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Mathew Steel

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Everything posted by Mathew Steel

  1. I'm up for that, what time were you thinking? Anyone else who wants to join is more than welcome!
  2. Came here expecting to comment on dead screen pixels. Was not disappointed :D
  3. I was just looking at my reputation stats out of interest, and whenever I try and see the second page, it takes me to the first one. This happens whether I click 'next' or the number '2' Just letting you know :)
  4. I realise this is very short notice. However, if anyone is up for a game of SH2 at some point today let me know. Again, this isn't containing any detailed information as it is very short notice, and if nobody is available, no worries. This is just the simplest and easiest way of making sure everyone is aware :)
  5. Wow Nigel, we are really giving Crusader a run for his money! :D Kidding of course. It is fun knowing this specific trivia mind!
  6. Isn't that where the two fingers (middle and index) up became a swear? From those archers? If I recall correctly, their fingers were cut off if they were captured and to do that would be a form of taunting. Correct me if I'm wrong of course :D
  7. Could someone explain? I don't play the first Crusader often and the picture is a little blurry on my phone at least.
  8. Either burnt or burned are acceptable as past tense verbs. It's just more common to say burnt here in the UK as far as I know!
  9. Honestly the only difference I notice between American English and British English is spelling. Armour to armor and so on. I notice a lot of the slang too "ya'll" and so on. Without meaning to cause offence, I really hate that word, it makes me cringe whenever I see or hear it. Also past tense verbs, in American English, it's common to say burned, whereas British English, it's more common to say burnt. I learnt French in school, I'm nowhere near fluent, but I can understand it a lot more than I can speak it. It's an excellent thing to be able to speak several languages, I often feel ashamed of myself going to countries and not knowing any of their native tongue.
  10. I believe it's one of those languages that you need to learn from a young age to fully understand it. It has a lot of grammar rules, mutation of words. For example: Front = Blaen The front = Y flaen The b changes to an f if the correct mutational determiners are in front of it.? Anyhow, I'd be interested to learn more about your language Eagle, it sounds like it's also rather complex :)
  11. Everyone in Wales has the option to go to a Welsh school for free and learn in Welsh. I did it, I have lots of friends who have done it, many famous people have done it. But for some reason, parents choose against it. It makes no sense to me. I'll be making sure my own children are taught in Welsh, and if that's not an option, I'll teach them Welsh myself.
  12. That's a good point, however, Welsh identity is fading very quickly. A small minority cannot even speak the language. A large majority know nothing of our history. People think their own language sounds "silly." As a Welsh speaker myself, it's very saddening to see. And I fear if we leave the UK, what is left of us??
  13. I believe the last time Wales was independent was before 1282, after Llywelyn ein Llyw Olaf (Our Last Prince, Llywelyn) died during an English conquest. Times of course are completely different now.
  14. As I predicted, Plaid Cymru (The Party of Wales) are discussing making Wales independent. Not sure how I feel about it. On one hand, being united with England, Scotland and Northern Ireland is great. I like the feeling of being able to say we are all part of the UK. On the other hand, would Wales do better alone? Personally, I don't think so. If we leave the UK, we should join the EU once again, if not, then we should remain in the UK. I can't see Wales doing well alone. EDIT: Chris just asked in PM what the general opinion is in Wales. As far as I know, from personal experience, Plaid Cymru never really gets anywhere. They promise a lot of things they don't accomplish.? If I had my choice, I'd stay in the UK (regardless of what I previously said) we cannot afford to keep splitting up from one another.
  15. I hope that wasn't a reference to immigrants, or Islam attempting to "take over."
  16. I hope this discussion does not cause us to fall out. I respect everybody will have different views on the matter and it's normal to agree and disagree. Chris to my earlier point, I meant misinformed, not uneducated. That is a fault on my behalf, I couldn't think of the word and ended up writing something I didn't mean. I don't wish to carry on with the conversation personally. I feel that naturally we are all biased and it's unlikely our views will change.?
  17. I feel that unless there is a second referendum, it won't be long until Wales are voting to leave the UK. Personally, I hope we do if that is the case.
  18. I think the world needs a reboot lol.? Joking aside, I appreciate the open minded approach you have, Crusader. It's a shame there aren't more people like you. I mean everywhere, not strictly America.
