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Everything posted by EaglePrince

  1. That's exactly the option which I chose. :) It is the one only mission - kill and don't be killed! :) In that case, I agree it is the best solution. I only taught that you might be unaware of this, so that you should probably tell you, as I was the first one to upload Stronghold Crusader skirmish map. But is there an option about number of players for Stronghold 2 kingmaker maps? I don't play Stronghold 2 very often, Stronghold Crusader is my favorite, but I think maximum number of players would be an important information about some certain map.
  2. Hi, I am uploading one skirmish map for Stronghold Crusader at this moment, and I have noticed few things. I have to chose difficulty level and number of missions, but as it is a skirmish map, we cannot say if it is hard or easy, and it has no missions. Except that one - destroy everyone on the map who is not your ally! :D Also, there is an option "number of estates"... I have chosen 8, as my map was made for players, but I think these two: number of players and number of estates is not the same thing. I only meant to inform you about this matter. Regards!
  3. Yeah! :D I posted that picture only to show my entire castle from that mission, cause my banner is showing the lord on the large gatehouse of the castle. :) And this is my signature for competition (in case I change it some day, so it would remain visible here): ____________________________________________________________________ My walls are strong, my men are in good heart. Bring o?n your slings and arrows! ____________________________________________________________________
  4. Speaking about my banner, it is 400x100. Only image of the castle is larger that this (512x384). Is that ok? I fear that height of 100px of image would make the screenshot too small? I've just added the link to this tread as well onto the banner. I have also uploaded my screenshot to the gallery.
  5. Hi, I'd like to apply for competition for the first signature of the month. This is a screenshot made in Stronghold Crusader. More precisely, it is my castle that was built in the last mission of Crusader Trail. I will also post my entire castle from that mission. :)
  6. Thanks for explanations about the downloads section. :) OK, I will ask him about this matter, and I will inform you here, what he said.:)
  7. Yes, that's what I was referring to. Also, I definitely agree that we would need to have Teuton Ritters permission to do something like that. Only I taught it would be better to ask you, if you are willing to make something like that here, after what we would ask Teutonen Ritter for his permission. Well, you're right about forum for that one mode... As it is mod of Stronghold Crusader, it should be in Stronghold Crusader, not in separate place. I haven't tried to upload any maps yet (so I didn't have any issue as well :) ), but I will soon. I also have some fresh idea for a new map. By the way, did you make an option here for Stronghold Crusader 1.3, so we could select this version, if a map was made with this one. Maybe, we would make similar thing for maps made by Stronghold Europe? (we could chose between 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and Stronghold Europe (SHE))
  8. Hi, I guess, I could introduce myself.:) I am EaglePrince - the same EaglePrince from Stronghold Heaven, Stronghold Knights, I fight under the same name on GameRanger, and I always appear with this very same shield with eagle!:)
  9. Hi, all! I guess most of you know me, some from Stronghold Heaven, some from Stronghold Knights, and some from GameRanger. I'm sure you have heard of Stronghold Europe. I find it really interesting - with this mod, it is possible (in some way) to play skirmish games in Stronghold 1. I find it really interesting, although it is not exactly Stronghold 1 - all economy is faster, just like in Stronghold Crusader, and troops are like in Stronghold Crusader (swordsmen are the same as in SHC, for example). Nevertheless, it is still interesting. :) I haven't tried it yet, but I'm gonna try to play it in multiplayer, and I will post here, if I succeed or not. :) What I wanted to ask you... Would that be possible to make Stronghold Europe section here (and maybe Stronghold Europe section for downloads - I'm not sure yet how does that work here), so we could make a community of players who play this game here? I know there is forum for this, but it is all in German, this one would be the first one in English, I guess?
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