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Everything posted by EaglePrince

  1. Hey guys! I've been away for a while. I went to vacation, just like many of my countrymen - to Greece. I've "charged my batteries", it was nice. Plus, it is a place which I have mentioned before - Toroni. They have remains of an old Bizantine stronghold, I saw it before - from a ship. This time I was able to come closer and walk across it, which satisfied my curiosity. Not much to see, pretty unsafe to walk around, but still interesting to be able to see at least some of it. My girlfriend likes sea, I like strongholds, so this was a neat compromise. :D I will post few pictures some time later. How are you guys doing? :)
  2. This is very useful, thanks for taking your time to write it down for everybody. Indeed, it tells a lot why Stronghold Legends is the favorite Stronghold game for many, here they really thought of everything. I'm even surprised that there are options to help the AI with the choice for siege camp positions, helping AI with where to send their archers and crossbowmen, etc. Fantastic! I mean, the only downside of SHL for me has been that it is not "realistic" like other Stronghold games, with all that magic, and stuff like that, but they truly made learned from their mistakes from Stronghold 2.
  3. Thank you very much, Mathew, happy to finally officially be part of the team! :)
  4. Definitely not late. :) Thanks. :)
  5. Thanks for the kind words Chris, and thanks for the trust! I am very happy with the promotion, and I will be honored to serve. :)
  6. This is an interesting video. Stronghold Warlords will kinda have unit collision. :) Well, better that than nothing, and hopefully we will get unit collision the next time. At this moment, when units move through other friendly units, their movement looks like they are moving between those other soldiers, and they are even pushing them slightly. Also, they can move in formations. Plus, more importantly, when they fight, it should be impossible to pass through enemy knights like in Stronghold 2, and and it should be impossible for large number of units to attack the smaller group all at once. We will see. :)
  7. Invision Power seems to be supported by Tapatalk. https://www.tapatalk.com/download_IPBoard Certainly, I don't wouldn't want to rush into anything either. Regarding switching forum software, I completely understand. I don't know much about it either. The only reason I pointed these out is because you mentioned how we could benefit from new players from Stronghold Warlords, and I think that at this moment most of the people, be it kids or somebody in their twenties or thirties, don't wait to get home to write something on internet, or read - they do it on the phone, in a bus, or whatever. And if we needed to experiment with something, it is easier when there are few of us who know each other, than when some new people start coming by. There are also these errors, such as the one we're having right now when submitting new messages. Maybe it wouldn't happen if the forum software was simply more up-to-date. But most importantly, I don't want to push anything, I'm fine with the forum as it is. :)
  8. We were speaking in the thread for the new Stronghold about mobile-friendliness of the forum, and about Tapatalk. Chris replied me there, and as he suggested, I decided to continue the conversation in a more appropriate thread. Firstly, yes, I completely agree that having a single app for us would not be the best for us. It's costly, like Chris said, plus even when it's done, it would need to be maintained... So we would just make things more expensive, and not that practical. Having to maintain at least two apps beside taking care of the website. That is what something like Tapatalk might be a good solution. In this case we would need to install a plug-in on our forum thanks to which people would be able to visit the forum through the app. This way the forum itself is not being hosted elsewhere. However, yes, I assume Chris is right that entire traffic would at least go through another server as well - at least for those users using the app. Another thing we were discussing before is that not all forums supported. But that would lead us to another possible conclusion. Maybe we could migrate the entire forum - to use another "engine" (or platform, I'm not sure what is the right term). It might be possible, for example, I have seen that many free blog platforms have the option to migrate everything from another platform into it. Maybe some modern forum templates/platforms would allow us to migrate the forum into it - and get mobile-friendliness. Maybe this would be a more practical way? To pick a platform which would give us more modern designs on its own, and possibly offer us done app of their own - if not Tapatalk, maybe something else. Tapatalk surely isn't perfect, there are things I don't like about it. For instance, within the app there are many ads, and for a user to remove the ads it's too costly in my option. It's something they would want to charge annually, though there is an option for the forum owner to pay to get rid of these ads for their visitor. And another downside is that the money from these ads go only to Tapatalk I think, though I'm not sure about that, and the owner of the website would loose even those few bucks from those discreet ads on the forum itself.
  9. Unfortunately, I couldn't be as helpful about that as much as I would like to. But I think this is another occasion where I could come up with Tapatalk. :) I really think that for this the forum has to become more mobile friendly. One way to do it is Tapatalk, or another application, and the other way would be making the forum itself more mobile friendly. Though I think the app can help gather more regular visitors, but either way - mobile-friendliness would allow players to visit the website on their phone while playing the game, and stuff like that. It's very hard to compete with Steam whose discussions can be accessed from within the game by Steam Overlay, and with Steam having its own app. I mean, one could say that the new generations are becoming more lazy, or we could simply agree that they are able to access most of the stuff far more comfortably than we used to be.