  19. But those psychopaths shouldn't have had the chance to legally purchase a gun anyway!? I'm not generalising, but there are people in the US that will happily throw Muslims out of their country because they are a threat, yet believe people with mental illnesses should have the right to buy a gun. It isn't logical! Again, Crusader, I am not speaking of the US as a whole. I am fully aware there are law biding citizens who own guns and (fingers crossed) have never and will never have to shoot it at someone. It's just tragic to see it happen when it does.
  20. I really don't wish to argue about this. If Wales left the UK and joined the EU once again, I'd be a very happy person. EDIT: As for my stereotype I apologise to anyone who has taken offence to it. I get angry over such things, and can see why my point was incorrect. However, it does make me question why people vote for these parties. I will say this though. The NHS promise was a HUGE factor in influencing the voters to leave. Believe what you want, I know lots of people, nurses, teachers, receptionists that all said they voted leave because of that one promise. As for the immigration voters, immigration isn't going to change. It just isn't. Levels will stay the same, too many uneducated people were allowed to vote. Whilst 16-17 year olds were not allowed, regardless of their knowledge on the topic.
  21. Results are in, we are leaving the EU.? Chris, after reading what you said that day, I decided to spend an hour really researching into the topic. Now we know the outcome. I couldn't be more angry, disappointed and worried. We have all been lied to. What is really happening here has been masked, covered up, sugar coated if you will. Nigel Farage (who is a complete racist and b*****d) lied to us about to us about the ?350 million that was PROMISED to go to the NHS, as he has said this morning that this was a "mistake," it wasn't a mistake, it was an intentional and in all fairness tactical, lie. That promise was a huge influence on the people to vote leave. Plus, I'm sure he himself will get a nice raise out of that ?350 million. What was said to mean "more control over our borders" is literally what I hate. Nationalism. In a time of conflict, we have chosen to separate. In a time where allies need to stay together, we have chosen to 'fend' for ourselves. You know who else claims he wants "more control over borders" - Donald Trump. In my eyes, UKIP and Donald Trump are racist. They're the percentage of the population that live in the past, the type of people that think black people are the cause for all crime. Idiots. Already the value of the British pound has dropped. This seems like a little thing really, just a bit of copper. It's far more than that. We could have swapped to the Euro, but we didn't. The pound is part of us. It's unique to us. And it's dying already. It's interesting to see that the majority of the people that voted leave, are old age pensioners. The people that, let's be honest, won't be here long enough to experience the effect of what is to happen. The people who's values may not have changed since their time perhaps? I don't like what is happening to us. And I fear it's going to get worse. Don't get me wrong, Chris, I respect your opinion, but I am so furious at what has happened.
  22. I really wasn't expecting such a (very very very) thorough response. Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful for it! I've just read through it and it's really making me want to get out of the EU just to see how we'd do. I personally, can't vote, but I'm looking forward to seeing the result.? Thank you, Chris. If you wish to add anything else, please do! :)
  23. I'm not exactly in touch with politics, although I do like reading about certain things, especially those that will affect me. However, this EU referendum has left me at a brick wall. I have no idea what sources to trust. What will affect me? What does this mean for my future? What does this mean for the UK? I'm a 16 year old living in Wales. I plan on going to university after I finish my years in sixth form, and plan on studying forensic psychology.? What I'm asking is for someone to explain to me the advantages and disadvantages of us leaving the EU. Preferably without any bias answers, just solid facts :) Thank you in advance to all that reply!
  24. I find that also. I find everything flows much smoother! I think he's absolutely brilliant. I'm a huge fan!
  25. That's very interesting that you can play the Keyboard but not so much the piano! Never heard of that before :D Drums are always a cool thing to play haha!? I'm currently teaching myself "Always a Woman To Me" by Billy Joel. It's such a lovely song and I'm surprisingly doing well so far! It's one of the few songs I can sing to whilst playing without messing up :/ I suppose to an extent my music taste isn't so much per artist but more per song. Meaning I pick and choose songs from different artists, for example, I like some songs by The Eagles and others not so much. Although, I happily listen to any music being played, as long as it isn't techno or dubstep :P
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