earn any more gold and must use the gold they have to buy specific troops. Now, as for knight spam, there are two options. Either ban the knights (and other troops you feel should be banned) or, set a small amount of starter gold. Sure knights are strong, but if one player buys 10 knights, and the other buys 30 crossbowmen, the long range units will win. That's my view anyway :)
  4. Well now I feel stupid :/ my bad :D
  5. My bad, I thought of posting it here but I was unsure :P The disc is v1.3D (assuming the D is deluxe). I've tried the patch from a few websites, all are the same files and size, each with the same installer.
  6. After updating my Stronghold 2 game from v1.3 to v1.3.1 the game fails to launch. Instead, I see the "working" mouse cursor and then it disappears, looking in task manager, no process of SH2 even launches, so it isn't a crash. I tried reinstalling the game completely, to no prevail. I have updated versions of Direct X and I'm running windows 7. I never had this trouble on my laptop however, I do recall going straight from v1.3 to 1.4 on my laptop, so I never even tried v1.3.1. I need to be able to use v1.3.1 for a project for SH2. My PC Specs: AMD FX-6350 Six-Core Processor (3.9GHz) 8GB DDR3 RAM 64 bit OS 1TB HDD (787GB free) GTX 960 All help appreciated, Thank you!
  7. All of us here own at least one Stronghold game I'm sure. A lot of us would have a Steam copy of the game, but I'm sure you all have interests in other games. Surprisingly a lot of games on Steam that are free are great. In this topic, I'll post any good free games I'd recommend, to save you having to look through. I'll be updating it every so often :) Here's what I have already Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Phantoms This is a third person shooter, multiplayer only, co-operative and competitive game. The main gamemode is Team Deathmatch but after a certain rank, the next gamemode is unlocked. There are a few maps, not as many as you'd maybe want but I feel every map is good. There are a variety of guns and 3 different classes, each with their own abilities and skills. The game uses common Tom Clancy physics, taking cover, bullet drop, different playing angles, allowing you to swap the camera side when moving corner to corner. A lot of complaints have been made that the game is "pay to win." Admittedly, there are quite a few things you can buy, but you aren't separated. It's not as if you can't use any assault rifle, you just have less variety. Plus, from my experience, most of the people that have paid the full price aren't that good :P The game was released in 2014, yet the graphics don't show that. The game isn't really demanding meaning a huge majority will be able to play the game with at least 60FPS. Personal rating - 7/10 Neverwinter Neverwinter is a MMORPG. It is a PC version of the game Dungeons and Dragons and follows the same sort of playstyle as World of Warcraft. Varieties of different races are available, each with different classes and abilities. Some races are DLC which you need to pay for but they aren't overpowered so to say. You can have just as much fun using the free version, except for the level cap, which is surprisingly much higher than the level cap of 20 as seen in World of Warcraft. The game allows you to team up, battle, complete quests and so on. From what I've played, the community are all friendly and a lot of players really take in the role playing part of the game, so much that it brings the game to life. It's was released in very late 2013 and the Steam reviews are very positive. The graphics follow the old school MMO graphics which really gives you nostalgia as you play. Any lover of Dungeons and Dragons is sure to love this game. Personal rating - 8/10 Team Fortress 2 TF2 is a Valve made game and has a massive community and great feedback from the Steam reviews. The game is mainly multiplayer however you may play against bots if you prefer. There are a lot of different gamemodes and custom game modes available like with most Valve games. The game itself uses the same mechanics as all Valve created games. The movement, the shooting and so on. For someone who loves Valve games, I really enjoyed my time on TF2. Also, like most Valve games, it isn't demanding, meaning more or less anyone can run it no worries. Personal rating - 7/10 Hopefully you enjoy at least one of these guys, check back in a few weeks for more! :)
  8. I gave you positive feedback because I laughed more than I should have :P
  9. Excellent I'll be able to make it. May have told my friends a slight lie to stop anyone else inviting themselves over :D
  10. 5 of us, excellent :D should be exciting! :)
  11. I'll definitely be able to join tomorrow, plus a game with 4 will be far more exciting :D As long as that's okay with infinitysuns as this is my fault for the inconvenience :P
  12. I am such a fool, I realised that today is Wednesday. I have rugby at 6pm. Unless the training is cancelled I can't make it, very sorry :( I'll let you know ASAP
  13. Sir Lloyd taking cover behind a boulder to the far left of Goodman continued firing his arrows, accompanied by Sir Loring. He looked over to Goodman, noticing a tall figure in leather prepare to strike at Goodman. "Goodman!" Sir Lloyd shouted, firing an arrow in Goodman's direction. The arrow pierced the man, he fell down like a ton of bricks. Sir Lloyd returned a nod to Goodman, to signal a welcome. He then turned to Sir Loring, crouched beside him "Loring, you're a better leader than I, take the men to the brow of the hill and support us from up there."
  14. I can second this. Never been a fan of the android OS, it's not so much complicated, it's more the fact that everything is in strange places. Of course, that's just preference :)
  15. [OoC] Apologies for my lack of contribution to the adventure recently, I've been away and have only now read over all the posts made during my inactivity. I must say this is getting far more exciting :D I don't think I can say much on this part, I'll add my next post when an opportunity arises :)
  16. Sounds good, any idea when it'll be released?
  17. I've always wanted to try Stronghold Kingdoms since I learned about how it works. I feel it fits well for iOS and so I'll be sure to start it on my phone. Looking forward to it :)
  18. I forgot to say, you can add me to the list Chris, it's likely I'll be there but I'll let you know for sure closer to the date. Glad you could make it @infinitysuns :)
  19. I can't seem to move to the second page within a PM discussion. If I click next or (2) I am still returned to the first page.
  20. Well I have a few weeks free, but I can't promise that I won't be doing something on a particular day. So far I can make it, I'll let you know if this changes closer to the date :)
  21. This may be moved to the Open Castle Inn, but since it's volunteering, it fits better here :) A few friends and I have decided to finish (after a long time) preparation for our ArmA 3 Altis Life server. Everything is more or less done, however there are a few more plugins and errors that need fixing. I myself can't code, and so have been working on the map itself and the website. If you are to join, then you are agreeing to become a member of the server and help with future coding, not just a one time thing. There are only 2 coders (one being the owner) and we desperately need more. If you wish to help, leave a reply here, or contact me by email - kompact111@gmail.com The server is based on TeamSpeak 3, so you'll need to download the client to communicate with us. There will be an interview if you meet the necessary requirements. Please reply/email me with the following information: First name - TeamSpeak 3 username - Nationality (not important, just useful to know) - Information on your coding ability. Past experience? - Age - Feel free to ask for more information if you don't feel like you understand the post 100% I know there are a few coders here, so this is the first place I came. Thank you! :)
  22. After doing some more research, I did too notice that hardly anyone has this problem. Meaning, it's very unlikely. However, it can't hurt to try :) I do suggest continuing with Lord_Chris' advice, I'll keep coming back to read over and input my help when I can, good luck!
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