  10. I agree regarding the style. The style reminds me of some old games like Zeus... What I also don't like is the way they display the fire, it is similar to Crusader 2. It just doesn't feel right. As I often used to say, it would be far better if they made a 2D game, and with exciting gameplay, then those 3D games. But I guess they want to do 3D because they need to sell it for higher price, although after seeing the latest two games - this 3D thing could be beyond their capabilities. We shall see. And we still don't have unit collision. Not even in 2020...
  11. Indeed, those are wonderful news! We finally get to see what they plan to bring us next. I still haven't seen the other video, but after Crusader's comments, I have to - as soon as I get home. :D However, I'm not entirely sure whether it's going to be actually good. It seems to be using the same engine as Crusader 2, and somehow it just doesn't give me that nice feeling like the older Stronghold games did - prior to Stronghold 3. But still, even if it is the same engine, they've showed siege towers in the trailer. It seems promising. Also, they have more different factions, four of them if I'm more mistaken, so all of that promised to be better than Crusader 2. I will get back to you as soon as I watch the other video as well. :)
  12. Sounds like "he raped you, he murdered you, he killed your children". :D Ha, I hoped all you guys would stick together, but I seams like Mathew has changed his loyalty. :D Or he wanted to spice things up a little. :D Are all three of you still I'm the same world, but only on different parts of it, or are those different worlds now? And jokes aside (I don't know if that is a common expression, please correct me :) ), I suppose Mathew started on that older world without talking to you, and had to join a different alliance? I remember these things from playing Travian, when I noticed some my friends had also joined the world, but on different part of it where another alliance we dominant, so no matter who would try to join the others alliance, they would soon get destroyed. :)
  13. Good news everyone! Firefly has finally announced what is good to be the Stronghold Next. Here's the video. It's going to be called Stronghold: Warlords, and it's going to be about Far East. However, we should hold out breath, it's planned to arrive in 2020. What are your thoughts?
  14. And in case that it's simply about forum software, how easy would it be to migrate the forum into a more modern one? That might be a way to "fix" nite "issues", including not having a mobile friendly theme, and the ability to enable Tapatalk.
  15. Same with me. When I go back, and resubmit the post, then it works. I am logged in with multiple browsers and devices, including Opera on my phone, and Chrome browser on PC's. Perhaps something else too.
  16. Yes, in that case your post is even more relevant. One could easily get to think how, if you buy something online, you can't get your country to help you. And who knows, maybe in my case it would be harder than for you - from the UK. Nevertheless, I have heard about laws like that. For example, when I make a booking of a hotel room, and I get charged, then I can get my money back now matter what the hotel states, because I was charged by the hotel without being physically there. Now, that sounds strange to me actually. Your example sounds more natural. But it's definitely worth reading those "few paragraphs". Luckily for us, today all those documents are available online. PS. "11.4.2. Any, including one-time, breach by the User of the conditions hereof or of the Key Documents, as well as the terms for using other games of Battlestate Games Limited. In this case, Battlestate Games Limited and/or the Licensor does not refund the User or reimburse any losses." I don't know if it's because English is not my native language, but without your explanation I would have no clue what they meant to say with this. :D I was like "If I something, then something something... What!?" :D
  17. This is an important topic, and I am happy you made it through. I would also like to add. It's not even about the EU only. Even in smaller countries laws explicitly say that one (in this case the costumer) cannot give up his right, not evening if you sign a contract. The law is above any contact. However, here where I live it does matter where you buy stuff. There are many shops that don't sell their stuff legally. I can recognize many who sell stuff from AliExpress. So I just stick to those few that I know they're fine. And surely, it's all far from the state of things in developed countries, and I happy that at some of those useful things were forced by the EU to my country. Out of curiosity. Did you buy the game online, or in a retail shop?
  18. But Crusader is more dynamic because resourced and everything else is being produced faster, including massive armies. That's what I meant. :) And I completely agree with you, even in Crusader there are many players who play in higher speed because they think Crusader is not dynamic enough. But in reality, it's then who don't know how to use the time. I imagine you have the same feeling about Stronghold 1. And more dynamic isn't better. It depends. As I see it, Stronghold 1 is less dynamic, and therefore players must play more carefully - your mistakes here are far more expensive. And because of that, Stronghold 1 players need to be more patient, and I think that's why Stronghold 1 has more mature players. Once again, just like I told you at Steam, I like what you do. I hope you will also try some stuff suggested here by others, such as talking to the microphone instead of typing. :)
  19. First of all, I meant noting bad. :) We simply prefer different styles of playing. I prefer to actually build a castle, and you prefer it another way. And both are fine, and both types of players can appreciate your content. That's what I did in the first place! I learned a lot by playing on my own. Then I met some other players, some of those "pros", and then I learned their ways. After that I made my own style - to build a castle, AND to build the economy more efficiently. And why not - use some of the fighting tactics I've learned from "pros". Later I only played with friends from this forum, and I changed it a little bit more - I refrained from using few more of those tricks. Such as - not spam mills and water pots for higher population. Also, there is no pro player in Stronghold 1 or Crusader 1. Pro is somebody who gets paid for it. No matter how good you're at playing the game, you're not a pro unless that's how you earn for living. ;) Stronghold 1 and Crusader 1 are simply two different games. Crusader is more dynamic and has more troops, while Stronghold 1 has slower economy. Both are very fun, neither is better. It is a matter of preference. I didn't fall into an abyss, I just noted what I don't want to spend my time on. Teaching other player to play is never bad. Maybe not teaching them is actually arrogant. They don't teach anybody, and when they defeat the new guy easily, they just quit telling how he's a noob. That's very immature. I actually prefer my friends from Crusader 1 for that matter, and the best ones are those who don't expect any loyalty. I mean, what loyalty, are they some kind of kings, or something? Hell, no. Be their friend, and accept that all of them have their own (real) lives. And accept the fact that they are not signing a contact with the Devil, they can do whatever they want, even online. There is no possible way one could become your enemy online. :D And it is not easy to learn to play Crusader 1, it is only easier to learn to play it in certain rules, such as "no fire, no flying stone". And it was easier to learn even before all that was on YouTube, because there were players willing to show you. I don't judge you, nor your friends. I am sorry if you got that impression. :) I am only speaking about those games, and how I prefer to play these games. And I don't say that those who don't think like me are worse in any way, we just like different things. ;) And what bonds us, we like the same game. :)
  20. Rakso, been there, done that. :) I used to play Stronghold Crusader of those "pros", but I don't like their ways. They are too competitive, and I my opinion it ruins the fun. I got tired of those guys making screenshot of every game, trying to prove something to the "community". What is more, settings rules which favor not building almost any defensive structures is wrong. Those guys should return to what the game was supposed to be. Sure, those scenarios you're describing are possible even in Crusader. Both players can just "turtle", build up a lot of defensive structures, and then it may seam pointless to try to end the game. However, if you let your enemy build up like that, isn't that your fault as well? Why did you let him? Try to push him, while he didn't make all that. Or - why play 1v1, why not 2v2. In this case, if one side "turtles", then each player from that team would actually be an easy target for the other team which controls the map. There are other ways you could play the game in the more natural way - you may set some other rules. Or, what is the BEST, absolutely the BEST, is to play the game with friends. Not with some bragging dudes over there. It is far more fun - there will be no leavers, and you will all play for fun, no matter how good or bad somebody plays. You will find a way to make the fight even. And when you play with friends, one awesome thing comes in in Stronghold 1! You can make an alliance, or you can force somebody to make the alliance, and he can even betray you. The fact that somebody made those Alpha rules doesn't mean to me that those rules are the best, but sure - it suited some people for some reasons. For example, this way the game lasts shorter time. But this is actually only important if you play with random people, not when playing with friends. I think that we look at it just differently. You want to take down your opponent, while some other people which may be labeled as "noobs" like to spend the quality time in the game. Look at Stronghold 2 for example. For fighting, it's not much, but to "chill and fight", damn, it's perfect. And if only we were able to play the multiplayer against AI lords. It's similar in Stronghold 1 and Crusader 1. You can build your castles, and fight, and agree not to "turtle" too much. Then you would have many skirmishes outside your castles, and one players defeat on an open field, or in front of an enemy castle, could have massive impact on the game - and even mean your eventual defeat. Because in Stronghold 1, which is great, one cannot replace their troops as easily as in Crusader 1. But you need some different rules for that, such as - not throwing cows on troops in open field. Maybe what I said now is the reason why people now haven't adopted this "pro" way of playing in Stronghold 1. It's too far away from the originally intended way of playing, the natural way of playing. However, all this is my opinion, and I may not be right. :D And no matter what we thought about this matter, people love knowing more tricks, and knowing how to play in a more efficient way. No matter whether they play "the way it was meant to be played", or by Alpha or Liga rules, this is useful to them.
  21. Haha, it sounds like somebody's having fun. :D Or somebody else at least. :D Good luck to you in the next world! I would love to join you, especially when I hear you're just starting, but damn, I know I couldn't afford the time to play it. Also, I remember when I was playing Travian, it was very bad actually considering that one needed to access a PC every now and then. Though it might be different now when the games can be played on the phone.
  22. Or, the other good way would be to use a microphone. Though I understand some might be "microphone-shy", me included. :) But speaking out loud is, I think, still the best for videos like this.
  23. Glad to hear from all of you guys! Congratulations, you've been doing quite well, I see. :) And just one observation - computer science you say... So you're pretty close to me in that sense. For my PhD theses I do algebra, and I'm having around myself a lot of people who do computer science. Though those closer to me are less into programming themselves, but more into stuff like "what could a PC possible compute", in terms of how complex would something be to compute. Beside that, I'm teaching C# to students of mathematics at my faculty. :) Though I am a mathematician. One more thing worth telling. Programming can be very useful in mathematical proofs - it can help you with counterexamples. A group at St Andrews University (among few other universities in Germany and the USA I think) works on something called GAP. It could be used when working with graphs, and some structures that we call groups. I hope we would be able to play a game or two when the summer comes, together with Crusader1307. ;)
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